The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1070: summer is everywhere

A place like a tavern.

It is the easiest place to inquire about news, so I usually like to come here in summer to inquire about news.

After entering.

The two of them found a good place to sit down.

"Sure enough, it has already spread in these small cities." Xia Xia heard.

There is talk about him everywhere.

But soon.

He realized that something was wrong.

These people were still discussing his presence in the mid-tier city at first, but soon, some people were discussing seeing summer in other places.

Some more people.

It is said that there is no evil in summer.

Burning and looting everywhere.

Many mountain gates were destroyed by summer.

Many small factions and tribes were also destroyed by summer.

"It seems that there have been many summers in Shenzhou!" Qu Xi smiled slightly.

She naturally understood what was going on.

Now that Summer is famous, someone will use his name to do evil everywhere.

after all.

If you use the name of summer now, then you don't have to be responsible.

And the name Summer is too famous.

Therefore, others are more willing to believe that it is summer that kills their whole family.

"Yeah, I'm everywhere now, but I don't know if I can do something good with this!!" Xia Xia said helplessly.

Everyone else used his name to do evil, and no one did anything good for him.

This made the people of Shenzhou more and more bitter towards him.

Although he doesn't care about that.

But there will certainly be a lot of trouble in the future.

There will only be more and more enemies.

"It seems that things are fermenting more than we imagined." Qu Xi previously thought that Shenzhou is so big, and it is very difficult to make the entire Shenzhou focus on summer.

It can even be said that it takes hundreds of years, thousands of years.

But now.

The speed of this spread is a bit scary.

"The people of the Celestial Clan want to use my name to divert my father's horror and divert the attention of the people of China from my father. Moreover, it is precisely because there are so many of me that the speed of the spread will increase." Xia Xia was helpless. shook his head.

He also understands.

What will I face next?

He is now.

Whether in the eyes of the Celestial Clan people or in the eyes of those experts, he is a very special person.

An instant celebrity.

In the past, if the name Xia Xia wanted to be known to others, it took at least hundreds of years, thousands of years of precipitation, but now I don’t need it. No matter where he went, as long as he dared to say that he was Xia Xia, someone would definitely kill him. Fight directly with him.

"I'm going out for a walk, be small!!" Qu Xi also wants to go out to inquire about the news. Although there is a lot of news in the tavern, it is very complicated, but the credibility is very low. She wants to go outside to inquire about all aspects of news. .


Emperor Bai sent a message again.

"In the entire Shenzhou Bafang, there is news about you everywhere. Many people named Xia have begun to appear. They are using your name to destroy and kill innocent people everywhere. All the major, medium and small forces in China have started to join in. To capture your ranks, and because of the high rewards, some venerables have also joined the search. The next half month should be a stage for the masters to be dispatched, and more and more masters will follow, but the fifth party is concerned about you The most news, try to get out of here first!!”

After seeing the contents of Emperor Bai, Xia Xia also understood that he had to find a way to leave the fifth party first.

Although all kinds of news are everywhere.

But the news from the fifth party is indeed the most obvious.

At that time, a large number of experts rushed over.

Then it would be difficult for me to deal with these people.

Among the masters chasing and killing, there will definitely be master tracking masters, those people will find themselves from any clues, and once they are dragged, the consequences will be disastrous.

"I bought a piece of information, I don't know if it's true or not!!" Qu Xi came back.

Open the information in summer.

What I saw were the fragments of the Haotian Mirror!

"Didn't Thirteen have fragments of the Clear Sky Mirror? If it is true, it would be very useful to him!!" Qu Xi said.


"Okay, ask carefully." Xia Tian nodded slightly.

Qu Xi's body is also a trivial matter.

Summer was unexpected.

Here, he could actually inquire about the fragments of the Haotian Mirror.

This is also fate.

Thirteen had already had five pieces of the Clear Sky Mirror, and there were only three left to collect eight. It would be very difficult to add one each time, but in the same way, if he could help find one more piece, then Thirteen The strength will also increase again.

that's it.

I drank here for two days in summer.

Two days later.

Qu Xi is back.

"The news is true, but it's a little troublesome. Now the fragments of the Haotian Mirror have been snatched up, and the force that snatched it now has twelve quasi-venerables, and more than fifty people whose power of law has exceeded 100,000 points. , There are still a luxury team of 100,000 people. It is a bit difficult to grab the fragments of the Haotian Mirror from their hands. The most important thing is that once we start, your identity will be exposed, and then trouble will come. Yes." Qu Xi reminded.

She wants to see summer options.

"Where are you?" Xia Tian asked.

"In less than half a day, you can enter the city. That team grabbed the fragments of the Clear Sky Mirror from a cottage, and that cottage has been destroyed." Qu Xi said.


"Get ready, we'll intercept it outside the city and run away!!" Xia Xia had already thought about it.


It's a tough after the battle.

They will definitely reveal their position.

All they have to escape as soon as possible.

"Then I'll prepare first." Qu Xi said.

Summer also got up straight away.

In this small town, there are a lot of people of all kinds recently.

"More and more people are staring at you now, and everyone here understands that you will definitely change your face, so these people don't look right at everyone around them." Ying has been observing the people around him.

he saw.

Each of these people around is very careful.

When looking at the people around you.

They all seem to want to see through each other to see if it is summer.

"Don't care about them, go and prepare to grab the fragments of the Haotian Mirror." Xia Xia almost always shared his vision with Ying, except when he was chatting with dragons.

So Ying still doesn't know that Tianlong is his father.

"When the time comes, let me see, which unlucky team is being targeted by you." Yingyao said with great anticipation.


In summer, I found Quxi.

The two also began to ambush in each other's only way.

that's it.

Half a day has passed.

The team also appeared.

"I said, why are you always on the cusp?" Ying said with emotion. .

"What's wrong?" Xia Tian asked.

"Originally, I thought it was an ordinary expert team, but look at their logo carefully!!" Shadow reminded.

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