The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1123: hero

His favorite subordinate.

"Boss Ya!" When Xia Tian saw Hei Tianya, a smile appeared on his face.


Hei Tianya nodded slightly: "Black Eagle, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, but many of the brothers are injured," Xia Xia reminded.


Hei Tianya looked at everyone: "Thank you, brothers, I have reported your names, you are all heroes in the Heizun area, I have reported it to my father, in the future in our Heizun area, you will have heroes. statue."

Hero statue.

This is the highest ease in the Black Venerable area.

In the current Hei Zun area, the highest status is the hero.

After this incident, Hei Tianya's hero status was definitely settled.

Although they can not directly become heroes.

But it can be a hero.

This is what Hei Tianya promised them.

Those heroes in the Hei Zun area now: either a group of beasts who died with Hei Zun back then, or a hegemon like Heiyun.

These three hundred quasi beasts.

Normally speaking, whether it is from identity, status, or strength.

Shouldn't be eligible to be a hero.


This time they really did a great job.

And it was Hei Tianya himself who asked for the merit.

This is different.

"Thank you sir." The three hundred quasi-beast venerables were all very excited.

This is Guangzong Yaozu.

To win glory for their boss, from now on, their identities and positions will be completely different.

In the Black Venerable area, they have endless glory.

all of these.

Hei Tianya fought for them.

Of course.

They are also very grateful for summer.

But Hei Tianya is here, they will not lose their courtesy.

Hei Tianya nodded slightly: "Black Eagle, I also applied for a hero for you."

"Thank you boss Ya." Xia Xia said respectfully.

"Have you found anything this time?" Hei Tianya asked.

"That human has a halo on his head at the end. All the blood worms are sealed in his body. He is the mother body. If he kills him, all the immortal beasts that are out of control will all return to normal." Xia Xia said.

"Halo?" Hei Tianya was taken aback.

Although he has never been to the human world.

But he still heard from his father that he belonged to the Celestial Clan in the human world.

The halo is the symbol of the Celestials.

"Is there any other news?" Hei Tianya suddenly realized that this time things were not easy.

"No. At that time, the Celestial Clan man exhausted all means of escape. We chased and blocked him several times. I was worried that if we let him run away again, it would be difficult for us to kill him, so we killed him at that time." Xia Tian. said.


Hei Tianya nodded slightly: "You guys have done a very good job, this time the matter is very important, I have to go back quickly."

He is in a hurry to go back now.

On the one hand, he wanted to report this kind of thing to his father.

on the other hand.

He also wants to enjoy the respectful gaze of others.

This time.

He really showed his face.

And his strength has skyrocketed, and he also wants to show his father.

"Sir, then I will continue to complete my task." Xia Xia said.


"Actually, I'm very reluctant to let you leave me. You've been by my side for a few days, which has saved me a lot of trouble." Hei Tianya really appreciates summer very much. He thinks that with summer by his side, he doesn't need to be so Much trouble.

No matter what the problem is, just hand it over to Summer.


He wanted more news from the Realm King Pill.

This matter is impossible for anyone other than to hand it over to Xia Xia.

"Don't worry, boss Ya, I will definitely complete the task." Xia Xia said.

"I'll wait for you, whether it's ten years, twenty years, one hundred years, or ten thousand years, I'll wait for you to come back." Hei Tianya also understood that this task was definitely not that easy to accomplish.


Even if he can let Xia Tian teleport away, it is impossible to come back.

The fairy beast on the fourth side.

It will not be easy for him to use the teleportation array to come back.

"En!" Summer nodded.

"I won't give you away." Hei Tianya was indeed a little reluctant to summer.

Such men.

Very useful.

Summer glanced at Hei Tianya.

Although he is using Hei Tianya.

But there are also some feelings between him and Hei Tianya.

Hei Tianya helped him and left the fifth party.

He also helped Hei Tianya to reach the pinnacle of his small life.

"Let's go!" After waiting for so long, Xia Xia was finally able to leave. This time, when he came to the Black Venerable area, he obtained a large number of black stones, which greatly improved Hongfeng's strength.

And also discovered some secrets of the Celestial people.

Black hole teleportation!

Summer's body disappeared in place.

when it reappears.

Everything around was different.

"The fifth party came here?" the guard next to him asked coldly.

"Yes, this is my token!" Xia Tian handed over his token.

"Let's go, the route has been planned for you, remember, as long as you leave here, it's up to you whether you live or die, it has nothing to do with us." The guard's attitude towards Xia was very indifferent.

Obviously. UU reading

There are many restrictions on teleportation in their different regions.

No feelings for each other.

Can only be regarded as a task.

"Thank you!" Summer also disappeared in place.


He just disappeared.

Found a safe place.


Qu Xi was released by Xia Xia.

"Finally out." Qu Xi breathed a sigh of relief.

"There's a big problem now." Xia Xia frowned.

"You've already left the fifth party. What's the big problem? Others will definitely not expect you to come to the fourth party for the time being." Qu Xi said.

"We are in the fourth party, but do you know where we are now?" Xia Tian asked.

That's right.

in the fifth party.

The reason why everything went so smoothly for them was because of the detailed map and detailed route of the White Emperor.

But now.

After coming to the fourth party, they have nothing.

They too have lost their sense of direction now.

I don’t even know what direction the area where humans live. Even if I can catch a few fairy beasts and ask, I can’t figure it out. These fairy beasts live around here all the year round, and they won’t know which side is outside unless they catch them. A beast, but is the beast so easy to catch?


Even if they know the direction, if they can't find the teleportation black hole, how long will it take them to fly out?

This time cannot be calculated either.

There are no detailed coordinates.

There may be many dangers on the road.

"This is indeed a big problem!" Qu Xi frowned when he heard this.

It is the so-called joy begets sorrow.

They had just escaped from the fifth party.

The result was this dilemma.

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