The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1147: witch

After finding a quiet place.

Summer entered into his own sea of ​​consciousness.

In the sea of ​​knowledge.

The witch is trapped there.

"Don't struggle, you can't run away." Xia Xia reminded.


"I killed you!!" The witch wanted to kill Xia Xia.

But at this moment, the power in Xia Xia's Sea of ​​Consciousness churned, and endless power enveloped the witch.

The witch felt at this moment.

in front of summer.

It's like the gap between a star and the vast Milky Way.

"What on earth are you from?" The witch looked at Xia Xia in horror.

She had never seen such terrifying power.

"You just need to know that I am someone you can't afford to offend." Xia Xia looked at the witch in front of him expressionlessly.

The current witch.

in front of summer.

Really low level existence.

Xia Xia can kill the female demon with any thought.

"What do you want to do?" the witch asked hurriedly.

"It's very simple, I just want to ask, how did your demonic energy form, and I want to help you get rid of it." Xia Xia's meaning is very simple, he took other people's things and wanted to help them free.

It's that simple.


The witch looked at Xia Xia in confusion: "Help me free?"

"Yes, you have existed for nearly 70 million years. For such a long time, even if there is any resentment, it is almost the same!!" Xia Xia asked.

"Grief? Do you know the 30,000 soldiers in the ancient city?" the witch asked.

"I don't know, but I heard that you were abandoned here." Xia Xia said.

"It's not abandonment, but trapped beasts. They used our 30,000 children as bait to attract those immortal beasts to rush into the sky-shattering killing formation," said the female demon.

"I can understand your feelings, but after all, 70 million years have passed, and those enemies of yours should have all died!!!" Xia Xia said.

"I don't agree," said the witch.

"Then why are you willing to resolve your grievances?" Xia Xia asked.

"I want them to pay the price. Although those people died back then, their descendants are definitely still alive. I want their descendants to experience the same despair as me!!!" said the witch.

"Now that I let you out, can you find them? Can you recognize them? Do you know who ordered them back then?" Xia Xia asked.

The witch was silent.

"Also, if I guess right, your grievances can only be concentrated in the ancient city. If you leave the ancient city, your power will be nothing." Xia Xia said.

"You kill me, kill me, everything will be over." The witch felt like she wanted to die.

"I am a person in Xia who works on principles. Since I have taken the source of your soil, I will not harm you again unless there is really a deep hatred between us!!!" Xia Xia waved his right hand.


A mass of power enveloped the spirit of the witch.

Then he pulled the witch out of his sea of ​​consciousness.

"I will give you a flower of knowledge of the sea, this flower of knowledge of the sea can ensure that you can use your power normally in places other than the ancient city, but there are only seven flowers of knowledge of the sea, if you kill one person, the flower of knowledge of the sea will be One less, when all the seven flowers of the sea of ​​consciousness wither, it is time for your body to disperse." Xia Xia said, looking at the witch in front of him.


The witch looked at the summer in puzzlement.

"Go find the truth you want to know, I gave you the opportunity to leave the ancient city, and I gave you the ability to kill your enemies, but you must also be clear that there are only seven chances, if you kill the wrong one, then No wonder others." Xia Xia said.

"Thank you sir!!" The witch bowed deeply to Xia Xia.

She was bent on revenge.

But she has been unable to leave the ancient city for so many years, once she leaves the ancient city.

Her resentment would dissipate.

Don't say murder.

Self-preservation is a problem.

But now.

Summer gave her a chance, and she was really grateful for it.

And in Xia Xia's sea of ​​knowledge, she has seen Xia Xia's strength, so now she is very respectful to Xia Xia, calling Xia Xia an adult.

"If you do this, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of trouble!!" Shadow reminded.

The power of the witch is too strong.

Moreover, her grievances had accumulated for nearly 70 million years.

How terrible is the resentment for such a long time.

No one can imagine.

It can be said.

Although Xia Xia limited her ability to kill, but many times, she didn't need to do it directly if she wanted to kill. As long as her demonic energy was contaminated with some people, those people would have demons.

Some people may have inner demons within a few days, while others may be hundreds of years, thousands of years, tens of thousands of years.

So Xia Xia said about her killing seven people.

Nothing can limit her.

"It's okay, she is also a hard worker and needs to find her own life. In fact, the flower of the sea of ​​​​knowledge is not without time limit. After the flower of the sea of ​​​​knowledge leaves the body, seven flowers can exist for up to seven years, and if I die Now, the Flower of Consciousness will also disappear, so there is not much time left for her. If she exists only for killing, it proves that she really deserves to die. If she really goes to find the truth of the year, then The seven flowers of knowledge should be enough time for her to find the truth." Xia Xia smiled.

That's all he can do

After all, he took the clone of the origin of other people's soil.

"Where should we go?" Ying Ye didn't say anything more. He felt that everything seemed to be under Xia's control, and he also discovered that Xia's ability was more terrifying than he imagined.

What is the flower of the sea of ​​knowledge.

Just listening to it makes me feel bad.

"Go see the two brothers who came to support!!" Xia Xia said.

"Brother of support?" Shadow looked at Xia Xia in confusion.

But Xia Xia didn't say anything, but just disappeared in place.

within a medium city.

Sitting in a pub in summer to rest.

He is waiting here.

He had made an appointment here before, so now he is here to meet his brother.

in the tavern.

Very lively.

However, Xia Xia discovered that his presence here is also very low, although there is also a bounty about him in the city.

But very little.

Completely different from the fifth party.

The fifth party is full of his bounties, and everyone is discussing him.

But now.

In the tavern, he came for a day.

Not a single discussion about him.

It seems that no one cares about the word summer, and no one cares about the name of summer.

"I seem to be completely ignored here." A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.

This is for him.

But good news.

Swish! Swish!

The two figures landed in front of Xia Xia and sat directly opposite Xia Xia: "You are really famous now."


Ps: You may owe it today. If you really owe it, you will make it up tomorrow and see the next state.

September 4, 2020.

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