The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1133: ancient magic weapon

"In order to pursue the legend of the Nightmare Promenade, I went to countless places, but when I was able to study the Nightmare Promenade thoroughly, I couldn't find the existence of the Nightmare Promenade, so I said, you It can be said to be bad luck, or it can be said to be against the sky, if you don't have me, you should be very bad luck, but with me, then your luck is against the sky." Di Ling said very confidently.

for him.

This is also an opportunity to fulfill a wish.


He could be said to be looking for the Nightmare Promenade everywhere.


A place like the Nightmare Promenade is not something you can find just by looking for it.

Even if he has experience.

Nor will it succeed.

"What do you need me to do?" Summer asked.

"I'll teach you a reverse perception method!!" Earth Spirit said.

"Reverse perception? What do you mean?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"When you perceive the enemy normally, you take the initiative to probe the enemy and find the enemy's location, but my method is to let the enemy find you, so that the enemy's breath will be gathered, so that even the enemy hidden in the dark, It will also expose one's own breath, although this method is very dangerous, it is also very effective when used under some special conditions." After the Earth Spirit finished speaking.

Begin teaching this reverse-sensing method for the summer.

Because summer has a stronger ability to perceive this aspect.


He also learned this reverse perception very quickly.

"You really are a genius in the sky. At first I thought it would take you about ten days to learn. After all, this perception is different from usual, so it is easy for normal people to make mistakes again and again." Di Ling praised.

He really found out.

Summer is absolutely invincible in terms of cultivation.

Comprehension is too high.

No matter what it is, he said it once, and it can be used perfectly in summer.

"I sensed it." Xia Tian found.

This anti-induction is really amazing. Normally, he has already probed everything around him and found absolutely nothing, but when he used the anti-probe, he had already found the breath that locked him.

"Yes, that's it. Let's go and have a look. There should be the location of the ancient magic weapon. As long as the ancient magic weapon is obtained, everything will be over." Di Ling reminded.


Summer nodded slightly.

Then head straight there.

Although Qu Xi didn't understand what was going on, she still followed.


Summer's eyes are locked on a big tree.



He directly smashed the big tree in front of him.


A green ring appeared in his hand.

"Recognize the Lord with a drop of blood, all ancient magic weapons require a drop of blood to recognize the Lord!!" Earth Spirit reminded.


Summer is also dripping his own blood.


A message appeared in the sea of ​​knowledge in the summer.

Ancient magic weapon: ivy! !


Various methods of use have emerged.

"How is this similar to Haotian Mirror!!" Xia Xia was stunned.

"The Haotian Mirror was originally an ancient magic weapon!!" Ying reminded.

Their **** guards know the existence of Haotian Mirror the most, so he now directly tells the origin of Haotian Mirror.

"This is a good thing, but the ancient magic weapon should be used as little as possible. Without the power of the ancients, it will damage the foundation." Earth Spirit reminded.

"Damaged the foundation? Then didn't I cheat Thirteen!!" Xia Xia and Thirteen are good brothers.

Now the Haotian Mirror has collected five pieces.

On the 13th day of the war, the Haotian Mirror was used continuously.

Now it is even very dependent on Haotian Mirror.

"What you gave to Thirteen are just fragments of the Clear Sky Mirror. What do the fragments mean? That is to say, even if you have collected all seven Clear Sky Mirror fragments, they can only be considered to be at the level of Zunbao or above. It's not a real ancient magic weapon, the power you exert is not even 1%, let alone damage the foundation." Di Ling explained.

Hearing this summer understands.

In other words, the current thirteen is not worthy of damaging the foundation.

Because the fragments of the Clear Sky Mirror he used were far from the power of the real Clear Sky Mirror.

"But you still have to be careful, because your ivy is really an ancient magic weapon, use it once, you will lose your foundation once, of course, I'm talking about the release of the ultimate move, there is no problem with ordinary use, but it will Consume the ancient power inside, and when it is exhausted, it needs to be replenished automatically." Earth Spirit reminded.


Summer got it.

"Why hasn't this nightmare corridor disappeared?" Xia Xia asked inexplicably.

"The Nightmare Corridor will not disappear, but after you leave, the entrance to this world will be completely sealed, and no one will happen to come in again. There may be other ways to enter, but I don't know for the time being. Now." Di Ling also has deep feelings for this place.

He searched for so long, but couldn't find it.

It was summer that helped him find that kind of place.


This kind of place is also a proof of a peerless powerhouse.

The place where a peerless powerhouse fell.

disappear! !

Summer disappeared with Quxi in when it reappeared.

Everything around is back to normal.

"It's really kind to see these immortal beasts, but unfortunately, they are not friendly to me!!" Qu Xi saw that the immortal beasts around him immediately attacked her.



this kind of place.

It's where they kill each other.


Quxi smashed the surrounding immortal beasts directly.

Xia Tian also glanced at his fingers, and then pointed forward.


Hundreds of rattans flew out of the surrounding trees in an instant, and the rattans also pierced the immortal beasts that rushed over in an instant! !


Qu Xi stopped what she was doing, and she looked at Xia Xia in confusion: "What are you playing?"

She suddenly found out.

Summer actually got stronger.

Just when I was in the Nightmare Promenade.

She didn't know the conversation between Xia Xia and Di Ling and others, so she didn't understand what happened.

But now.

She was also very shocked when she saw that Xia Xia slaughtered dozens of fairy beasts in an instant.

"It's very useful!!" Xia Xia just didn't use any power, just Qingteng's own power.

The result is so powerful! !

"It's terrifying!!" Qu Xi said with emotion.

She is very speechless now.


Summer fingers pointed again.

All the immortal beasts around were killed.

"Let's go!!" He also wanted to use the source of the earth to leave here and continue to teleport. Only in this way can he quickly leave the site of the fairy beast.

"Wait!!" Qu Xi stopped Summer.

"What's wrong?" Summer asked in confusion.

"Why don't we ask God!!" Qu Xi said.

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