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Chapter 1113: More Jie Wang Dan

"In order to live up to the trust of Boss Ya, I went out to hunt down and kill those humans. The hard work paid off. I killed all of them in the end, but I was also injured, but I was worried that Boss Ya was in a hurry. Come back." Xia Xia took out sixteen Realm King Pills in his hands.

Originally, he thought that he would just take some back.

Hei Tianya would not doubt it.

But in the end, I still thought about teleporting black holes.


Still have to pay.

When looking at sixteen realm king pills.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"So much!!" Hei Tianya hurriedly snatched the Jie Wang Pill from Xia Xia's hand, as if he was worried that the Jie Wang Pill would disappear at any time.

But Hei Tianya received all kinds of education from his father since he was a child.

So even if he loses his temper, he can recover immediately every time.

"It's really hard for you this time. The next time something like this happens, heal your injuries as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will be hurt so badly, it's easy to get into trouble." Hei Tianya asked with great concern.

Before, he was still wondering if Summer had run away.

But now.

His attitude was completely different.

Treat summer like your own brother.

Sixteen realm king pills.

It is enough for him to cultivate to the level of beast venerable.

"My life and death are trivial matters. Completing your task, Boss Ya, is the main thing. If I can complete Boss Ya's task perfectly, even if I die, I will be honored." Hei Tianya was very moved by Xia Xia's words. .

"Go to rest first, I won't treat you badly in the future." Hei Tianya patted Xia Xia's shoulder.

He really appreciates summer.

With such men.

He feels very lucky.

"Boss of the career, before I killed them, I got a very important news." Xia Xia said.

"What news?" Hei Tianya asked.

"They are from the same faction, and the Jiewang Pill was developed by their faction, but the material of the Jiewang Pill is very precious, and the water from our patio is one of the materials, so they will risk running to Come here." Summer said.

He finally began to speak his purpose.

He does so much.

Just to use space black holes.

"The same faction? That is to say, there is a faction that can already copy a large number of Realm King Pills?" Hei Tianya asked.

"It's not a large number. After all, something as precious as the Realm King Pill cannot be refined casually," Xia Xia said.


"Although it is not a large number, they have been successfully refined. If we can **** the alchemy technique of their human power, and **** the world king's pill that they have successfully refined..."

"This is impossible, because even my father can't take action against human forces casually. This violates certain regulations." Hei Tianya said.

"Their power is not within the scope of human beings, but within the scope of the immortal beast clan, because refining the world king pill requires a lot of rare materials, and the movement is very large, they are worried about attracting the attention of other human forces, and they are also worried about the sky Clan." Xia Xia explained.

Although Hei Tianya doesn't know much about the human world.

But he had heard about the people of the Celestial Clan.

"If it is in the territory of the Immortal Beast Clan, it will be much simpler. Where is their power? I can lead someone to kill them and rob them of everything." Hei Tianya's eyes lit up.

If it is in the territory of the fairy beast clan.

That's much simpler.

"They are not in the fifth party, they are in the fourth party!!!" Xia said.


Hei Tianya was stunned.

If it is in the fifth party, everything is easy.

But if it is in the fourth party, it will be troublesome, and it is not a problem that his people can quietly pass by.

"You rest first!!" Hei Tianya wanted to think about it.

I also want to let myself digest these realm king pills first.

As for the latter.

He has to think about it.

After all, this matter matters.

If the place Xia said was somewhere in the fifth party, even if it wasn't his father's territory, he could find a way, but if it was the fourth party, it would matter a lot.

because of different districts.

The way of life of the immortal beast family is also different.

They still don't bother each other.

There are many things involved here.

His father had told him these things since he was a child.

No rush in summer.

He had heard Hei Tianya say before that they could not go to other districts rashly, which involved a lot of problems.

So he can't be in a hurry.

"It seems that it's not so smooth." Qu Xi said with emotion.

"No, it went well," Ying said.

"But he obviously refused!!" Qu Xi said puzzled.

"But he hesitated, and he took the Jie Wang Pill, the Jie Wang Pill, as long as he got it, he couldn't refuse, even if the Jie Wang Pill had no effect on him, he was unwilling to give up such a rebellion. God's thing." Shadow said.

"Yes, I've almost made it, as long as there are no mistakes," Xia Xia said.



Just wait.

According to his Hei Tianya's last law power will be fixed at 299,000.

Only half a step away from the beast.

By the time.

His heart will be more anxious than anyone else.

Although the Jie Wang Pill is no longer effective, he will definitely look forward to the upgraded version of Jie Wang Pill.

Get used to the feeling of this upgrade.

He will definitely not think a little bit to understand.

that's it.

Ten days have passed.

"Black Eagle, how are you?" Hei Tianya took the initiative to find him.

"Boss Ya, my side has almost recovered." Xia Xia said.


"Have you heard from those human beings, why my power of law reached the level of beast venerable in half a step, but I couldn't improve it." Hei Tianya asked.

"I asked about it. They said that the Realm King Pill can only increase the power of the law to the realm of a half-step beast venerable. After reaching this realm, taking it can only play a role in recovery." Xia Xia said.

"That's it!!" Hei Tianya was a little disappointed.

Just half a step away, he can reach the realm of beast venerable.

if that's the case.

When he returns, it is truly the return of the king.

"But I heard them say that there seems to be another Great Realm King Pill, which is an upgraded version!!" Xia Xia said.

"Upgraded version? Dajie Wangdan?" Hei Tianya was obviously interested.

"Yes, but their level is too low, it is impossible to have something of this level on their bodies. That kind of Great Realm King Pill is more troublesome to refine, and the materials are more precious. They can only be found in their headquarters." Xia Xia said.

Hei Tianya did not speak.

But it's clear that he's starting to think about it.

a long time.

He glanced at Xia Xia: "I have an important task for you."

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