The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1161: full moon war

That's right!

This is a multiple choice question!

That person from the Yaqi clan must have come back here for this treasure.

That time.

Treasures appear.

Even if he knew there was danger, he would take a gamble.

"Yes, at that time, if he runs away, the treasure will be mine. If he doesn't run away, then I will kill him first and then grab the treasure!!" Golden Feather and White Crane had a sudden understanding.

He suddenly realized that he seemed to have won.

According to summer.

No matter what the people of the Yaki clan choose.

He is the biggest winner.

This made him very happy.

"But still be careful. Although I haven't officially fought against this person, I already feel how difficult this person is to deal with." Xia Xia really felt that this person from the Yaqi clan was definitely a very difficult person. Cope with existence.


"Don't worry, I let him run away last time, I have learned my lesson, this time, I will never give him a chance!!" Jin Yu Bai He is also very confident.

But when I saw his confidence.

I understand in summer.

He can't handle that Yachi clan.

Jin Yu Baihe's confidence is obviously because he thinks that he made a mistake last time, and there is absolutely no possibility of making mistakes in the future.

But he ignored one point.

That is.

Is there only one type of opponent's hole card?

It’s like the people who played against Xia Xia before. Many people suffered losses when they played Xia Xia for the first time. They thought that if they were more careful next time, or if they had seen through Xia Xia’s methods, they would definitely be able to kill them next time. It's summer, but they all suffered in the end in front of summer.


Summer is not the only kind of trump card.


In the end, when those people encounter summer for the second time, they will still be counted by summer.

Even get killed by summer.


Xia Xia believes that the people of the Yaqi clan should also have many means, and even defeat the Golden Feather White Crane in the end.

Of course.

Golden Feather and White Crane are not easy to mess with.

The two of them fought to the end.

It will definitely be a lose-lose.

"It's no problem, of course!!" Xia Xia thought that Golden Feather and White Crane was going to be tricked, but he still complimented him on the surface.

Because he is next.

We must also fight against this golden-feathered white crane.

He was injured, failed, and was the best.

that's it.

The two kept chasing.

As Xia Xia guessed, they were still running around constantly, and they were always around.

Although it has always been in vain.

But Golden Feather White Crane was in a very good mood.

He is now even beginning to fantasize about the joy of the moment he succeeds.

"It seems to be the full moon," Hong Feng reminded.


When he heard the word "full moon", Xia Tian suddenly thought of something: "Could it be that he is waiting for the full moon!!"

Suddenly realized! !

"My lord, I suspect that he was waiting for the full moon, and there is one more day, and it will be the full moon." Xia Xia said.

"Full moon!!" Golden Feather and White Crane's eyes also lit up: "You said that, it seems to be true, what the Yaqi clan believes in is the moon!!!"

"That should be right, he will lure us to run far away tomorrow, sir, you should wait nearby. There will definitely be a big change at that time. You can easily find him according to the change. As for me, I ran to the distance to step on the formations he left behind, so that he would relax his vigilance, you should be able to kill him if you suddenly shot him." Xia Xia reminded.

"Definitely, we can definitely kill him." Jin Yu Bai He said excitedly.

he thinks.

If you do this, you will definitely be able to kill that Yaki clan.

That last.

You are the winner: "You can come back after you step on the formation. I will give you two famous weapons. After all, you have made a great contribution this time."

He deliberately named two famous instruments.

Just to lure summer back.

By the time.

He can kill the summer together.

"Thank you sir!!" Xia Xia's acting skills are really getting better and better.

He almost believed it himself.

that's it.

a day later.

As summer guessed.

other side.

It is true that he deliberately exposed his far-flung breath. In this case, summer will follow the breath to pursue.

"Everything is in the plan!!!" Hongfeng said.


"It seems that he should be waiting for the full moon. I'm also very curious about what the people of the Yaqi clan want to do during the full moon." Xia Xia was not in a hurry.

These days, he is too familiar with the nearby coordinates.

Using the source of earth, he can easily reach any place he wants to go.


He can wait slowly.


That's how he flew.

Night falls! !

After he stepped on a very far formation.

He also directly used the source of soil and returned to the previous area.

in this area.

Moonlight falls.

"It turned out to be there!!" When I passed by that place before summer, I felt strange that the mountain was like a tomb, but the tomb was a bit big.

And he specially checked it at that time, there is no special place in this so he didn't care.

Now see when the moonlight goes down.

He just understood.

turn out to be.

This is also a kind of place similar to the Nightmare Promenade.


This obviously requires a special method to open.

Now the people of the Yaqi clan should open this passage there.

call out!

The speed of the golden feather and the white crane is also very fast, and he happened to be hiding nearby. At this time, when he saw the changes here, he also killed it immediately.


When the powerful lethality comes.

The Yaki clan also reacted instantly.

"It's too far, let's get closer!!!" Emperor Jinyu reminded.

"Okay, I'll go slowly, don't be in a hurry." Xia Xia also understands that now is not the time to be anxious, and he has to be careful.

Never reveal it.

If exposed at this time.

Then all efforts were lost.


Summer is also quietly sneaking up.

He also wants to see now, who this person who may have come out of the earth is, and whether he recognizes him or not.

If the other party is an acquaintance.

That's trouble.

What he's calculating now.

This guy and Emperor Jinyu were killed together.


The breath of battle is very violent.

"That guy from the Yaqi clan is not weak. Such a violent attack is not something that ordinary Venerable can show." Hongfeng said with emotion.

"Yeah, I also really want to see who he is!!" Xia Xia has gradually come to a place not far from the two of them.

The eyes looked forward.


Ps: 22.22 million words.

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