The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1104: The Temptation of King Dan

The powerful lethality rushed towards the Sea Bone King in an instant.


The Sea Bone King's body was shattered like this, but the shattered Sea Bone King's body was soon condensed again and killed again to Hei Er.

boom! boom!

The two of them now seem to be fighting for each other.

In the summer, rocking chairs and delicious food and drinks are directly brought out.

Let Hei Tianya lie there and watch the play.

Black Tianya thinks.

Summer is just too fair to think.

He also appreciates summer even more: "This is a black stone that I obtained when I traveled before. It should have a great effect on your existence in this realm."


When I saw the black stone, summer was also bright.

This thing is for him.

The effect is really great.

It is exactly what the red phoenix needs to evolve.

"Thank you, Boss Ya, I just heard about Heishi before, but I didn't expect that one day I would see the real thing." Xia Xia was really excited this time, this was not fake.

If Hei Tianya gave him other things, he might not feel anything.

But Blackstone is different.

This can really increase the overall strength of the red phoenix.

"Boss Ya, I killed a human before and found this elixir on him. I heard that human said that after taking this elixir, the power of the law can be directly increased by 10,000 points. I don't know if it's true or not. , but I have never dared to take such a precious thing, and now is the time for me to dedicate it to adults." Xia Xia took out a realm king pill.

He understands.

If you want an existence like Hei Tianya to take the bait, you must come up with something good.

There is nothing better than Jie Wang Dan.


When the Realm King Dan appeared.

Hei Tianya is also a bright spot.

"There are still such good things, are there any side effects?" Hei Tianya asked.

"I have already tortured that human, and he said that there are no side effects, and this medicinal pill is called the Realm King Pill. It seems that no matter how many pills you take, the effect will not be weakened. Raise 10,000 points, one 10,000 points!" Xia Xia explained.

Black Tianya's eyes lit up.

Good stuff.

If this world king Dan is really as effective as Xia Xia said.

Then he will be prosperous.

"I'll give it a try!" Hei Tianya checked it, and when he confirmed that it wasn't some kind of poison, he took it directly.

He also trusts summer more.

In addition, Hei Da and Hei Er were both here, and he didn't think Xia Xia had the guts to harm him.

It was not easy in the summer to curry favor with him.

How could it possibly harm him?


He doesn't need to do anything at all next, he just needs to feel this power, and he has no worries about the consequences at all.


Hei Tianya opened his eyes: "It's amazing, no wonder I heard that there have been many masters in human beings recently. It turns out that they have actually developed such a heaven-defying thing. This is too terrifying."

He has already sensed that the power of his own law is rapidly improving.

This kind of increase in speed is simply too terrifying.

In the past, his father also gave him a lot of good things, but there was no such thing as an improvement.

And the good things his father gave him need to be digested all year round.

Other medicinal materials are also needed to neutralize and so on.

Very troublesome.

But the effect of this Realm King Pill is actually so good.

"Is there any more?" Hei Tianya has already sensed it, and it won't be long before his own law power will definitely increase by 10,000 points.

"No, Boss Ya, I only got one. I thought I was not worthy of this medicine pill, so I kept it. I just suddenly remembered that only people like you are worthy of this medicine pill. ." Summer complimented.

"It's a pity, if I can get more of such a heaven-defying medicinal pill, then when I go back, I can use the identity of the beast to see my father, and he will be very happy then." Hei Tianya also hopes very much. With the approval of his father, he wanted to see his father's surprised eyes.

"My lord, I caught that person before. He said that he still has a companion, and the companion seems to have this kind of elixir, but those people seem to have gone to the patio." Xia Xia said.

If he directly said he wanted to go to the patio.

That Hei Tianya will definitely think there is a problem.

And Hei Tianya doesn't like to be influenced by others in his life.

Can if.

If Hei Tianya wants to go.

That's different.

"Okay, after we've settled the matter here, let's go to your boss's place first, and then we'll go to the patio to have a look. It just so happens that your boss should have a teleportation array leading to the patio." Hei Tianya is obviously also very excited. .

He has a great desire for this kind of promotion.


"My reconnaissance ability is very strong. As long as the other party is nearby, I can definitely find them." Xia Xia said.

"Okay, I will never treat you badly." Now Hei Tianya's attitude towards Xia Xia is simply at its peak.

he thinks.

You are the chosen child.

So when he came out this time, UU reading could have a talent like Xia Xia to follow him.

Hei Er is fighting frantically with the Sea Bone King.

As if struggling.

Xia Xia glanced at Hei Tianya: "Boss Ya, Hei Er can't seem to hold it anymore. I just called some flying fairy beasts of the quasi-beast venerable level and asked them to help?"

"No need for now, Hei Da and Hei Er are too arrogant. They don't take me seriously because they have been with my father for a while. They also have to learn some lessons. When they see that he is really not good, you will order you again. Let them go to the show for the time being." Hei Tianya has already thought about it now, he just wants to make Hei Da and Hei Er suffer some losses.

make them understand.

You can't deal with it casually.


This is my favorite thing about summer.

Now Hei Tianya does not let his people help.

It was too late to help after that.

The Sea Bone King obviously won't give Hei Da and Hei Er a chance.

Hei Da should be about to descend to the bottom of the sea now. When he looks for humans, he should encounter the body of the Sea Bone King.

By the time.

he faced.

Is the real sea bone king.

After summer analysis.

The real Sea Bone King, the overall combat power here should be only a little worse than the shadow. Hei Da and Hei Er will not be his opponents together, let alone separated.

Coupled with the surprise attack of the Sea Bone King.

These two should be dead.

at the same time.

in the deep sea.

A pair of huge eyes suddenly opened, this is the body of the Sea Bone King, but no one thought that the so-called Sea Bone King body was actually a huge octopus.

"Flying fairy beasts at the level of beasts should be delicious."

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