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Chapter 1076: The lethality of the red phoenix


Qu Xi has been waiting for Xia Xia's signal. When she heard Xia Xia's voice, she also directly killed her.


The moment Hongfeng appeared.

It flew out in an instant.

The powerful lethality flew directly to the surroundings.

Those black and red feathers began to fly out quickly.

Those people reacted and wanted to use their weapons to carry out the place, but their weapons were broken by the red phoenix, and they wanted to use the power of their own laws to carry out the place.

In the end, the power of their law was directly penetrated by the feathers.


This black-red feather can penetrate everything.

"So strong!" Xia Xia's eyes also lit up.

Hongfeng's attack power has become more terrifying than before.

And the black and red feathers that flew out did not stop when they hit the opponent. They used to automatically appear behind Xia Xia, but this time, the black and red feathers continued to fly around.

Continue to start harvesting the lives of those around you.


This is the attack of the red phoenix.

enough to kill everything.

not be blocked.

The attack will keep attacking.

Unless Hongfeng takes the initiative to withdraw.


Xia Xia didn't talk nonsense, and directly killed the people in front of him whose power of law had broken 100,000 points.

Black colored feathers flew out.

Fly to those masters.



Their bodies are still penetrated.

"My law of devouring can be used on you." Xia Xia was stunned, he could sense that the feathers that flew back carried the power swallowed by the law of devouring.

"That's right, this is my biggest change this time." Hongfeng said.


The black and red feathers are very fast.

In the blink of an eye, everything around him has been beheaded.


At this time, the people around them were all dumbfounded. They thought they were very capable before, so Xia Tian didn't dare to attack them directly, but now, they suddenly found out.

They are in front of summer.

So weak and unstoppable.


Two people with the power of the law breaking 100,000 points attacked Xia Xia.

However, it was easily blocked by Xia Si.

The Hongfeng attack also instantly killed the two of them.

The law of the sun!

Summer quickly freezes these people around.


Hongfeng's attacks also kept appearing, and these attacks seemed to destroy everything.

Poof! puff!


These top players.

In front of summer, I became weak and windy.

at the same time.

A prospective Venerable seized the opportunity and killed Xia Xia.


His attack was easily blocked by Xia Si.

Shas also wrapped around his body.

Hongfeng's attack directly killed it.

The red phoenix combined with the black stone, kills people below the venerable, just like killing pigs and dogs, without any effort.

Plus the power of the laws of summer.

These people didn't even block a round.

"How could this be? Why did he suddenly become so strong." The face of the quasi-venerable leader also became very ugly.

all of these.

It all happened in an instant.

At the beginning, Qu Xi still wanted to kill the Quartet.

But her movements were a little slower.


Of the nearly 100,000 masters in the surrounding Tianji Pavilion, none of them ran away, they all fell to the ground, and those who had the power of the law exceeded 100,000 points, except for the dozen or so who kept retreating from the very beginning, others also They were all killed by Summer.

Even the quasi-venerable who originally only had nine left.

At this time, there are also eight left.

"This is too fast!!" The corners of Qu Xi's mouth were twitching, Xia Xia's movements were simply too fast, in such a short time, Xia Xia actually killed all the people around him.

The red phoenix came out.

all enemies.

All are doomed to die.

at this time.

Hongfeng's feathers also returned to Xia's back.

at the same time.

A powerful coercion appeared.

The spirit of a king.

The law of the sun.

The Law of the Stars!

Red Phoenix strikes!

Xia Xia didn't talk nonsense either, he directly killed the quasi-venerable people in front of him.

Those people with 100,000 points of law power also all smashed their attacks on Xia Xia.

"Looking for death!" Qu Xi's attack hit them immediately.

And Hongfeng's attack was to kill those people in front of her.


Those whose power of law exceeded 100,000 points were blocked by Xia Si, and their bodies were gradually frozen, when they wanted to resist this power.

Qu Xi's attack also smashed them directly and quickly.

Xia Si's entanglement dissipated.

And these quasi-venerables in front of them were all dumbfounded at this time.

They had never seen such a terrifying person.

Wherever summer passes, no matter what level people are, they are all killed in an instant.


When summer came before them.

There are countless black feathers and black threads around the Tianhan Sword.

Poof! puff! puff!

Eight people.

Without the slightest resistance, he was killed by Xia Xia like this.

at the same time.

In the summer, the first person will take off the storage equipment of the first person.

"Success." Qu Xi's eyes also lit up.

In a place like Shenzhou, it is much harder to **** a person's storage equipment than to kill the other party, because their storage equipment has self-destruction devices on it, and they can also throw the storage equipment before they die. into the cracks of time and space.

But summer is too precise.

that's it.

Kill the opponent directly.


Xia Xia nodded slightly, he checked the storage equipment, saw the fragments of the Clear Sky Mirror inside, and finally threw them into the crowd.

"It's too strong." Qu Xi said with emotion.

She didn't expect that Summer's strength would be so strong.

At first.

When she and Xia Xia were in the Three Rivers and Six Vessels, she hadn't put Xia Xia in her eyes. In his opinion, it was very simple for him to kill Xia Xia, but now, Xia Xia's strength is beyond her reach.

This is summer.

A truly terrifying man.

Summer's body moved.

Hongfeng disappeared behind him.


The red phoenix appeared, and the battle ended instantly.

This is the growth of Hongfeng.


"I am in Shenzhou, and I finally have the ability to protect myself. From now on, no matter who wants to kill me, they will have to pay the price themselves." Xia Xia let out a sigh of relief.

This battle.

Let him see his true growth.


Although he has also fought with the Venerable, even with Ying, the first-class people of the Celestial Clan.

But that's mostly a battle of wits.

But this time is different.

This is his true strength.

"It seems that I have to improve again, otherwise I really can't catch up with you." Qu Xi smiled.

"How much is the power of the law?" Xia Xia asked.

"Twenty-sixty thousand points!!" Qu Xi said. .

"Here!!" Xia Xia threw five Realm King Pills to Quxi: "Enough to use before you become a Venerable, but urgently Venerable needs a lot, especially someone like you who is the law of hell."

"This battle, the realm king Dan has also gathered a lot." Hongfeng said with emotion.

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