The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1132: Nightmare Promenade

The current central area.

It is the place where one hundred trillion immortal crystals are placed.

The aura and the power of immortals there are also the places where the skyrocketing speed is the fastest.


It will be rearranged later in the summer.

For the time being these areas are separated.

But in the future, except for the room area and the prison area, other places will be opened up.

Just as Yingying and Diling were idle, the two of them were asked to do specific things in the summer.

"This is really against the sky." Qu Xi didn't know how to describe his mood.

The situation here is simply beyond his imagination.

The origin of the earth!

Summer just disappeared in place.

when it reappears.

The surroundings finally looked normal.

Xia Si's protection gradually disappeared. Every time he teleported out, he instinctively asked Xia Si to protect her body.


Quxi was released by the summer.

"Finally, there is no danger. It seems that your luck is not that bad." Qu Xi said with emotion.

Last time.

Summer fell directly into a dangerous place.

Almost got them buried there.

It can be said.

This is a very scary thing.

If it weren't for Xia's special ability, at that time, they were really dead.

"I don't think you are safe anymore, didn't you find out, and there is no fairy beast around?" Ying also hurriedly reminded.


When hearing this.

Xia Tian was stunned: "Yes, there is no fairy beast around."

That's the big problem.

Only some dangerous places, or the territory of some fairy beast kings, will no other fairy beasts dare to come over.

Otherwise normal area.

The number of fairy beasts is very large.

"Well?" Qu Xi also hurriedly checked: "Not only is there not a single fairy beast around, but there is not even a trace of a fairy beast."

She was also ready to fight for the first time.

"It seems that my luck is still so bad!!" Xia Xia also understood that there was definitely a problem here at this time.

As for what's the problem.

He doesn't know yet.

"You wrecked luck!!!" Qu Xi was just about to be **** off.

Just now she boasted that the luck in summer is not so bad.


They were in danger again.

"I don't want to either." Xia Xia was very depressed.

He is also checking the surroundings.


Very quiet.

There were not even reptiles or wind around.

He also checked all the vegetation.

Absolutely no toxicity.

That is to say.

There is no danger around.

But there is no danger in such a quiet place, who will believe it if you say it.

This is the territory of the fairy beast clan.

Although in some places the number of fairy beasts is very small.

But here, hundreds of thousands of miles around, there is no breath or trace, this is not normal.

If there is no immortal beast within a few thousand miles, he is absolutely normal, but if there is no immortal beast within hundreds of thousands of miles, then there is a problem.

"Let's get out of here first." Qu Xi said.


Summer is also the source of wanting to use the soil.

"Don't use the source of the earth first, I don't feel right, let's change to a place with fairy beasts." Qu Xi believes that finding a place with fairy beasts now can be regarded as a real safe place.

This kind of place doesn't even have fairy beasts and any creatures.

There is absolutely a problem.

The two of them also proceeded cautiously.

Not in a hurry.

There is such a thing as the origin of the earth.

Then they are not in a hurry.

So be careful.

"It's so weird, why isn't there anything?" Qu Xi and Xia Xia originally thought that there were no fairy beasts in a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, but they had already flown millions of miles away.

Still nothing.

"Don't fly, the situation is wrong." Di Ling reminded.

"What's wrong?" Summer asked.

"You have entered the Nightmare Promenade!!!" Earth Spirit said.

"Nightmare Promenade?" Ying was also taken aback: "Isn't that a legend?"

"Is it more legendary than me?" Earth Spirit asked.

"That's right, I just heard about the existence of the Nightmare Corridor in some ancient books." Ying only knew in detail what had happened over the years, but the Earth Spirit was different.

The Earth Spirit has lived for hundreds of millions of years.

He doesn't know what happened in the past few years, but he knows very well what happened in the past.

"What is the Nightmare Promenade?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"The Nightmare Corridor is an independent space, an independent place where this world exists. To put it simply, it is a folded space. It may be that you accidentally touched the space gap after using the source of soil to teleport. So it was teleported here, but the probability is very low, normally, even if you teleport back and forth on the Nightmare Corridor 10,000 times, I am afraid that you will only be able to enter this place once." Di Ling explained.


When hearing this.

Summer is also a black line.

So to say.

His luck is really bad.

"It's not really that bad luck!!" The black line on Xia Xia's said that you are unlucky, in fact, it is indeed a bit bad, because these transmission places are all dangerous, and It's hard for normal people to be so accurate, but if it's bad, it's not entirely right. "Di Ling said.

"What do you mean?" Summer asked in confusion.

"For example, last time, although a normal person was teleported over and would die without a doubt, you used the Thousand-Eyed Beast to improve your strength; this time, although you entered this nightmare corridor, normal people were blocked here for 10,000 years. , 100,000 years, a million years can't get out, but with me, you can leave here, and in the nightmare corridor, there will be an ancient magic weapon, I should be able to help you find it!!" Earthling said.

"Ancient magic weapon?" Xia Tian was taken aback.

"That's right, the so-called Nightmare Corridor is the top master of the ancient level. When they are sitting, their huge power cannot be integrated into this world, so they incarnate into a folded space, and generally can form the Nightmare Corridor, must be There is an ancient magic weapon as a support." Di Ling explained.

"I've never heard of these." Ying said with emotion.

He is a guardian.

One of the people who know the most about the world.

But even he had never heard of these things.

"How could you little baby have heard that this is a matter of our era, and even in our era, no more than three people knew about the Nightmare Promenade. I spent a lot of money to understand the secrets of the Nightmare Promenade. One hundred thousand years." Di Ling explained.

heard here.

Summer is also bright.

It took Earth Spirit hundreds of thousands of years to decipher it.

Eat ready-made.

This is a bit suspicious of eating soft rice.

But he can only sigh with emotion: It's really fragrant.

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