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Chapter 1112: summer ran

Hei Tianya's eyes are full of anticipation, and he is more and more satisfied with Xia Xia. He can handle the tasks he handed over to Xia Xia perfectly, and Xia Xia can bring him unexpected surprises every time.

Such men.

How could he not like it.

Since he met Summer.

Happy every day.

His vanity was satisfied.

His strength has increased.

His whole person seems to have been sublimated.

"Sir, your strength seems to have grown a lot recently." The ten beasts also looked at Hei Tianya in surprise.

"Don't even look at who I am." Hei Tianya said with admiration.

"Sir is worthy of being the son of Lord Hei Zun. The talent is really the strongest we have ever seen. In the future, he will definitely become the second Hei Zun to beat people." The ten of them were also very respectful to Hei Tianya.

If someone had praised him like that before, he would have been very happy.

But recently, the vanity of Hei Tianya being held by Xia Xia is stronger.

He believes that he must be able to surpass his father's existence in the future.


He wasn't very happy with the compliment now.

He just wants to wait for summer to come back now.

Bring him back with the news of the Realm King Pill or the Realm King Pill.

"Why is there so much movement here recently?" Hei Tianya felt that there was gunpowder everywhere.

"It is indeed a little unsafe here, but with us here, absolutely no one can hurt you." Those ten people were also very confident in their own strength.


Hei Tianya is also waiting very anxiously now.

He's been looking forward to coming back in summer.

And now this summer.

It is to hide and drink.

He just wanted to make Hei Tianya wait and make Hei Tianya anxious. The more anxious Hei Tianya was, the more beneficial it would be for his later plans.

three days later.

Hei Tianya rests in a cave.

Waiting anxiously.

Back in summer.

"Are you injured?" Hei Tianya hurriedly asked when he saw Xia Xia's appearance.

"The number of humans I encountered this time is a bit large, but I still caught one person, and the others ran away. If it wasn't for the black stone that the boss gave me to improve my strength again, I'm afraid I really couldn't catch that one. Humans, but unfortunately, my strength is still inferior, otherwise, at least one human will be left." Xia Xia said.

"Catch one?" Hei Tianya's eyes lit up.

"Well, he has three Realm King Pills on his body." Xia Xia took out the three Realm King Pills.

Hei Tianya's eyes are shining.

Not to mention how happy he is now.

Everyone gets excited.

"By the way, you just said that Black Stone can help you improve your strength?" Hei Tianya suddenly said.


Xia Tian nodded: "Blackstone can make the wings behind me get a plan, but unfortunately things like Blackstone can't be found, so my strength has never been improved."

"Come on, these black stones are all for you. You don't have to do anything these few days. First heal your wounds and improve your strength, and then go and kill humans for me." Hei Tianya also trusts Xia a lot now.


He simply took out all the black stones and handed them over to Xia Xia.

Although the value of black stone is very high.

But for him.

Blackstone is useless at all.

He doesn't usually need to buy anything.

Anything you want is delivered to your door.

"Thank you, Boss Ya!!" Xia Xia said very gratefully.

"Have a good rest!!" Hei Tianya looked at the three realm king pills in his hand, not to mention how happy he was.

Blackstone he doesn't need it.

But Jie Wang Dan, he really needs it.

With Jie Wang Dan.

His realm can be continuously improved, and the strength of the whole person is also growing rapidly. This is what he wants to see the most. Originally, he wanted to give Blackstone to Xia a little bit.

But he heard Xia Xia say that if he was strong enough, he could keep one or two more humans.

He is absolutely unfortunate.

He trusts Summer.


Blackstone gives early and late is the same.

It's better to let Xia Xia grow up earlier, help him catch a few more humans, and get more Jie Wang Dan.

And summer is his first loyal follower.

He also wants to grow Xia's strength, so that when he takes Xia back in the future, others can't underestimate him.

Thought he had taken in a trash man.

"It's easier than I thought." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"Let's run with Black Stone, so that you don't have to give him the Realm King Pill." Qu Xi said.

"To lay a long line and catch big fish, he is completely unsuspecting of me now, and he has 100% trust in me, but if I do better, I can leave here directly." Xia Xia said.


Only then did Qu Xi react, and she finally understood what she was going to do in the summer.

After Hongfeng got the Black Stone, it also began to evolve wildly.

He doesn't waste any time helping Summer evolve.

three days later.

Hei Tianya wanted to come and see Summer, but he didn't see it.

"What about people?" Hei Tianya frowned.

"Sir, Black Hawk has left."

"Leave? Did he run away with my Blackstone?" Hei Tianya suddenly had this He even regretted it a little, knowing that he shouldn't have given so much Blackstone directly to Xia Xia.


This made him a little depressed.


He also has a fluke mentality, that is, he did not leave in the summer, but went to find a human for him.

But what is the final result?

He was also very anxious.

He has now completely fallen in love with Jie Wang Dan.

Now that Xia Xia suddenly disappeared, not only did he take away Black Stone, but also there was no news of Jie Wang Dan, and he quite admired Xia Xia's subordinate.

for a while.

His mood also became complicated.

the next day.

for him.

It's all an ordeal.

Another three days.

No news.

The next five days.

Still no news.

seven days.

Ten days!

Still no news.

"Am I really being deceived, he really ran away?" Hei Tianya's mood was also completely suppressed. Although he has grown a lot recently, he has also become more greedy.

He thought he could have improved even more.

"Damn, this guy Black Hawk, I treat him so well, I trust him so much, and he actually ran away." Hei Tianya also destroyed everything around him.

He was venting his dissatisfaction.

He really wanted to kill Xia Xia now.

Fifteen days! !

"Sir, Black Hawk is back, he is looking for you!!" A subordinate reported.

"Black Hawk is back?" Hei Tianya ran out instantly when he heard this. He wanted to teach Black Hawk a good lesson and let Black Hawk know the fate of betraying him.

"Boss Ya!!"

When he saw the summer, Hei Tianya frowned: "How did you become like this?"

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