The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1033: the ends of the earth


Xia Xia waved his right hand.

The golden light flashed.


The moment the golden sword appeared, everything in front of him was instantly destroyed.

The momentum is like a broken bamboo.


The indestructible gray bamboo in front of him was cut off by the summer, and everything was shattered.


Bamboo is directly broken.

"This..., I don't feel any hindrance at all, it's more direct than cutting the air!!" Ying looked at the golden knife in Xia Xia's hand in surprise.

He suddenly found out.

This small knife with golden light seems to be able to cut through the heavens and the earth.


"This is the weapon I use to break your defense. I have traversed so many worlds, and there is almost nothing that it can't break. If it has to be said that it can't be broken, it should only be those two statues." Xia Xia Smile.

"Statue? What statue?" Shadow asked.


In his midst of all things.

Two statues appeared, and these two statues stood there, full of endless majesty.


"This is..." Di Ling was suddenly stunned.

"What's wrong? Have you met?" Xia Tian asked.

"I've seen it, but I can't say it!!" Shadow's expression also changed.

When he heard this, Xia Xia understood that these two statues must have a lot to do with Shenwei. In other words, he was getting closer and closer to unveiling these two statues.

Saying so.

What Qu Yiyi wanted to investigate should not only be the guards, but these two statues.

"Senior, how much do you know?" Xia Xia hurriedly asked.

These two statues.

It should represent the ultimate secret of this world.

The ultimate secret that no one can know.

"The statue on the left is called Liu Zhi, and the statue on the right is called the controller." Di Ling said.

Liu Zhi!

When he heard the name, Xia Tian was taken aback: "What else?"

"These two statues are suppressed at the two poles of Shenzhou, one is the end of the world, and the other is the cape. They suppress all the luck of Shenzhou. Over the years, countless people want to admire the true appearance of these two statues. , but many people didn't even have the courage to see their true faces in the end. I saw the true face of Liu Zhi's predecessors, and Mozun saw the real face of the controller, and it was precisely because Mozun told me about the controller. Some things, I will agree to join his camp." Di Ling said.


Shadow did not speak.

Instead, he nodded.


He also knew part of it, but he couldn't say it.

"Anything else?" Xia Tian asked.

"These two statues contain endless power. I heard that these two statues coexist together. If one of the statues is broken, the world will be reincarnated and the world will be destroyed." Earth Spirit said.


"Wait!!" Ying suddenly looked at the statue, and then at Xia Xia: "Senior, have you noticed that if you look at the statue alone, there is no change, but if you look at the statue of Senior Liu Zhi, look again In summer, you will find that the shadows of the two of them seem to overlap, and the more you look, the more similar they are!!"


Earth Spirit was stunned!

But soon.

His expression also changed: "What's going on?"

"I don't know, but really..."

at this time.

Xia Xia spoke again: "Try it, combine the appearance of Tianlong with the controller!!"


Both of them also had a terrible guess, and then they looked over.


It's exactly the same feeling as just now.


The two of them didn't know what to say at this time, and their faces were all shocked. What was in front of them was so terrifying, they didn't even know how to describe their feelings.

"This is also the secret I want to unravel the most. Unfortunately, I have no clue. If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't even know that person is called the controller." Xia Xia said.

and many more!

Ying suddenly remembered something: "I understand. I always thought that Tianlong was reborn and went to the spiritual world for the inheritance of the ancient three immortals, but now I finally understand that he went to the spiritual world for the statue."

"You mean, that Tianlong has already mastered some secrets about these two statues?" Di Ling was stunned.

"Yes!!" Shadow said.

"How much do your guards have?" Xia Xia asked.

He knows that there is not much to say about the shadows, but this data is still fine.

"I know a lot more than you guys, but I don't know everything." Ying said.


"Okay, let's not talk about this for now. Let's talk about it when we are done with the things in front of us. Let's go and see what the situation of the Celestial Clan man is. If the opportunity is good, I will give him a ride." land.

Another day passed.

Summer finally found the origin of the soil.


He also saw people from the Celestial Clan here.

Opposite the Celestial Clan, there is another team. This team is in the same sealed state as the Celestial Clan.


The five prospective Venerables were guarding there, and they dared not move.

But when they saw Xia Xia, they didn't say a word and just killed him.

"They want to kill people," Ying reminded.

these people.

After dealing with the people from the Celestial Clan, and now seeing someone coming, in order to prevent the news from leaking, they naturally want to kill people. Now no matter who comes, they will kill people.

Five Quasi Venerables.

It's really a big deal.


Summer's body moved.

The Tianhan Sword in the right hand appeared.


He directly blocked the attack of one of them, and at the same time.

The surrounding gravity is directly destroyed the law of the sun.


The bodies of the five were directly frozen.

However, the five people also broke the seal directly.

Killing the summer again.

very fast.


The attack of the five was easily flashed by Xia Xia's body.

Xia Xia was the first time to deal with five quasi-venerables at the same time, and he did not hesitate to attack him directly. If it wasn't for his current strength breakthrough, plus the bonus of Tianhan sword, then he really He could only run for his life in an instant.



At this time, he has the strength to confront the quasi-exalted one head-on.

"I understand, they are the people of the White Emperor. Now, in front of us, the people who are sealed are the White Emperor and the Celestial Clan people. The five of them are here, waiting for the White Emperor to find a way, because the White Emperor and the Celestial Clan people are Those who were sealed together are connected. If one is broken, the other will also be broken. If Bai Di thinks about it, the people of the Heavenly Clan will also break the seal and find a way to escape. The people of the Heavenly Clan are very vengeful. Yes, they will directly retaliate against Emperor Bai, so now Emperor Bai does not dare to break the seal casually." Ying reminded.

"So, as long as I kill these five people, it will be much easier to kill the two guys in front." Xia Xia said.

"Yes, but you also have to remember, be quick, because Emperor Bai must have found a helper to come and help."

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