The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1071: love who

"What happened to that sign?" Xia Tian asked.

"That's the first party, the people from Tianji Pavilion!!" Ying reminded.

"Tianji Pavilion? Never heard of it!!" Xia Xia had never heard of the name Tianji Pavilion, but he could see from Ying's attitude that this Tianji Pavilion was definitely not an ordinary force.

"Tianji Pavilion is a force that has existed since the founding of Shenzhou. Their development is a legend. Back then, they were the first force to exile the outstanding children of their own family. They released their outstanding children and let them After making a name for themselves and coming back, maybe many people have fallen, but everyone who went back is the top and the best, and they released too many, so those outstanding disciples are blooming and fruiting outside. , This leads to the countless people and subordinate forces in their Tianji Pavilion, which spread everywhere, and Tianji Pavilion is just like this, becoming the top force of the first party in one fell swoop. The old man you saw in Tianxian Temple is Tianji The old pavilion master of the pavilion!" Ying explained.

The old man.

It is one of the seven administrators of the Tianxian Temple.

It can be said.

In China, it has the top position.

Even people from the Celestial Clan must give him face.

At that time, his father also gave him face.

And myself.

The next person to be beheaded is his.

"If you say that, it's really a bit troublesome!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

"You decide for yourself. In fact, it doesn't matter if you are in trouble now. You are already wanted by the entire Shenzhou, so it's okay to have another Tianji Pavilion, but the previous Tianji Pavilion may just be watching the fun, but if you kill them people who robbed them of their belongings, then they won’t be watching the fun,” Ying reminded.

The person who makes the final decision is Xia Xia herself.

He can only tell Xia all his worries.

Let summer think for itself.

"Whoever I love, I have already decided that I will work hard, and I am not afraid of more enemies." Xia Xia's eyes turned to Quxi beside him.


Qu Xi nodded slightly, and she also instantly killed her.


Summer also came out at the same time.


The two of them attacked directly in the middle of the team.

For a moment.

Killed the masters who had the power of four laws to break 100,000 points.


This team was completely different from the rabble they had dealt with before. When the members of this team found out that they had been attacked, they also responded immediately.

Quickly formed a surrounding circle.

When Xia Xia and Qu Xi rushed out, they were also directly hit back by the opponent's attack.

"Who dares to do something to our people in Tianji Pavilion." A loud voice appeared.


The twelve leading prospective venerables were also the first to cast out their powers.

The surrounding masters with the power of the law exceeding 100,000 also attacked the surroundings one after another.

Don't give Xia Xia and Quxi a chance to break through.

at the same time.

The 100,000 army also made a neat defensive posture.

"What a quick response." Qu Xi said in surprise.

Although she also knew that these neat teams must be very difficult to deal with, but she did not expect that the opponent would be ready for battle so quickly, and the offense and defense were fully formed.

"You can't be surrounded by them!!" When Xia Xia's body moved, the Tianhan Sword instantly froze everything around him.


The law of the sun was used by him in two ways.

Those defensive teams are very dense.

at this time.

If you use other attacks, you will definitely be blocked directly by them, but if you use the flame of the law of the sun, it will be different. These flames continue to devour and spread very fast.

if they don't spread out.

Then it will be completely destroyed by the flames.

what! what!

The screams came one after another.

In summer, their attack was also very terrifying.

There was only death around.

Endless death.

"Summer, he is Summer!!" someone suddenly shouted.


When they heard this, everyone was stunned.

They all know about the reward order.

But they didn't expect that they would meet Summer here.

"There are still a lot of rewards for the people of the Celestial Clan. When I met him this time, it was an unexpected gain." The person in the lead showed a slight smile on his face.

In his opinion.

Let him meet summer.

It was simply his chance.

They came out this time.

Originally it was for the fragments of the Haotian Mirror.


Summer can actually be here.

As long as they kill Xia Xia, the bounty from that day's clan will be theirs, and people outside will understand how powerful their Tianji Pavilion is.

Such a great opportunity.

How could they miss it.

"If you want to kill me, I'm afraid you don't have that ability!" Xia Xia's body moved.

Where he went.

The bodies of those in the Tianji Pavilion were instantly shattered.

"Summer, don't resist, we are from Tianji Pavilion, you can't be our opponent." The leader shouted loudly.


Xia Xia told these people about the death of their people in the Heavenly Secret Pavilion.

Whether he is the opponent of these people.

"Array, attack!"

Although the 100,000 people were attacked by Xia Xia and Quxi, and more than 1,000 people died, they also reacted quickly at this time, and at the same time, they quickly fired their attacks.


Xia Xia and Qu Xi also started to dodge quickly.

With so many attacks, once you get hit, you have to be passive.

Moreover, there will be a series of attacks behind the opponent, making them unable to move and unable to resist, and finally defeating them.

Other masters will also lock them both.

Don't give them any chance.

"Hongfeng and Xia Si are both in retreat, otherwise, it would be much easier to deal with these attacks from them." Xia Tian secretly said in his heart.

Hongfeng is the ultimate move for raids and group battles.

It can help him harvest quickly.

When he controls the opponent himself, he kills the opponent.

Shas is an absolute defense.

If Xia Si was there, let alone these 100,000 people, even if a million people attacked him together, he wouldn't be afraid and could drink tea very comfortably.



Neither Hongfeng nor Xia Si can help him for the time being.

"I'll cover you, you first raid their big team." Xia Xia reminded.


Qu Xi didn't talk nonsense either.

Killed in an instant.


Summer's right hand flicked.

Hundreds of stars smashed out directly.

at the same time.

A huge meteor fell from the sky.

The Law of Light.

The law of the sun.

The law of water.

The Law of the Stars.


Xia Xia also began to quickly launch his own attacks.

For a moment, the steady stream of attacks seemed to devour everything.

Full of destructive power. .

"It's here!" Qu Xi also followed Xia's strength and rushed all the way to the middle of the enemy.

Door of hell! ! !

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