The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1162: 8 Qi inheritance

Xia Xia quickly saw the appearance of the other party.

He wanted to see who the other party was and whether he had seen it before.

But when he saw the other person's appearance clearly, he found that he had never seen this person at all.


It was definitely the first time he had seen this man.

That is to say.

Came this way.

I haven't met this person once in the summer.

Especially on Earth.


He couldn't have been unimpressed at all.

"If you don't have an impression, then it proves that this person is not an acquaintance from before." Hongfeng said with emotion.


"Then he should have left after me. If he left the earth before me, then I can't have heard of him at all, unless he is really mysterious." Xia Tian secretly said in his heart.

"Look at the way he fights, he definitely came from the spiritual world!!" Hong Feng reminded.

A person from the spiritual world.

Battles are all about details, and more about the process of battle.

Although these small details are temporarily invisible, when fighting for a long time, you can defeat the enemy step by step, and you can even leapfrog challenges.

"His performance is very good. A person with such a good performance should not be a nameless person in the spiritual world. Why have I never seen this person!!" Xia Xia also frowned.

He can see it from the opponent's battle now.

This Yaki clan is definitely not an ordinary person.

No matter what kind of existence he was in his last life.

this life.

He has undergone earth-shaking changes.

"Although he is a Venerable, he is not cultivating ordinary world power, but a cultivation method similar to that of a divine guard!!" Hong Feng reminded.

at this time.

People of the Yaqi clan.

Apparently in a half-beast state.


"A person of the 30th level of the Venerable, actually resisted the attack of the person above the 90th level of the Venerable!!" Xia Xia is still very shocked now.


The two of them should not be of the same level, although they are also Venerable.

But if the Golden Feather White Crane wants to defeat the Yaqi clan, it should be a very simple matter.

Can be the same.

Although the people of the Yaqi clan were losing ground, the Golden Feather White Crane showed no sign of winning.


Xia Xia has already seen that the person from the Yaqi clan is brewing a terrible attack. Next, he may use this terrible attack to defeat the Golden Feather White Crane! !

"The people of the Yaqi family are not simple." Emperor Jin Yu said with emotion.


"It's really not easy. I still haven't understood how he fought against this golden feather and white crane. Normally, the two of them should not be at the same level at all, but now, he can actually resist the opponent's attack. And it's such a perfect resistance." Xia Xia said.

"According to legend, the founder of the Baqi clan was an ancient immortal beast, and it was a immortal beast with a very pure bloodline, so this immortal beast was immortal and was also one of the legendary races of Dongying back then. Behind the clan is a disaster for the world. They relied on devouring humans and immortal beasts for food, so all the masters of the entire East Ying shot together to deal with the people of the Baqi clan. It was in that battle that the Baqi clan was almost killed. The ancient immortal beast was also sealed, and the rest of the Baqi clan hid everywhere, fled, trying to break the seal and rescue Baqi, but they were surrounded and killed many times later, so the last one who escaped should be only This person is." Emperor Jin Yu explained.


Hearing this, Xia Xia probably understood what was going on.

It is also the kind of force that starts to pretend to be strong when it reaches its peak.

When the sky is crazy, there will be rain, and when people are crazy, there will be disaster.

This is the reason why many powers perish.

"Moon!!" Summer suddenly said.


Neither Hongfeng nor Jinyu the Great understood what he meant.

"His power is based on moonlight. This should be similar to my law of the moon, or even the law of the moon, but the armor and strength bonus on his body are much weaker than the law of the moon." Xia Xia Analysis Road.

He has already begun to analyze the opponent's ability.

"It seems that it is really the law of the moon, but the most fundamental and purest law of the moon should be the general's, including what you have cultivated, it can only be said to be slightly lower than the general's." Hong Feng said .

"Yeah, the general has nothing else to focus on, only the cultivation of the law of the moon, so when he practiced the law of the moon, he achieved twice the result with half the effort. It can be said that he is a true cultivation genius. Of course, it is also related to his body. His body is originally ..." Summer did not continue.


"This is the Baqi inheritance that the Baqi clan cultivated back then, and it is this ability that made the strength of the Baqi clan so terrifying back then!!" Emperor Jinyu reminded.

"Yaki inheritance?" Xia Xia was stunned.

Could it be that the so-called Yaqi inheritance is the mandatory practice of the law of the moon?

If so.

Then things changed.

The cultivation of the Law of the Moon is completely different.

If you can forcefully cultivate, it is also a very powerful ability.

The founder of the Yaqi clan is also a top genius.

"But how did he increase his strength and defense to such a degree that even we can't increase it now!!" Hongfeng reminded.

The law of the moon in summer is obviously stronger than the people of the Yaqi clan.

But even in summer.

Can't add that much.

"This should be the ghost of the so-called Yaqi inheritance. I can't see it for the time being, but there must be a problem." Xia Xia saw it.

The Golden Feather White Crane was obviously very anxious.

He originally thought.

He could easily defeat this person from the Yaki clan, but he just made a mistake last time.

But this time.

He still couldn't easily take down the people of the Yaqi clan.

If it wasn't for the people of the Yaqi clan who didn't want to escape, they would have escaped long ago: "Damn, why is he only at the 30th level of the Venerable, but I can't take him!!"

"Baihe, keep fighting, I will kill you!!" shouted the man from the Yaki clan.

"If you want to kill me, it depends on whether you have that ability." Jin Yu Bai He also said with disdain.

Boo! Boo!

Golden feathers and white cranes appeared streaks of golden light.

"Do you want to make a bigger move?" The people of the Yaki clan said with great disdain.


Golden Feather and White Crane snorted heavily: "Next, I will show you what is called true invincible power!!"


Countless golden feathers flew into the sky.

He directly killed the people of the Yaki clan in front of him.

Every golden feather can be compared with the sharpest weapon, and the powerful impact can cut everything.

"Feather kill!!"

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