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Chapter 1077: The action of Tianji Pavilion

"45!!" Summer said.

"It seems that Jiewangjue's digestion ability has become stronger." Hongfeng said with emotion.


"I gave Qu Xi five pieces, and there are forty pieces left, which means that I can train at least one half-step venerable powerhouse." Xia Xia said directly.

This is the most terrifying.

Summer kills people.

It will be able to condense the realm king pill.

The effect of the realm king pill is even more heaven-defying.


There will definitely be more people coming to hunt him down.

By the time.

He beheaded those people.

It is also a matter of time.

"It's so fast. If it goes on like this, there will be more and more realm king pills. I think, as long as you give you time, you can create a more terrifying force than the Celestial Clan." Hong Feng said.

"You know me, I don't like indifferent killings, others don't come to trouble me, and I don't like to trouble others casually, so if it wasn't for the wanted order of the Celestial Clan, there wouldn't be so many people who saw me If you want to kill me, I won't have this chance to condense the realm king pill, and now you can directly use the rules of the realm king decision, which makes my realm king pill condense a lot faster. In normal battles, although I have also killed a lot of people, but most of them were not killed by me using the Realm King Jue, so it is impossible to gather their strength." Xia Xia felt that the growth of Hongfeng this time was very important to him. important.

It is precisely because of Hongfeng's growth this time that he has so many opportunities.

"Let's get out of here quickly, our movement is too big, and some of them have just sent out several communication talismans." Qu Xi reminded.


The two immediately disappeared in place.

first party.

Heavenly Secret Pavilion!

"Lord Elder, that team is destroyed!!"

"Not a single survivor left?"


"Summer, originally a top power like us shouldn't interfere in the rewards of the Celestial Clan people, but you are taking action against our team, so it's no wonder we." The elder's expression turned cold: "Let the ten guardians lead people to do things, and the ones who die are His people, I think, he wants to kill Xia by himself."

"Elder, according to our investigation, that summer was not easy, and there was a master by his side, a quasi-exalted one."


"A venerable person goes out in person, no matter how many means they have, it is useless. In the face of absolute strength, their means are just jokes." The elder said with great disdain.

This time in the summer, the people in the Tianji Pavilion were moved.

It was the biggest challenge to their Heavenly Secret Pavilion.

So many people died.

If Tianji Pavilion didn't respond, wouldn't people be laughed at in the future.


The people of the Celestial Clan also gave a lot of rewards.

Of course they are not polite.

After beheading Summer.

Their Celestial Clan's fame will only get bigger.

summer now.

The small forces are looking for the reward after beheading him, while the big forces are looking for his reputation. The entire Shenzhou and the people in the city have already remembered the name Xia Xia.

Being hunted down by the entire Shenzhou, the longer he lives, the more famous he will be.

at this time.

Which force can kill him.

Naturally, this force has the greatest reputation.

on the contrary.

If a loose cultivator killed Xia Xia, the loose cultivator would not dare to speak out, because the Celestial Clan has too many rewards. If they let others know who he is, then the next person to be targeted is him. .

In the great city of the fifth party.

"You're so courageous, how dare you come to Dacheng to meet me at such a time." Bai Di looked at Xia Xia with admiration.


If it was someone else, he must have been hiding in the deep mountains and forests at this time.

If you can come out, absolutely not.

Even if you have to face the monster clan and the fairy beast clan.

You can't be hunted down by the humans of the entire Shenzhou.

Can be summer.

Actually asked him to meet in a big city.

"What are you afraid of? I'll run away when I'm discovered, and you can't be discovered. Even if someone finds out, who would dare to touch you." Xia Xia said.

"Here, this is what you want. The fifth party has a total of ten large teleportation formations that can leave here, but now these ten large teleportation formations are strictly guarded, and you can't leave, so you have to leave. The teleportation array, the small teleportation array should not be guarded yet, but there will be some people ambushing you nearby, or the teleportation array in the territory of the demon clan and the fairy beast clan, but I do not recommend, the fairy beast clan and the demon clan The clan has never liked human beings, let alone borrowing a large teleportation array." Bai Di reminded.


Xia Tian put away the jade slip: "It doesn't matter, I will go to those small teleportation formations first, and then leave the fifth party first, otherwise, all the masters will come to the fifth party, they only need to guard the teleportation formation, I will I can't go away."

"By the way, you killed the people in Tianji Pavilion recently." Bai Di said.

"Yes, destroy one of their teams." Xia Xia said.

"The ten guardians of Tianji Pavilion personally led the team and investigated your news everywhere. They should have been on their way. They moved very quickly. They are all experts, and the people you killed are also his subordinates." Bai Di said .

"Sir?" Xia Xia asked.

"Yes, it's a Venerable. Tianji Pavilion is a very special force. They have many branches. The one who came to deal with you this time is a master of the whole branch. Of course, you also killed some of them." Bai Di reminded road.

"How long will it take for them to arrive?" Xia Xia This time they came well prepared, and they found a lot of helpers, all of them with particularly strong ability to find people, so it took some time. , but at most two to three days can definitely enter the fifth party. " Bai Di said.

"Three days. If I'm lucky, I'll have left. If I'm unlucky, it will be a **** battle." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"I hope you have good luck, but I still want to remind you to get out of here quickly, this is a big city, there are countless masters in the city, and there are countless people with investigative abilities, even if you stay here, be very careful, you will definitely It was found." Bai Di reminded.

What Shenzhou lacks most is the owner of these special abilities.

A genius with outstanding abilities in all aspects.

These people are very scary.


"It doesn't matter, my people went shopping. After he comes back, we will leave." Xia Xia said.

"I'm leaving. When you need me, give me a direct order, and I'll listen to you in the past few years." Bai Di said.

"Don't worry, I won't be polite to you." Xia Xia threw two Realm King Pills to Emperor Bai: "Keep it!!"

Emperor Bai was not polite.

Jie Wang Dan already knew what it was.

After Bai Di left, Xia Xia sat there and drank wine leisurely.

No one would have thought that the summer wanted by the entire Shenzhou would actually drink here. .


He gave Qu Xi a lot of materials this time, all of which were given to him by the Tianshuang Palace Master before. He asked Qu Xi to sell it, and then exchange it for consumption items to supply them for the next battle.

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