The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1157: negotiation

"If I absorb the power of Baihe, can I help Hongfeng improve!!" Xia Xia asked.


Emperor Jin Yu was taken aback.

"Can't you?" Summer asked again.

"It's not impossible. In theory, Jin Yu's power is the purest, so it can be swallowed up by each other, but there are actually several problems. First, how do you defeat Bai He, so that Bai He can be honestly absorbed by you; Second, after absorbing these powers, there will be Baihe’s own power in it, how do you purify it; third, how do you give such pure power to Hongfeng; fourth, Hongfeng can’t carry it!!” Jin Yu The emperor also said a few questions.

In his opinion.

These questions are all very important.

But after hearing what he said.

Summer directly ignored the second and third points.

For normal people, this is indeed impossible, but for his Kaiju, it is simply too simple.



He only needs to consider the first and the fourth.

"Don't think about me, I can handle it." Hongfeng said very confidently.

"No, since Emperor Jinyu has already said it, it proves that this power is definitely not small, and this power is probably not simple, and the fourth item needs to be considered for the time being." Xia Xia didn't want Hongfeng to have an accident. .

Hongfeng has accompanied him for so many years.

Been through so many ups and downs with him.

call out!

at this time.

A long chirping came over.


Xia Si's defense also appeared directly.


directly blocked the opponent's attack.

Golden Feather White Crane!


When I was thinking about it in the summer just now, I exposed my breath.

So it was discovered by the Golden Feather White Crane.

"What?!!" Golden Feather White Crane was obviously the first time he saw something like the Thousand Silk Beast.

"Don't do it first, I'm a human!!" Xia Xia hurriedly said.

"Human?" Golden Feather White Crane frowned, and then murderous aura appeared.


He didn't want humans to get involved.

"I'm here to find you!" Xia Xia also understands that any fairy beast doesn't like human beings, especially a fairy beast with an important mission like the Golden Feather White Crane. He will definitely worry about a human being spreading his story.


He must attract the attention of the other party as soon as possible.

"That's right, I escaped here. I was outside and offended the Celestial Clan people, so I was hunted down and had no choice but to escape here. On the way, I met a beast lord, and he told me that there was There is a very powerful and domineering flying beast in front, this beast is extremely powerful, and it is the time to use people." Xia Xia first complimented.

As the saying goes, reach out and don't hit the smiling person.

Say something nice first, and the other party will definitely not shoot him casually.

"I don't need help from humans!!" Jin Yu Bai He said coldly.

He wouldn't just trust a human being.

in his impression.

Humans are very cunning.

"No, my lord, you can't say that. Human beings are actually very knowledgeable. I can help you in many places. I heard that you are rewarded by a famous weapon. I came to the door this time. It's for the famous weapon!!!" Xia Xia deliberately stated a goal.

If a person doesn't want you for anything, that's a problem.

But this person only needs to express what he wants.

The other's wariness will be partially removed.


When he heard the famous tool, Golden Feather and White Crane also nodded: "Did they tell you what I'm looking for."

"They said, you are looking for the Yaqi Divine Sword, but according to my opinion over the years, I have never heard of a human master whose weapon is called the Yaqi Divine Sword!!" Xia Xia explained.


"Just you humans, are you worthy of using the Yaqi Divine Sword?" Golden Feather White Crane said with great disdain.


The Yaqi Divine Sword is in his heart.

status is very high.

And he thinks.

Yaqi Divine Sword.

Only their fairy beasts can use it.

"Although I haven't heard of Yaqi Excalibur, if there are other clues, I can help the first family, and my detection ability is very strong, otherwise I will not be able to find you!!" Xia Xian also wanted Show yourself a little bit.

If the other party thinks he is useless.

No matter how much he said, it was useless.

They will also kill her.

But obviously.

Summer's words attracted him.

That's right.

How did Summer find him?

"I'm asking you about a human being," said the Golden Feather White Crane.

"Humans are easy to handle, and I have heard of people who are generally famous!!!" Xia Xia said.

"Have you heard of a man named Tianlong?" asked the golden feathered white crane.


Hearing this, Xia Xia was obviously stunned.

This guy actually wanted to inquire about his father.

"Have you heard of it?" Golden Feather White Crane asked.

"Of course I have heard that Tianlong is a famous person in the human and he has become more famous recently. He was also hunted down by the Celestials, but he is different from me. He dares to confront the Celestials head-on. Exist!!" Xia Xia explained.

"I don't dare to be interested in your human affairs, can you find him?" Golden Feather White Crane asked.

"It's possible under normal circumstances, but not right now, because I was hunted by the Celestials, and I can't use any teleportation array, so it's very troublesome to track it down." Xia Xia shook his head.

It wasn't that he shied away.

But he really couldn't find anyone casually.

"Okay, then I'll tell you the situation on my side first, and then you can see what you can do for me. If you can help me, I'll give you a famous weapon. If you help me find the Yaqi Excalibur, I will give you three famous weapons, and I swear with my soul that I will never betray my oath!!" Golden Feather White Crane said directly.


He also took out three famous tools.

But it was quickly recovered.

He wanted to make Xia Xia become interested in famous tools after seeing them, so that he could do things better for him.

"Okay!!" Summer nodded.

"First of all, the person I'm looking for is a person from the Yaqi clan. This person of the Yaqi clan has obvious characteristics. He is relatively short, and his skin may be slightly darker. He is a human. He should have appeared nearby recently." Golden Feather White Crane said.

"Is there a picture or breath of him?" Xia Xia asked.

"Yes, but it's useless. He seems to have experienced something. Now he is completely different from before. I heard that he seemed to have seen a person named Tianlong back then, and what happened between the two of them. , He went to a very mysterious place and only came back in recent years, as long as you find him, you can find the news of the Yaqi Excalibur."

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