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Chapter 1156: Golden Feather White Crane

If the Earth Spirit hadn't touched the summer with a remnant soul, he would have already been a dead person.

Actually even now.

Xia Xia saved him, and the Flower of Consciousness only helped him repair a little bit, and it was impossible to directly restore his remnant soul to normal.


I want to achieve longevity in the true sense.

is very difficult.

Demon Venerable lived for so long.

This is already a person's limit.

Even if he has the power of the source of life.

This number is already the limit.

"Can he live longer?" Xia Tian asked.

"Maybe, he may be facing two things now: the first is to find a way to find more secrets about longevity, and then quickly seek longevity; the second, he knows that his end is coming, so he will Find a disciple and leave everything you own to this disciple." Di Ling explained.

"Does he have no descendants?" Xia Xian laughed after asking.

Demon Venerable only recently broke through the seal.

Even if he had a son, he would have died long ago.

"Although the power of the source is very powerful, if the full version of the power of the source is obtained, this person will only have one chance to give birth to offspring in his life. After giving birth, this person can no longer have children. He had a son, but he disappeared in the battle back then!!!" said Di Ling.


When I heard this in the summer, I understood what was going on.

He suddenly thought of Dongbatian.

He finally understood why Dongbatian was so angry.

To avenge his illegitimate son.

Because he has only one descendant.

"The power of the source can be inherited, right?" Xia Xia asked.

"Yes, but it is difficult for people who cultivate the power of the source to trust anyone in the later stage, so even if they have disciples, very few will actually pass it on to their disciples in the end." Di Ling explained.


"People who cultivate the power of the source have a longer lifespan than normal people, so generally their disciples can't survive them, but because of their strength, they have also obtained a lot of resources, and most of those resources are useless to them. Yes, so they usually use it to train their own disciples, so even if they don't have their inheritance, their disciples generally do well." Ying reminded.

"I see." Summer said.

"Normally speaking, I thought Demon Venerable would be sealed to death. After all, the one who sealed him back then was definitely one of the strongest seals in China, but I didn't expect that he would break through the seal in the end, so let's try God. Give him a chance, watch it, in recent years, he will definitely make a scene, especially when he knows that he will not live long." Di Ling believes that people like Demon Venerable are in their own hands. Before dying, there will definitely be a lot of trouble to take revenge on those who once wanted to take revenge.

Since he was about to die, there was nothing to fear about him.

"He messes with him, I mess with me, just don't mess with me." There is no friendship between Xia Xia and Demon Venerable.

Although he helped Mozun break through the seal.

But at the time, he didn't think about helping Demon Venerable.

It's just a coincidence.

"I found it." Hongfeng also received good news at this time.

He, who had been searching for the bird, finally found his target.

"Where?" Summer asked.

"The location is not far, and it stopped in one place without moving!!" Hongfeng said.

"Let's go and have a look first!!" Xia Xia also contacted Emperor Jin Yu for the first time.

"He should be perching, or sleeping. Don't get too close, or you will be discovered. Let me see who it is first, maybe I can recognize him." Emperor Jin Yu reminded.


Summer nodded slightly.

"The birds in your place really understand life, and they're still sleeping!!" It's been a long time since Xia Xia got a good night's sleep.

"In our practice there, stillness is also a kind of perception and practice, so he is also a kind of practice. When he is in a perch, it is like a daily homework." Emperor Jin Yu reminded.


Summer is also quietly sneaking past.

In order to avoid exposure, he finally stopped at a long distance.

this location.

He can see each other, and the White Dragon King has also been included in all kinds of things by him.

"White Crane!!" said the Golden Feather Emperor.

"Know?" Summer asked.

"I know, his name is Jinyu Baihe. He was a boy with a great talent back then. Although he wasn't my subordinate, I also paid attention to him, but he was rebellious, didn't put anyone in his eyes, and made trouble. If it wasn't for the people behind him to protect him, he would have been executed a long time ago, and now it can be seen from the state of his habitat that he should have surpassed the 90th level of the Venerable, it seems that his talent is very defying!!" Jin Emperor Yu said with emotion.

A small bird back then has grown to such a degree now.

"Above level 90, this is very difficult to deal with." Xia Xia calculated in his He is like this, no matter what kind of existence the other party is, he must first make the other party's illusion as his own potential enemy.

Then analyze the pros and cons of both sides.

Only in this way.

When an accident really happens, he can think of a solution and a solution for the first time.

"Don't think about dealing with it. He has reached this level, and he is also practicing the Golden Feather inheritance. Your Hongfeng also cultivates the Jinyu inheritance. Although the overall variation of the Hongfeng, he is crushing you in terms of level." Emperor Jin Yu said with emotion.

"You were so good back then, why did you practice the same way as a junior?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"Of course it's not the same. Although the Golden Feather Inheritance is the top cultivation method, it is not cultivated by people of my level. I cultivated Wan Yu!!" said the Great Emperor Jin Yu.

"Then why don't you teach me?" Xia Tian asked.

"If you want to cultivate Wan Yu, you must have the inheritance of Jin Yu as the foundation. I gave it to you directly, and Hong Feng can't cultivate." Emperor Jin Yu said.

"Then Hongfeng can practice now?" Xia Xia asked.

"No, but Golden Feather White Crane's current realm and Golden Feather level can already be cultivated." The Golden Feather Emperor explained.

"What's the difference?" Summer asked.

"The inheritance of the golden feather can be divided into nine levels. Although Hongfeng has mutated now, his own golden feather inheritance has only reached the fourth level, but the golden feather and the white crane on the opposite side have cultivated to the ninth level. Only the golden feather who has cultivated to the ninth level has Inheritance can only cultivate Wan Yu. Of course, because of the mutation and upgrade of Hongfeng, his current Jin Yu attack power has reached the strength of level 6. If he can raise three levels, he can barely cultivate Wan Yu. Feather, but it is still very difficult to improve these three levels." Emperor Jinyu said.

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