The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1103: bigger crisis

Although Hei Da is very unhappy now, he has nothing to do. He can only bite the bullet. He has already provoked Hei Tianya. If he doesn't listen to Hei Tianya now, then Hei Tianya will definitely find a reason to deal with him. of.

"Okay!!" Hei Da's body moved and rushed straight down.

at the same time!

The overwhelming flying fairy beast flew down directly from behind, and also rushed into the sea.


These flying fairy beasts are definitely helping the big black.

But if you observe it yourself, you will find that there are too many flying fairy beasts, and when they fall, they are all powerful attacks. With them, Hei Da's retreat is completely blocked.

Even if Hei Da wanted to retreat, it was already impossible.

Because there is no retreat behind him, and there are continuous attacks from those flying fairy beasts.

"Damn!!" Hei Da had already discovered this problem as soon as he went down, but these flying fairy beasts rushed down like this, it is not useless, they can help him find the way, and let him know what dangers are nearby.

Hei Tianya above saw Hei Da rushed down.

The mood is also much better.

What he hates is that people don't listen to him.

Although Hei Da is very aloof.

But Hei Da finally obeyed his orders.

"Boss Ya, don't worry, Hei Da's strength is very strong, he should be fine, the strongest here is the Sea Bone King, there is Hei Er who blocks the Sea Bone King, he must kill the Quartet under the sea, Humans can be brought back soon." Xia Xia reminded.


Hei Tianya nodded slightly, then looked at Hei Er in front of him: "The strength of this Sea Bone King is really good, Hei Er's attack is still very powerful, but after so long, he has never given Sea Bone King. What a great deal of damage."

"This is Sea Bone King's territory, he has a big advantage here, it's normal for Hei Er to not be able to take him down, but it's okay to delay the time, as long as Hei will bring humans up, then we will win. ." Xia Xia's meaning is very simple, they came here not desperately with the Sea Bone King, but to **** humans.

Just grab the humans.

Then they won this battle.

You don't have to think about other things at all.

"This Sea Bone King, if I don't kill him, I feel very unhappy." Hei Tianya doesn't like the people who oppose him are still alive.

"Don't worry, Boss Ya, after we leave, I will let all the flying beasts in the entire Griffin Mountain attack this Sea Bone King together. Even if his strength is very strong, what can he do? How much can he fight? Certainly It's going to be destroyed." Xia Xia said.

"It's still safe for you to do things." Hei Tianya is now appreciating summer more and more.

What he lacks the most is someone around him who can do whatever he wants.

Usually, although at his father, whatever he wants, his father will satisfy him, but his father is also very strict with him, and his father's people will not be arbitrarily mobilized by him.

It's out now.

He finally had the opportunity to be respected by others.

But Hei Da and Hei Er did not cooperate with him.

This also made him very uncomfortable.

However, the strength of the summer is a bit weak.

This is what he is very dissatisfied with.

If Xia Xia is now a master at the level of a beast, then he will be even more satisfied. Whatever he wants to do, Xia Xia will definitely be able to help him complete it as soon as possible.

"Thank you for the praise, boss Ya." Xia Xia pretended to be very excited.

"Behave well, and I will help you become a beast lord in the future." Hei Tianya's words are not false, but he really wants to cultivate Xia Xia into a beast venerable, such an obedient and capable person, how can he Might not help yet.


He does have that ability.

Although it will lose the foundation of summer.

But in his view.

Being able to become a beastmaster should be the biggest dream of a flying fairy beast like Xia Xia.

Beast Venerable's subordinates can also temporarily satisfy him.

"Thank you for the cultivation, boss Ya." Xia Xia deliberately pretended to be more excited.


Hei Tianya is very satisfied with Xia Xia's current attitude.

"This idiot has completely fallen into your trap." Qu Xi said with emotion, she really saw what acting was called, and Xia Xia's acting was really terrible.

He has completely accounted for it all.

At this time, Hei Tianya was being played around by Xia Xia.

"Hei Da shouldn't be able to come up." Ying said.

"Why can't you come? Isn't the Sea Bone King already on top, and Hei Er is holding him back, he can't go down to help, plus so many flying fairy beasts to help, he shouldn't be in danger, right? !!" Qu Xi asked in confusion.

"Don't you understand Xia Xia's calculations? When Xia Xia let him go down, he had already decided to kill him, so when he went down, there was no possibility of him coming up.

"Really?" Qu Xi asked.

"Yes, in fact, the Sea Bone King we see now is not the real Sea Bone The real Sea Bone King is below, this is just a stand-in, and those flying fairy beasts have been blocked. All the retreats of Hei Da, even if Hei Da wants to come up, he will be completely trapped under the sea, and once he is in his hands, those flying fairy beasts may be his helpers to kill him." Xia Xia said .

How could he have let go of Hei Da?

This Hei Da is quite rational, and dares to disobey Hei Tianya. If he were to be here, how could Hei Tianya be at the mercy of Xia Xia.


The first step in summer is to deal with the black big.

The second step is to deal with the black two.

After disposing of the two of them, Hei Tianya has completely become his puppet, and when he asks Hei Tianya to do whatever Hei Tianya does, it will be much more convenient to go to the patio.

"You are such a terrifying person. Your strength may be your weakest point." Qu Xi said with emotion.

Summer's means, and Summer's calculations, are more terrifying than Summer's strength.

boom! boom! boom!

Hei Er, who was fighting, was suddenly controlled by dozens of white-boned birds flying around.


The Sea Bone King also directly killed Hei Er.

"Not good!!" Hei Er's expression changed.


The attack of the Sea Bone King directly penetrated Hei Er's body, and Hei Er also hurriedly used his life-saving skills to directly start to counterattack the Sea Bone King.

at the same time.

Kuroji wanted to withdraw.

"Don't come back. If you come back, what will Hei Da do? Do you want to kill him?" Hei Tian also scolded.

That's right.

Now if Black Er comes back.

How about the black world?

Could it be that Hei Tianya can only be sent to death?

"Fight." Hei Er's body turned into a stream of light.

Black kill!

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