The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1167: reward


There is no politeness in the summer, and everyone has to pay for their decision to comeback.

He will never be soft-hearted.

at the same time.

All sorts of things.

Xia Tian also took away everything from the Golden Feather White Crane.

summer body.

Three Great Realm King Pills appeared! !

All the golden feathers of the white crane disappeared, and all the power entered the dantian of Xia Xiajie Wang Jue.

"Hongfeng, can you handle it?" Xia Xia asked.

"I can hold it!!!" Hong Feng said firmly.

"Okay, then this power will be handed over to you." Xia Xia directly injected the huge golden feather power into Hongfeng.

This is equivalent to empowerment.

The huge power is directly input into Hongfeng's body.

"Mad, both of you are mad!!" Emperor Jin Yu didn't know how to describe his mood. In his opinion, someone who can do this must be a madman. Which normal person would do such a thing. .

Such a huge power can be condensed even in summer.

Can Hongfeng really absorb it?

That is the pure golden feather power that Baihe has cultivated for countless years.

Refining is refining?

Absorb it?

He had never heard of this kind of cultivation method.

"In this world, if we are not crazy, we will not even have a chance to live, and we will only bury ourselves in the hands of the enemy if we are blindly timid!!" Xia Tian has seen the most in these years. Those who are careful, die very miserable.

On the contrary, those who are bold usually live to the end.

this world.

Originally it was the meat of the weak.

If you want to cultivate in a stable manner and become a loose person, then you have to have the awareness of death, and you may be killed by people casually.

If a master appears at random, it may not be for any reason. He is just in a bad mood and unleashes a ranged attack, but you are in the middle of this attack.

Then you are dead.


The way to protect yourself is to increase your strength.

And the best way to improve your strength is to not take the usual path.

Those who follow a step-by-step process are, at best, taking the path of so-called genius.

Xia Xia didn't think his talent would be much higher than those of those geniuses, so if he took the path of those geniuses, he would have to practice for thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years.

This is intolerable to him.


He can only choose to practice.

Walk the road that others have not traveled, and cultivate the method that others have not cultivated.

What a dangerous way.

What method does he use.

Only in this way.

He can have more opportunities than others.

"Okay, I can only watch." Emperor Jin Yu didn't know what to say at this time.

Xia Xia threw the newly condensed three Great Realm King Pills to the White Dragon King.

"I can get to level 50 this time and start the inheritance, right?"

"Of course I can!!" The White Dragon King's face was full of excitement. Although Xia Xia was able to condense the Great Realm King Pill, he did not expect that Xia Xia would condense the Great Realm Pill so quickly.

And exactly three.

He is now His Holiness forty-one.

If nothing else happens, these three Realm King Pills can help him rise to the fifty level of the Venerable.

By that time.

His overall strength will change.


Inheritance will also begin.

Defence and attack will also undergo earth-shaking changes wherever they go.

He will embark on the path of a real strong man.

"Then hurry up and absorb it!!" Xia Xia glanced at the half-opened seal here: "It seems that the so-called seal is here."

"That's right, it must be here, but this kind of seal can only be undone by the people of their Yaqi clan. If we wait for the rabbit, we might be able to wait for that person." Emperor Jin Yu reminded.

Now that they already know the location.

Then there is no need to chase after the person of the Yaqi clan. They just need to wait here, and the person of the Yaqi clan will naturally take the bait.

By the time.

The treasure here is also theirs.

"You also saw that after that person saw me, he ran like a ghost. As long as I hide in the vicinity, he will definitely not appear. He can wait ten years, a hundred years, but I don't have that time. So I can't wait." Xia Xia also understands that even if he hides here, it is useless, that person is already startled, and will never appear recently, even if he wants to appear, there will be various kinds of things. Try it out.

It will even keep dragging.

And the other party's detection methods will not be too bad.

So it is useless to hide it even in summer.

"That's right, it's too late, it's a pity." Emperor Jin Yu believed that the treasure hidden here must be the treasure of the Yaqi clan.

Such a good opportunity, if you can grab it.

Then get rich.

"Although I am very greedy, there are times when I am not greedy, and this time I have gained a lot." Xia Xia's killing of the Golden Feather White Crane this time not only condensed three realm king pills for the White Dragon King.

And it also helped Hongfeng absorb so much power.

at last.

The Golden Feather Emperor also talked to him about the treasures of the Golden Feather White Crane.

If it wasn't for the Golden Feather Emperor to come forward.

Then his Golden Feather White Crane must have automatically shattered everything he had in the and threw it into the turbulent flow of time and space.

But now.

He can also look at the harvest there.

"What are these things?" Xia Xia opened all kinds of things to check.

"You can't move now, these are the treasures of our East Ying, and there are almost none of them here. You can see that these weapons are all one-time use, but the outbreak is terrifying. These medicinal pills are also very effective. With these materials, you can condense the soul and so on!!" said the Golden Feather Emperor.

When he heard this, Xia Tian smiled: "Okay, don't talk about it, these things are all yours, and you want to come back anyway."

He also found it.

The things that Emperor Jinyu wanted this time were more suitable for Emperor Jinyu to use himself, not for summer.

"You're about to abandon me!!" Emperor Jinyu saw it.

In the summer, he wanted to give him a resource, so let him go.

"Sooner or later, you have to leave. I will give you a flower of knowledge to keep you safe in the future. As for your fate in the future, it depends on you. These things are considered to be given to you by me. A batch of life-saving supplies, I can only help you here!!" Xia Xia also understood.

They always say separation! !

"Okay, I have left the Tianyu inheritance for you. If Hongfeng is really successful, you can leave it to him." Emperor Jinyu couldn't stay away.

Eviction orders have been issued for the summer.

"Goodbye by fate!!" It's impossible not to be cruel in summer.

The road ahead will only be more dangerous.

A loose immortal like Emperor Jin Yu was a feat he created. He didn't want Emperor Jin Yu to fall with him: "Maybe, maybe I can survive!!"

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