The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1032: The strongest needle in a haystack

The ice is gone!

He chopped up the surrounding bamboos, and the flying bamboos were attracted by the huge stars and flew towards the surroundings.


This power continues to spread.

at the same time.

Because of its fast flight, bamboo contacts with the water in the air to form a water column. The water column quickly condenses into ice and continues to fly forward.

Poof! puff!

The ice flew out again.

that's it.

Xia Xia didn't use much power, but directly spread his attack quickly.

The endless power spreads rapidly like this.

Summer is sitting there.

Perceive everything around you.

at the same time.

The law of the sun continues to spread.

This is another way to control the power of the law. In normal battles, the power of the law is played, but the control of the law is also an art.

"It's really terrifying, your control of the law has reached such a level. Normally, what the people of Shenzhou pursue is the maximization of the law's attack, and they ignore the control of the law until they cultivate to the highest level. The realm of the player will understand that no matter how powerful the attack maximization was before, in this realm, the maximum attack maximization is almost the same, but each person's control ability is different, which also determines their strength, so they will also be It took 100,000 years, hundreds of thousands of years to cultivate the control of the power of the law, and because the power of the law is too powerful, it is very difficult to learn to control." Ying also looked at Xia Xia with great admiration.

He is not touting Xia Xia, but he really admires Xia Xia from the bottom of his heart.

The control shown in summer.

Even he was ashamed of himself.

In his opinion, this kind of control of the power of law is not something that one person can do at all, but can only be done by more than 100 people.

"What I pursued from the very beginning was control, which is different from yours, so no matter how high my strength is, I usually temper my control." Xia Xia explained.

"Your cultivation method may not be too obvious in the early stage, but the later stage, the more terrifying it becomes." Ying also knew very well how this kind of control ability would go against the sky in the later stage.

And according to what he's learned about summer recently.

Summer's ability now.

All of them are abilities that are almost invincible in the later stages.


Once summer breaks through to the Venerable one day.

That should be the nightmare of the Celestials.


As long as summer is given enough time, in the future.

Is there anyone else in China who will be his opponent?


That is unimaginable.

"Do you think I still have a late stage? In four years, I will kill the Celestial Clan. Do you really think that with my current strength, I can survive from the Celestial Clan?" Xia Xia laughed at himself.

In four years, he will make every effort to improve his strength.


He has no future.

If the improvement in four years is not enough, then he will not be able to come out of the Celestial Clan alive.

By the time.

He will surely die.


"It's really a pity." Ying also felt a pity for Xia Xia. He really thought that it would be a pity for someone like Xia Xia. If Xia Xia was given enough time to develop, then in the future, it would be a real pity. It's limitless.


Four years is still too short.

Although he is knowledgeable.

But he also had to admit that in four years, he really had no way to help summer improve quickly.

"Who said there is no chance, in four years, you can go to Tiankeng to gamble. If the bet is won, no one knows what will happen. If the bet is lost, the big deal is death. , it is better to fight, life is like this, it was the same when we attacked the Celestial Clan, we won the bet, we fought for a future, and if we lost, we will never regret it." Di Ling said lightly.

"No, it's too late, four years is simply not enough to reach the core of the Tiankeng, and no one knows what's going on inside, and there's still time to come out." Ying said.

"That's for you, but for me, there is a secret passage in the Tiankeng, which can bypass those dangerous areas outside, and there is the source of soil in summer, which can be used for teleportation, which can be greatly reduced. His speed, let alone four years, if he is fast enough, if he goes inside smoothly, half a year is enough for him to go back and forth." Di Ling said directly.


Shadow was also stunned.

If there is a secret passage, it is really possible, and there is the origin of soil in summer.


No one can know what will happen in the future.

"Okay, Senior Earth Spirit, I will leave seven months for the final sprint. When the time comes, I will leave it to you." Xia Xia said.

"Don't worry, after being with you for so long, I like you very much, and I also want to see how far you can go, and whether you can achieve a future that we couldn't even see back then." Di Ling said.


"I was able to get to where I am today in the summer because of everyone's support. In the future, if I can really create a legend in the summer, I will not forget you." Xia Xia slowly got up.


He exhaled.

Times of Day.

His task of finding a needle in a haystack was accomplished.

Although he did not find the location of the Celestial Clan.

But he found some clues about the origin of the soil.

On the ground those humans who turned into clods.


Some humans accidentally broke into there and turned into clods.


Summer's body also quickly disappeared in place.


The light flashed.

Summer appeared in a gray bamboo. Although it was also a sea of ​​bamboo, it was no longer the green bamboo it used to be. It was as if all the bamboos here had died of old age.

But in fact.

These bamboos are very hard.

"Sure enough, the source of the earth is here. These bamboos have become extremely hard after being invaded by the source of the earth. Even if a normal person comes here, they will not find anything. For me, the source of power, this feeling is too familiar, it seems that the Celestial clan person should have noticed something strange here, so he came here." Xia Xia's face showed a smile.

"Be careful, the people of the Celestial Clan are all trapped here with all their life-saving skills. If you are not careful, you are also trapped here, which will be troublesome. If you are trapped for four years, won't you die of guilt?" also understand.

Summer is not afraid of death.

But Xia Xia was afraid that he would not be able to catch up with the catastrophe in China four years later.

"Don't worry, they still can't stop me, haven't you always wanted to know, how can I break your defense? Look at it!!"

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