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Chapter 1067: Enemy against China


The attack of these four people was very terrifying, and they actually called out Xia Xia's name.

When I hear the name Summer.

All the people around were stunned.

Because the people of the Celestial Clan are very efficient, they immediately sent Xia Xia's wanted orders to the cities below, and all cities must post Xia Xia's wanted orders everywhere as soon as possible.


Summer wanted thing.

Anyone who has been in any mid-size or above city recently will know.


Qu Xi's body moved, and the endless black energy instantly enveloped the four people around him.


The bodies of the four were directly shattered!

The people around who wanted to rush over were all stunned.

"Whoever dares to come over, I will kill anyone!!" Qu Xi also said very violently.


A powerful murderous aura erupted from her body.

“Summer is here!!”

I don't know who shouted, and all the people outside came in in an instant. Those people don't care if you say harsh words or how strong you are. In their opinion, as long as you kill Xia Xia, then their lives will be lost. became completely different.

their future.

full of light.

their future.

It is infinitely magnified.

The benefits are countless.

Under the reward, there must be a brave man!

these people.

Death is nowhere to be seen.


Qu Xi was also not polite.

The law of **** was released in an instant.

For a while, the surroundings seemed to have become an endless purgatory.


These people who rushed over were killed by Qu Xi like this.

"Bodyguards aren't hired for nothing, it's really important to do something!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

Qu Xi is really fighting for his life now.

Qu Xi also glanced at Xia Xia: "Let's go out of the city first, the surrounding city guards have already been killed, other forces will also send people over, there will only be more and more masters, and there are formations in the city, which are not good for us, Get out first."

Although she is strong.

But there are many masters in this city.

And there are also formations.

They are here.

is very disadvantageous.

Once surrounded by people.

The consequences could be disastrous.


Quxi directly opens the way for summer.


Xia Xia's fingers moved slightly, and the bodies of those who rushed up were also frozen one by one, and then they were killed by Qu Xi.

For those who want their own lives.

Summer is definitely not polite.

He's not that kind of Virgin.

Others want his life, and he has to forgive them.

He is very simple.

Whoever wants to kill me, then I will kill whoever.

Now the people who rushed around, every time they wanted to kill him, their eyes were full of greed.


The wages of avarice is death!

It is their own decision to have such an end.


The advancing Quxi was blocked by someone.

"Do you think you can rush out from here?" a prospective Venerable shouted loudly.

In a place like China.

The prospective Venerable is already a master of fame.

Although here is the fifth party.

The number of masters is much more than the eighth party, but this is only a medium-sized city, and it is very rare for a quasi-exalted person to appear here.


Qu Xi snorted heavily, and then went out.

She is also a quasi-venerable now.

And not an ordinary quasi-venerable.


Xia Xia saw the opportunity and killed it directly.

The King of the Realm!


A person with more than 100,000 points of the power of the law can help him quickly condense the realm king pill. Although the strength of ordinary people can also be used, the amount required is too large.

And the quasi-exalted one.

This is a person, and he can help him condense about two realm king pills, and even some high-level people can condense three to four.



that's it.

A quasi-venerable man was quickly killed by the two of them.

At this time, the city lord of this medium-sized city also personally brought people to kill him.

Even him.

I also want to kill the summer.

Because the reward is too tempting, and once Xia Xia is killed, not only can you become famous, but you can also get the attention of the Celestial Clan people, and the future development is also limitless.

A large number of city guards quickly came from the surrounding area.

Those scattered cultivators also wanted to get a piece of the pie.

"Block the exit, don't let them out of the city!!" The generals of the city guards shouted loudly.

They already knew that Xia Xia and Qu Xi wanted to leave the city.

"The number of enemies is increasing." Qu Xi frowned.

He saw it too.

The road ahead is almost blocked.

"Bring out your biggest attack!!" Xia Xia glanced at Qu Xi.


Qu Xi also nodded slightly, and then began to release his own strong attack.


With a wave of Xia Xia's right hand, the Tianhan Sword appeared in his hand.


The law of light.

The law of the day.

The Law of the Stars!

The rule of the king.

The king's air!

All kinds of power instantly crisscross.


The people in front didn't even have a chance to react, so they were directly frozen. Especially the people in the back, they never thought that they would be frozen before the enemy came.


Qu Xi's huge attack also devoured everything in front of him.

The enemies in front of him at this time.

All destroyed.


shrouded everything.

"Live target!!" A smile appeared on Qu Xi's face.

Against these living targets.

She is very good at it.

Her attack power is extremely powerful.

The blow just now killed thousands of people in the stupidest way.

The front was immediately empty.

"In the summer, you can't run away. There are so many people in our city, and there are formations. Even if it is exhausted, it will kill you." The city lord also rushed over from behind.

at the same time.

in all directions.

There are many masters.

There are also many people who have reached 100,000 points in the power of the law.

There are even some quasi-venerable people appearing.

"Really? Let's try it out. Anyone who dares to appear around me will kill without mercy!!" Xia Xia shouted loudly.


He and Qu Xi's abilities have been shown to perfection.

Many people around are also very afraid.

Hear the words of summer.

No one dared to step forward.


Quxi and Xia Xia also began to fly forward Don't you want bounties? No Zunbao? Now all of this is in front of you, as long as you kill Xia Xia, you can make a name for yourself and be appreciated by the people of the Celestial Clan! ' shouted the mayor.

Those who were still very afraid of Xia's strength just now.

at this time.

All were killed.


at this moment.

As if fearless.

Summer understands.

This will be the epitome of China.

His next life will be against the entire Shenzhou: "Since you are courting death, then I will give you a ride."

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