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Chapter 1066: chase summer


When this news came out, the entire Tianshuang Temple was boiling.

at the same time.

The news began to spread.

And when the news reached the Celestial Clan.

The Celestial Clan also placed a bounty immediately.

The Tianxian Temple is full of summer bounties.

There is also information on the investigation of summer.

This time.

The people of the Celestial Clan are offering a reward to the entire Shenzhou. The content of the reward is very simple: no matter who it is, as long as he can kill Xia Xia, he will immediately get five precious treasures, ten quasi-precious treasures, and one trillion immortal crystals! ! ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????


The number of words in this reward is not too many, but the content of the reward can be said to be very violent.

Five jewels.

Ten quasi-respect treasures.

One trillion fairy crystals!

This is a fortune in an instant.

It can be said.

This bounty.

is very scary.

"My darling, these have stabbed the hornet's nest." When Xia Xia saw the bounty, he also had a black line on his face. He knew very well that he might have a hard time in the future.

Although he also has many ways to hide himself.

Can be next.

What he will face is the pursuit of everyone in the entire Shenzhou.

Just kill him.

Those people just posted it.


The order of the Celestial Clan people is that no matter if someone finds out in any city in the summer, those people can do it directly and do not need to abide by the rules of the city.

"Unexpectedly, in fact, they have long thought that such a thing will happen, but they think that Tianlong will do it, they didn't expect you to do it, if they don't release some high bounties at this time, then other The Heavenly Clan dog will be completely chilled, and there will be a second summer and a third summer, that is what they are most afraid of, I predict that it will not be long before your bounty will rise." Ying has already See what's going on here.

Celestial people.

On the one hand, I want to stabilize the mood of those subordinates in Shenzhou.

on the other hand.

Also let other people with ideas obliterate their own ideas.


The news was really shocking.

dead people.

But the Lord of the Heavenly Frost Palace.

The owner of the eighth party.

Incomparably powerful.


Everyone thinks that as long as they cultivate to the realm of the Venerable, they are invincible and immortal, but Xia Xia's killing of the Tianshuang Palace Master will make everyone feel uneasy.

It will also make everyone understand that Venerable will definitely not be immortal.

Although Xia Xia is not the first time to kill the Venerable.

But the news that he killed others spread too slowly.

But the speed of the news of killing the Tianshuang Palace Master will be very fast.


The entire Shenzhou Bafang will receive this news.

"Let me bear the pursuit of everyone in Shenzhou, and it is a steady stream of pursuit. This is really difficult for me." Xia Xia was very depressed.

The danger he faces next.

There are really too many to count.

How many masters does Shenzhou hide?

How many top figures are there in China?

How many geniuses with mysterious strength and means?

Those people understand.

After beheading Xia Xia, they gained not only wealth, but also fame.

Now summer is famous.

Although he has dealt with the master of Fangcunshan before and killed the shadow, it took too long for those things to spread out, and for outsiders, the reputation of the master of the Tianshuang Palace is even greater. of.

"If you kill you, you can gain both fame and fortune." Ying said jokingly.


This isn't just a joke.

but true.

"Fame and fortune really kills me." Xia Xia was also very depressed, although his current strength is indeed much stronger than before, but now he wants to fight against the entire Shenzhou.

That would be a bit outrageous.


Quxi's messenger.

"Do you need a bodyguard, the price is fair!!"

Ha ha!

"A person who is so afraid of death actually dares to be my bodyguard." A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.


The message was sent to Qu Xi.

Just let Quxi come over.

at the same time!

Xia Xia also sent a message to Bai Di, asking him to find a few safe places for himself, which must be absolutely safe.

He must have a few safe places now. If he is really injured in the future, these safe places will be his hiding places.

Naturally, Emperor Bai did not dare to be sloppy.

He had heard of what Summer had done.

He had sworn allegiance to Xia Xia, and if something went wrong, he would die miserably.

In a medium-sized city in the Fifth Party.

"Amazing, even the Temple Master Tianshuang let you kill it." A smile appeared on Qu Xi's face.

"Can you be quieter?" Xia Xia said very depressedly.

There are so many people in the tavern, if someone else hears it, it will be troublesome.

"I'm here, what are you afraid of?" Qu Xi said confidently.

"It seems that your strength has improved a lot recently." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"It's alright, but it's still not as effective as the Jie Wang Pill, so I don't want to come to you to mix up some Jie Wang Pill." Qu Xi rubbed his hands.

There was also a smile on his face.

Xia Xia threw ten Realm King Pills to Qu Xi.

Although the price of Jiewang Dan is very high outside.

But in fact.

It was all hyped up in Xia Xia. If he came up with more realm king pills, then realm king pills would not be worth that price.


He only sold that once.


He still has two Great Realm King Pills he has not used.

"I knew it would be good to follow you!!" Qu Xi said with a smile.

"Don't take all of them, leave two to save your life. When you're really desperate, the Realm King Pill can instantly restore your strength." Xia Xia reminded.

He also understands.

Next will definitely have a lot of trouble.

Many enemies appeared.

By the time.

All kinds of life-and-death struggles appeared.

Just started.

They may be able to cope, but in the back, they will definitely not be able to withstand a long-term battle. In the end, even an ordinary expert may be able to kill them.

"Don't worry, I'll do my best for you when I take your Realm King Pill. Anyone who wants to hurt you will have to step over my corpse first." Qu Xi said very domineeringly.

"I really didn't see it. You also have such domineering moments." Xia Xia felt very ridiculous.


I was usually very afraid of death.

As soon as I heard the news of death, my first thought was: or run away.

"With you, you won't let me die, right!!" Qu Xi said.

"Why do you sound like I want to protect you?" Xia Xia said very depressed.

"Don't be so polite!!" Qu Xi smiled.


at this time.

The four people at the next table immediately attacked: "He is Xia, kill him!!!".

Sure enough.

There was a person specializing in the investigation at the table next to them, and the conversation between Xia Xia and Qu Xi was also heard by that person.

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