The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1111: Realm King Dan for Black Stone

Although he has only taken one Realm King Pill, he can't forget this feeling. Realm King Pill is really a good thing, and it directly increases his law power by 10,000 points.

this number.

Make him very happy.

If he goes back now.

His father will definitely pay more attention to him.


He was still not satisfied.

He wants to get more realm king pills, he wants to improve more, if he is directly promoted to the level of beast venerable in the end, then he can make a lot of money, and even his father will be surprised.

His father's subordinates would also be convinced of him.

There will be no more people like Kuro Dai and Kuro Er.

After he went back.

Everyone will look at him differently.

This is what he expected.

What he most wanted to see.


"My lord, the Black Eagle King seems to be tracking something, are we going to help?"

"Go, you must go!!"

Hei Tianya heard what Xia Xia was going to track, he thought Xia Xia must have discovered humans, because Xia Xia said before that his tracking ability is very powerful, if Xia Xia really catches up with humans and grabs the world king Dan .

Then he makes a lot of money.



Xia Xia is also running on purpose. He wants to create an illusion that he is fighting against humans. Only in this way can Hei Tianya not have any doubts, and the later things will be more convenient.

that's it.

Half a day has passed.

Hei Tianya has always been very anxious.

He is waiting for the return of summer.

He is also looking forward to a successful summer.

Because only if he succeeds, can he have news of the Realm King Pill.


Summer fell in front of Hei Tianya.

"Boss Ya, I'm back." A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.

"Is there any news about the Realm King Pill?" Hei Tianya hurriedly asked.

What he cares most about now is the Realm King Pill.

"Yes, not only did I have the news of the Realm King Pill, but I also grabbed two Realm King Pills from that human being, but that human would rather die than reveal other people's news, and finally blew himself up." Xia Xia explained road.

"Two Realm King Pills?" Hei Tianya directly ignored what Xia Xia said.

He only heard these words.

That's what he wanted to hear the most.

"Boss Ya, the Realm King Dan is here." Xia Xia said.

Hei Tianya's face was full of excitement, but he soon stabilized his mood: "Since there are two, then you and I each have one."

He wanted to be very atmospheric.

Only in this way.

The subordinates can be more willing to give him hard work.

"No, Boss Ya, my aptitude is not enough, if you give it to me, it's really a waste, I'm afraid you can't even increase the power of 5,000 points of law, but you are different, your talent is the best among all the immortal beasts I have seen. Yes, you will definitely be able to exert the maximum effect of the World King Pill, and if you can raise 10,000 points the second time, it will prove your talent even more." Xia Xia said.


Hei Tianya nodded with satisfaction. Although he just handed out a Realm King Pill, if Xia Xia accepted it, he would be very unhappy.

Now hear the words of summer.

He was also more satisfied with Xia Xia: "I will not treat you badly, since the realm king pill is not suitable for you, then I will give you these two black stones!!"

"Thank you Boss Ya!!"

Blackstone! !

This is my favorite in summer.

And it is a third-class black stone.

So big.

This is a lot more than what he bought before.

Just to help Hongfeng continue to evolve.

"Come on, follow me, I will not treat you badly." Hei Tianya also directly took a realm king pill.

The familiar feeling reappeared.

This feeling made him very happy.

"Boss Ya, I want to continue searching to see if I can find other humans, or more information about humans and the Realm King Dan." Xia Xia suggested.


"Go, be careful. If you need help, ask the guards to help. If you can get the Jie Wang Dan back, I won't treat you badly." Although Hei Tianya didn't say it explicitly, he was already hinting at Xia.

If Xia Xian brings him a realm king pill, he will give Xia Xia a black stone.


Summer just disappeared in place.

"A third-class black stone for a realm king pill is still very cost-effective. He has a total of twenty third-class black stones, and now there are eighteen left. Then I will get eighteen realm king pills in the next few days. That's alright, as long as he can get all of his twenty black stones, the overall lethality of Hongfeng will increase by several levels." Xia Xia secretly said in his heart.

This kind of thing made him very excited.

Hongfeng is one of his greatest killer moves, especially for those below the Venerable.

If it can be raised again.

That was definitely the best news for him.

"As long as there are enough black stones, I can continue to evolve, and it will be easier to kill existences below the Venerable level in the future." Hongfeng said very confidently.


Between Xia Xia and Hongfeng, there is no need to say The two of them have a clear division of labor.

And they definitely depend on each other.

that's it.

Hei Tianya feels his power increasing all the time.

"It's so cool, this feeling is so cool, there are no side effects, the law directly skyrockets, and from the current skyrocketing speed, it can be seen that this second realm king pill, I can also skyrocket 10,000 points of law power. , I got the news from Black Hawk, only the top genius can skyrocket 10,000 points, so I am that kind of top genius." Hei Tianya thought he was a top genius before.

But he can also hear a lot of people who are more talented than him.

But he always thought.

Their potential has not been truly tapped.


That's when his potential is truly tapped out.

"Sure enough, I, Hei Tianya, is the son of heaven's choice. My Hei Tianya talent will be more terrifying than my father. In the future, I will definitely surpass my father. Those old guys who look down on me, I will definitely show you. To my Hei Tianya's growth." Hei Tianya said excitedly.

The second realm king pill.

He also grew 10,000 points of law power.

Then he hurriedly took the third realm king pill.

The effect is as he imagined.

Still sprinting towards the power of ten thousand points of law.

"It's already the third one, and I'm still growing. There's absolutely nothing wrong with this time. My talent must be the strongest among all immortal beasts." Hei Tianya was also getting more and more excited.

that's it.

The third Realm King Pill also grew by 10,000 points.


The power of his laws skyrocketed by 30,000 points.

Even he felt terrified at this speed.

"Black Hawk hasn't come back for so long, he must have discovered another human being."

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