The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1128: binocular evolution


After the Thousand-Eyed Beast disappeared, a layer of invisible power seemed to disappear along with it.

This layer of power.

Usually it is used to resist those Xiaoxiao who have entered here by mistake.

his identity.

You can't come here and kill one.

That would be too annoying.

But now.

The power of this layer is gone.

This attracted a lot of fairy beasts.

Qu Xi's eyes looked around: "The movement is not small, it seems that this time there is going to be a battle."

She can also feel it.

There are monsters all around.

There should be quite a few.


When I saw the first fairy beast galloping over.

Qu Xi also started to kill.

Summer there!

He could sense that the power in his dantian was being continuously compressed and purified.

Then back to his eyes.

at this time.

His eyes are also very comfortable.

This feeling.

It was as if he had fallen into his mother's arms.

"The power can continue to be compressed and purified, so that the eyes can be moisturised little by little, and the thousands of eyes of the Thousand-Eyed Beast seem to be eaten directly by yours," Hongfeng said.

this time.

Only Hongfeng can help him analyze.

Although they usually help them analyze many battles and situations.

But they can't see the true core secrets of the summer.

Only Hongfeng can see the core secrets of the summer.

"Well, I don't know if my eyes have evolved this time, but they will definitely change a lot, and the power in this thousand-eyed beast is too huge, and it is impossible for my eyes to fully absorb it. Condense the Great Realm King Pill!" Xia Xia's Realm King Jue Dantian can condense the power of the Venerable and above into the Great Realm King Pill.

The power below the Venerable can only condense the ordinary King Dan.

This time, the thousand-eyed beast.

Not only His Holiness.

And it is the top venerable.


Naturally, it can condense more realm king pills.

On the Quxi side.

The battle is getting more and more intense, but fortunately she has a lot of material on her body.

There are also many kinds of medicinal herbs.


Defending battles and offensive battles are different.

during offensive warfare.

It is definitely easier, but guarding a position is much harder.

The number of immortal beasts around is also increasing.

Strength is getting stronger and stronger.

"It seems that he has changed a lot this time." Since Di Ling knew Xia Xia, it was the first time he saw Xia Xia practiced for so long.

usual summer.

Usually, it takes a few hours to practice at most.

But this time.

He has been practicing for seven days.

Quxi also guarded here for seven days.

The seven-day high-intensity battle also made Qu Xi very tired, and her resources were almost consumed by her, but she just didn't let any power fall.

"His grandma's, this is really not something people do, it's still fun to fight." Qu Xi said very depressed.

Several times.

She really wanted to kill it.

But when I think of myself, I want to protect the law for the summer.

She stopped.

"It should be soon!" Qu Xi had never seen Xia Xia practice for such a long time.

she thought.

Summer is definitely a critical time for cultivation and must not be disturbed.


She must protect summer now.

"Thanks to these fighting resources, otherwise, it would be really difficult to hold on for such a long time." Qu Xi said with emotion.


Circle after circle of power is constantly flowing into Xia Xia's eyes.

Summer at this time.

It is also a critical moment for cultivation.

He's already determined.

His eyes have definitely changed.

But not evolution.

Rather, new capabilities have been added.

Originally he thought.

He only absorbed the purified power from the Realm King Jue, but he soon discovered that the thousand eyes of the Thousand-Eyed Beast were completely absorbed by his eyes.

The power in his eyes now.

Incredibly pure.

this power.

is also being sublimated.

"Kill, if the Thousand-Eyed Beast is dead, then he is ours together, and the essence of his corpse must also be ours." Those immortal beasts in the periphery didn't understand what was going on at first.

But there is news from the person in front of you.

There are humans below.

But when you can't see the Thousand-Eyed Beast.

These fairy beasts are completely crazy.

Here before.

It is an existence like a forbidden place.

They didn't dare to approach here at all, and many immortal beasts near here were almost all dead.


This has always been their place of fear.


The Thousand-Eyed Beast is dead.

They are not afraid of anything.

There have always been legends.

The Thousand-Eyed Beast does not leave here because there are huge treasures here. This is a treasure house, and the Thousand-Eyed Beast is ordered to guard this treasure house.

Although only a legend.

But now the fairy beasts here also want to see it.

Is this legend true or false?

News of the Thousand-Eyed Beast's death continued to spread.

This made the nearby immortal beasts and the immortal beast kings of the major hills bring people here.

"More and more." Qu Xi clapped his hands.


These fairy beasts on the ground.

Most were swallowed directly.


The light flashed.

The weapon in Qu Xi's hand also directly devoured the surrounding immortal beasts.


In front of Quxi.

Only destruction.

"Although it is very difficult, it is also very cool. It is really the first time to fight this kind of defense battle, and I will have experience in the future." Qu Xi believes that Following the summer, she can experience a lot of previous Something she couldn't experience at all.

It can also give her a lot of insights.

boom! boom!

Qu Xi's attack came out.

The two immortal beasts that rushed over were not destroyed by the attack, but were directly killed.


Qu Xi blocked the impact of the two immortal beasts.

"Quasi-Beast Venerable, interesting!!" Qu Xi was suddenly attacked by two quasi-Beast Venerables.

Didn't get any damage.


The light flashed.

Qu Xi's body suddenly appeared behind the two of them.

I want to crush them both.

at this time.

There were more than ten attacks around.

"Not good!!" Only then did Qu Xi understand.

I was calculated myself.

These two immortal beasts of the quasi-beast rank are used to attract their own attacks, deliberately revealing flaws to let her take the bait.


The other quasi-beasts and immortal beasts in the back raided her.

There are too many fairy beasts here.

She simply didn't have time to investigate.

So it will be hit.


One after another power instantly wrapped her whole body.

Dodge now.

It's too late.

Only defensive.

boom! boom! boom!

After resisting two rounds of attacks, her defense shattered directly.

"Fight!!" Qu Xi also gritted his teeth, then killed him instantly.

She wants to kill herself now.


She has no way out.

black line.

Just when she wanted to kill herself.

Countless black threads wrapped her directly.


When those attacks came, they were completely blocked by Xia Si.

"Careless!!" A voice appeared in her ear.

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