The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1129: Unlimited seckill [supplement]

this voice.

It is the voice that makes Qu Xi feel the most secure.

Hear this voice.

Qu Xi has a feeling of not being afraid of the sky and the earth, as if the whole world can't do anything to her.

"You can be regarded as the end of your cultivation, otherwise, I will be killed." Qu Xi said very depressed.

"I told you before, no matter what kind of enemy you encounter, you can't be careless. It is precisely because you feel that there is no danger around you, so you give up active exploration. In fact, at this time, in your subconscious, you have already There is a lazy idea, so you will be attacked by more than a dozen of them. If you have been careful to detect and treat every enemy very carefully, then you will not encounter this situation." Xia Xia reminded .

Many of the opponents he usually kills are like this.

At the beginning, he deliberately let the opponent adapt to his weak attack, so that the opponent would even think that Xia Xia's attack would not even hurt his hair.

at this time.

Find the best time to attack in the summer.

Suddenly the strongest blow.

When the other party found out that there was a problem, it was already too late, and the instinctive defense was no longer enough to stop Xia Xia's attack.

This method has been used many times in summer.

It was successful every time.

Because subconscious laziness and saving energy are common problems of everyone.

Especially this kind of battle.

Qu Xi must be thinking of saving as much strength and spirit as possible, so that he can fight for a longer period of time.

But she overlooked one point.

Only live.

Only then can we talk about protracted warfare.

If you can't even live, then there's no point in fighting for a long time.


Qu Xi also understands that she is indeed wrong. If others point to her, she will definitely be very upset.

But summer is always on point.

Convince her.

And it can make her grow.


Looking at the large number of immortal beasts killed in front of him.

Xia Tian's eyes instantly looked forward.

The spirit of the emperor!

For a moment.

Their bodies were all frozen there.

at the same time.

Their divine souls were directly stripped out by Xia Xia's eyes and thrown into their own sea of ​​consciousness.

their bodies.

It was penetrated by the red phoenix.


The huge power continuously flowed into the dantian of the realm and condensed into the realm of the realm.

"What?" Qu Xi understood.

Xia Xia will definitely grow this time, but she did not expect that Xia Xia has grown so much. Just now, she glanced at the immortal beasts in front of her, twelve immortal beasts at the quasi-beast level.

It was actually killed by him like this.

But before she could react.

Xia Xia's eyes also turned to the large number of immortal beasts killed in front of him again.


The bodies of those fairy beasts are also fixed there.


Their souls were stripped away by Xia Xia, and they were thrown directly into everything, and their bodies were penetrated by the red phoenix.


It's that simple.

Unlimited spikes.

Just hit the summer.

Killed twelve quasi-beast-rank masters.

But this time.

Xia Xia killed at least 80,000 or 90,000 fairy beasts at one time.

The front suddenly became empty.

This is the new ability after growing up in the summer.

The Law of the Sun, Moon and Stars!

Tianhan Sword.


Summer is no nonsense.

Kill directly.

After using this ability twice in a row, he has roughly understood his new ability.

However, this new ability can only be used three times a day. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????


He did not continue to use it for the time being.

The lethality of Hongfeng also unfolded instantly.

Where the red phoenix has gone.

All are direct kills.

"So strong!!" At this moment, Qu Xi didn't know how to describe his feelings.

The strength shown in summer.

It's just terrifying.

"In just a moment, he used the aura of an emperor to temporarily control the opponent's body, then used the ability of the Thousand Eyed Beast to make the opponent fall into illusion, and then used a special technique to strip the opponent's soul and body. In the case of a pair of shells, he used the red phoenix to kill, this whole set of actions is like flowing water." Ying was also very admirable at this time.

He had to admit it.

In all the actions in summer, there is not a single mistake.

during the battle.

The coolness of summer and the calculation of summer.

It's all unimaginable by normal people.

The precision of this computing power.

Already invincible.

This set of actions sounds simple.

But every step can't make any mistakes.

Otherwise, it would be in vain.

"Yeah, when I first got to know him, I felt that his ability was against the sky, and the weapons on his body were powerful, but after a long time, I realized that he was a terrifying person." Di Inspiration said.

He also understands.

How strong is this person in the summer?

And summer's personality is also very terrifying.

People who have been with him for a long time admire him very much.

The one who messed with him.

They are also getting stronger and stronger.

"Hongfeng's attack is too strong!!" Qu Xi originally wanted to go up to help, but she found out that the black and red feathers flying all over the sky were really crazy killings.

No matter what level of flying fairy beast.

They couldn't stop Hongfeng's attack.

Instant kill.

"These immortal beasts belong to different forces and different ethnic groups, so they have no rules when they rush over. If they calm down and use their attacks to keep hitting around, even if the attack of Hongfeng is strong~ There is no chance." Xia Xia knew very well what he was most afraid of when fighting.

It's the orderly attack of the opponent.

That is the biggest threat.

Even if the lethality of the red phoenix is ​​great.

The overwhelming attack came, and he couldn't fly far.

Although he can penetrate some attacks.

But it's not endless.

The impact of the attack is still there.

"En!!" Qu Xi also understood what summer meant.

at this time.

Summer's combat power is also very terrifying.

"Let's get out of here quickly, the number of immortal beasts will be more and the strength will be stronger." Xia Xia also understands that it will definitely be more troublesome here.

Don't go anymore.

No matter how strong they are.

I can't bear it.

"Wait, I just heard from those immortal beasts that the thousand-eyed beast has been staying here, as if to protect something, so is there any treasure nearby?" Qu Xi asked.



When I heard this.

Summer is also stunned.

"Let's find a place to hide and take a look first!!" Xia Xia's body moved, and he dug a big hole in the distance.

In total, Natsu was defending above.

and then hid.

at the same time.

He can also take a good rest.

Just in time to sort out his growth. .

The change in his eyes.

The number of realm king pills, etc.

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