The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1148: brother to help

Summer slowly raised his head.

at this time.

There were two people sitting in front of him.

Thirteen and the White Dragon King! !

That's right.

The helpers who came this time were the two of them.

Their previous alliance creation had ended, and Thirteen couldn't wait any longer, so he ran over.


The White Dragon King had promised before that his life was handed over to Xia Xia.


He also came along.

Although other people still want to come.

However, Thirteen made it very clear to them that the two of them came over and could play a surprising role, but if they all came, the goal would be too big.

"Your Honor?" Xia Xia looked at Thirteen in front of him.


Thirteen nodded slightly: "But people outside don't know, so it's very convenient for me to go now, and others won't pay much attention to me."

This is also the reason why he can come and others can't.

The others are all Venerables.

And many people outside know that their relationship with Xia is closer.


They move.

will attract more people's attention.

Inconvenient to see summer.

Although the White Dragon King is also a Venerable, he is a member of the immortal beast family, not a human being, so he will not attract the attention of others.

"Cultivation of immortal arts?" Xia Xia asked.

"Yes, the one who practiced immortality, the one left by Grandpa Tie Xin." Thirteen said.


Xia Xia nodded slightly: "His Immortal Art is very powerful, and it can be compared to the current world cultivation method of about level 8."

"It is indeed a different perception. The power of the law has been replaced by a concept. For me, this is a brand new world and a different cultivation method." Thirteen now also feels that he has a lot of insights.

"That's good!!!" Summer smiled.

"I have already sensed the origin of the soil." Thirteen also really took the summer.

Summer can really gather so many clones of the source of soil.

"It's just good luck!!" Xia Xia can only say that it is his good luck.

Just happened to meet.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to gather so many clones of the origin of the soil.

"Before, I didn't dare to think about the origin of the earth. After all, being able to obtain one or two clones of the origin of earth is a top-level luck in itself, but now, you have gathered five." Thirteen At this point, I don't know how to describe how I feel.

The avatar of the origin of the five soils.

To know.

There are only eight origin clones of soil in total.

If you get the avatars of the eight sources of soil, it will soar directly into the sky.

From now on.

Directly obtained the ability of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Soaring into the sky.

This kind of ability, really not everyone can have.

It can be said.

This is the real tough guy.

"The less there are left, the harder it will be to find!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

He can have the current luck, and it is very difficult to find five, and he does not dare to expect to find more, of course, how many can be found later.

Then it depends on fate.

"What's your plan next?" Thirteen asked.

He also wanted to hear what he wanted to do next in the summer.

"There are still less than four years. I will try to improve my strength temporarily and avoid the pursuit. In the last year, I will start preparing for the battle. After I go to the Celestial Clan, you will start to remain anonymous and never come out again." Say your plan.

It can be said.

He was ready to die.

"In the past, didn't you agree with the most uncertain battle?" Thirteen also heard the meaning of Xia Xia's words.


This is the first time he has seen such a pessimistic summer.

The summer he saw in the past was always the existence that was not afraid of the sky and the earth, and that life and death were nothing in his eyes.

But now it's different.

summer now.

He actually didn't plan to leave the Celestial Clan alive.

"In the past, newborn calves were not afraid of tigers and did not know the horrors of the Celestial Clan. As I learned more and more about the Celestial Clan, I felt more and more insignificant." Xia Xia is not a blind person.

He is very clear.

What is the current self in front of the Celestial Clan people?

Nothing counts.

It was simply too easy for the Celestial Clan to deal with him.

But four years later, he must also participate in the battle.


His mother, father and wife, everything, were in that battle.

If that fight is lost.

Then he will lose everything.

Including his life and the glory and glory of his life.


Running out of time.

"What are you afraid of? There are still four years. In these four years, I will accompany you to the ends of the earth. I don't believe it. Shenzhou is so big, and their Celestial people are really invincible." Thirteen used to be very in awe. Celestial.

Even the most ordinary Celestial Clan people.

Thirteen will not provoke.

But in the summer, his attitude is very firm.


Summer gave him a new life, gave him his life, and gave him the opportunity to fulfill his wish.


His master is no longer optimistic about thinks that it is impossible for him to break through to the third change of the prospective venerable in this life.

But now.

He not only broke through to the third change of the quasi-venerable.

And became a Venerable.


True top power.

He has even surpassed his master.

Although he failed to let his master see all this with his own eyes.


His life has changed, he broke through his own destiny, and he proved with strength that people's destiny can be changed, not static.


Xia Xia looked at Thirteen in front of him: "With you here, I also believe that I can do it."

"Then let's break in together. Your current identity is inconvenient to walk around. I'll help you find out the information. Let's find out the fourth party first, and then act." Thirteen got up and said.

"I still have half of the resources here, you can take them and exchange them for combat resources. It's useless to put these things on me." Before Xia Tian gave half of his resources to Qu Xi.

The other half he did not give.

It's not that he doesn't trust Qu Xi.

It's already very troublesome for Quxi to get those.

"Okay, leave it to me. Let the White Dragon King accompany you here first. With him, there will be no great danger." Thirteen still knew the strength of the White Dragon King.

in the Venerable.

It is definitely a strong existence.


Summer nodded slightly.

"White Dragon King, but people will die!!"

"I originally gave my life to you. The most important thing for our immortal beast clan is commitment. If I can die under my own commitment, then I will be dead." The White Dragon King said firmly.

"Okay, since you are prepared to die like this, then you should eat it first!!" Xia Xia took the Great Realm King Dan out.

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