The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1122: hero

Celestial people!

When Xia Tian saw this halo, he understood the identity of the other party.

The other party is from the Celestial Clan.

turn out to be.

What happened this time was done by the people of the Celestial Clan.

But he still didn't know what the other party wanted to do.

"Ask me about that guy, he's not a first-class Celestial Clan, what's going on!!" Xia Xia was talking about the one who was sealed by him in his midst.

"I've already asked, and he doesn't know what's going on. He has never seen this kind of blood worm before!!" Ying just asked for the first time.

But nothing gained.

"Don't even the first-class Celestial Clan people know what's going on?" Xia Xia frowned.

"For the people outside, the first-class Celestial Clan people already have the highest status among the Celestial Clan people they know, but within the Celestial Clan, the first-class Celestial Clan people are a springboard, a springboard to truly enter the Sacred Celestial Clan. !!" Shadow explained.


Summer is also quickly killed at this time.

Since this Celestial Clan person wants to take out the halo, it proves that he wants to escape.

If you let him use the halo to run away, it will be even more difficult to find him.

And don't know how long it will take.

"It seems that there is no chance to be caught alive." Xia Xia also understood that this time there was no chance to capture this Celestial Clan man alive, because the conditions did not allow it.

Then he can only kill this Celestial Clan.

Kill this celestial being.

The immortal beast family can survive the disaster here.


Xia Xia's attack penetrated the opponent's body, and at the same time the opponent's halo also fell into his hands.



When killing that Celestial Clan man in the summer.

The surroundings fell silent for a moment.

Originally it was the sound of an overwhelming attack.

There were shouts of killing everywhere.

But now.

It's all gone.

The loud explosion was gone.

"Sir, we succeeded." Wan Fei's face was full of excitement.

They really succeeded.

when it comes.

They also thought that all of this was impossible.

Because they have no goals.

There is no direction.

Don't know what to do next.

Everything is under the command of summer.

They would do whatever they asked them to do in the summer. At that time, they thought that as long as they didn't cause trouble, they would be fine. As for making a real contribution and preventing this war, they really hadn't thought about it.

"Well, it worked." Xia Tian nodded.


Wan Tian also cheered.

Although they won inexplicably, they did win.

"Let everyone gather and see if there are any casualties!!" Xia Xia reminded.


The set signal is sent.

Three hundred people.

None of them died, more than 80 were seriously injured, and the others also suffered some minor injuries, most of which were injured here on this mountain.


"I have fulfilled my promise to you, and I have fulfilled my promise to Ya's boss." Xia Xia bowed to everyone.

Everyone also bowed to the summer.

Although along the way, they do not understand what to do in summer.

But summer did.

"Thank you sir!!" Everyone bowed deeply to Xia Xia.

Said it before the summer.

Try to bring them all back alive.

"We're ready to go back." Xia Xia said.

"Sir, there are many immortal beasts here, we can start time-space teleportation," said a quasi-beast venerable.

"How?" Summer asked.

"Let's make arrangements."


Several quasi beasts left the place.

after they return.

A ray of light appeared on Summer's head.

When he saw this light in the summer, he was also stunned: "Is this still possible?"

"This kind of thing can only be done in a sufficient number. It must be a steady stream of power input. If the power in the middle is cut off, then you will fall down, but there are immortal beasts everywhere, and they have just ordered the order. It has been released, so using this trick here is really the most effective." Ying reminded.


Xia Xia's body jumped and entered the light directly.


Everything around me started to look unreal.

his speed.

very fast.

You don't need to move by yourself, it has already formed a streamer.

The patio.

"Sir, the battle has stopped, and all the mutant beasts have returned to their original state."

"Very good, it seems that Black Eagle did not disappoint me." Hei Tianya's face was full of excitement.

Although he had let Blackhawk go out to investigate before.

But in his view.

It would be good to have any news within a year, and he will definitely ask him for help at that time, and he will let his masters go over and handle all this.

That would be perfect.

But he never dreamed.

over a month.

It's all over.

"My lord, it's really thanks to you this time. If it weren't for you, I don't know how many brothers would have been killed and injured, and how much the environment would have been destroyed."

Those around him all bowed to Hei Tianya.

They admire Hei Tianya from the bottom of their hearts.

Hei Tianya has done a great job this The loss he has recovered is definitely the biggest in their Heizun area since its establishment.

From now on.

All immortal beasts in the entire Hei Zun area will hear Hei Tianya's name.

When others see him in the future, their first reaction is no longer the son of Hei Zun, but the hero of the Hei Zun area: Hei Tianya.

"Everyone has worked hard. Let everyone do the aftermath first. The battle between the two clans is temporarily stopped and an internal review is conducted." Hei Tianya ordered.


"My lord, it's all thanks to you this time. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid our ten famous names would be ruined here." Tianjing ten warriors are also very respectful.

They also understand.

If the war continues, it is very likely that some special accidents will occur.

At that time, unforeseen surprises may occur.

That's really dangerous.

"You're welcome!!" Hei Tianya was very happy now.

He believed.

His father must have also received the news that the battle was over at the first time.

And he is the commander-in-chief of the war.

Nature is the greatest credit.

It was also he who sent a special army to penetrate deep into the heart of the enemy.

Although he didn't go there himself.

But during the war, who ever saw the old coach personally go out to kill the enemy?

"Sir, they used the time-space transmission channel to come back." A subordinate reported.

Hei Tianya hurriedly ran out when he heard this.


These people who came back were all the heroes who helped him accomplish this grand feat.

It can be said.

Without these people, he would not have his present glory.

He is already destined to be the hero of the Black Venerable area.

But these people, in his heart, are also heroes.

Likewise, he also wants to see summer.

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