The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1168: to meet

"You're a ghost if you survived from the Celestial Clan." Emperor Jin Yu said with emotion.

"I may not be able to survive, but you try to live as long as possible for me, you are the only one who has cultivated into a loose immortal and has cultivated to this realm, I don't want you to become a flash in the pan, maybe, you are the one I stay here. The last thing in this world." Xia Xia smiled.

"It's so pessimistic, after you've settled everything, come and visit our East Ying, our place is not bad!!" After finishing speaking, Emperor Jin Yu disappeared in place.

Xia Xia watched the disappearing figure of the Golden Feather Emperor.

he thinks.

He and Emperor Jinyu will never see each other again.

at this time.

Xia Xia also looked at the seal again.

This seal seems to mirror the moon in the sky.

It also seems to mirror the world.

"Ying, you say, is the world imagined by Tie Xin's grandfather real, or is the world we live in real?" Xia Tian saw the moon here at this time, and suddenly thought of this question.

in this world.

The grandfather Tie Xin they saw was already a lunatic.

But in Grandpa Tie Xin's own world, he was already a king.


Is the world in which Xia Xia is now imagined by Xia Xia herself instead of real?

"I don't know anything else, I am real anyway." Ying said with emotion.

Summer didn't say anything.

He understands.

The seal here is related to a huge illusion.

"White Dragon King, let's get out of here first, otherwise it won't do you any good for your cultivation." Xia Xia didn't care about the illusion here, but now the White Dragon King is cultivating, and he has to make a breakthrough.

It would be bad if it affected the White Dragon King.


They also moved to a new place.

Although after taking the Great Realm King Pill, even if he does nothing, the strength of the White Dragon King will continue to grow.

But still be careful.

Try not to have any surprises.

"I've gained a lot this time, but I still haven't been able to figure out who the guy from the Yaqi clan is." Xia Xia is also very depressed now.

This guy.

It should have come from the earth.

But he couldn't catch him himself.

This is the most troublesome.

The other party was too alert.

And he is different from others. When others are clearly strong, they will definitely fight against Xia Xia. Therefore, when Xia Xia is playing against each other, he can rely on his own means and the other party's carelessness. kill.

But this time is different.

The other party was very afraid of him.

No matter what level he is.

The first time the other party saw him, he simply ran away without even looking back. Such people, even if they fought, would be very careful and would not give Xia any chance.

"For the time being, don't think about that person. Although you have challenged by leapfrogging, your previous opponents were all confident and smart, but this time the opponent is very calm, and he is also good at calculating, he will never attack you. The chance to kill him." Shadow reminded.

Although it did well before the summer.

But this time the enemy, he also saw that it was not easy to provoke.

"It's just a pity. When the White Dragon King breaks through, let's go!!" Xia Xia has nothing to do now.


The breakthrough of the White Dragon King made Xia Xia less passive.

The people around him now are: Thirteen, the White Dragon King and Qu Xi.


Thirteen is a high-level immortal cultivator. Although the level of the Venerable is low, the level of cultivation techniques is high, and the power of the Haotian Mirror cannot be ignored. If the White Dragon King’s breakthrough can open the high-level inheritance, plus At the fifty-level realm of his Venerable, the overall strength is also very heaven-defying; there is also a Quxi.


Even if he encounters two or three Venerables in the summer, he doesn't have to run away.

You can even find a way to kill the opponent.

To know.

For those who were killed by him, he would not give them a chance to resurrect.

from now on.

He is not so passive anymore.

If others want to deal with him, they must also weigh their own abilities.


After a day! !

The White Dragon King opened his eyes: "It's just right, every time, it has increased by 30,000 points!!"

"It seems that the previous guess is correct. The front will always tap your potential. The higher your potential, the greater the power you will tap. But after the potential is tapped out, it will return to normal, that is, it will become One 30,000 points!!" Xia Xia said.

"My inheritance level is not low. I have already sensed that it belongs to the inheritance of the Galaxy Dragon Clan." The White Dragon King's face was a little excited.

"Xinghe Dragon Clan!!" Ying was also taken aback.

"What's wrong?" Summer asked.

"As long as it can be linked with Xinghe, it is a very amazing thing!!" Ying reminded.


"Come on, it should take a while to cultivate this inheritance, don't force yourself!!" Xia Xia said.

"It won't take too long, I'm already at the 50th level of the Venerable. Whether it's in terms of rank or perception, it's a matter of course." When the White Dragon King accepted the inheritance, he wouldn't have too much trouble: "The remaining Let’s understand the specific changes in the battle!!”

"Alright." Xia Xia naturally understood that only the perception in the battle is the real perception.

It can also be faster and better control Thirteen is also back, let's go meet him! ! "

Summer doesn't know.

after he left.

The people of the Yaqi clan tried various ways to test that position.

Every day is different.

Sometimes they catch a few fairy beasts, and sometimes they control a few small animals.

Sometimes helping small animals to become like him and so on.

Various ways to try.

Like a frightened bird.

At the beginning, he may have been injured in the battle with the Golden Feather White Crane, so he deliberately avoided Xia Xia, but now that he has fully recovered, he is still very careful.

His fear of Xia Xia came from the bottom of his heart: "Why, why is Xia Xia here, how can I meet him? If it goes on like this, will I die? I can't die, absolutely can't die!!"


Ps: I always wanted to open a new book, but the contract for the website could not be negotiated. I heard good news recently that the contract may be negotiated. As long as the contract is negotiated, the book may be published within a month. I have already decided the content of the new book. down.

The protagonist of the new book will be the only apprentice of Greedy Wolf.

The specific publication time will be notified to everyone, because we still have to negotiate, so it is uncertain.

This book will not be discontinued.

Spoilers for this book: 1. The book is not very far from the finale, and the greedy wolf will be the final winner, because the pursuit of Xia Xia and the greedy wolf are different; 2. Tianlong knows a huge secret; 3. The mirror Very important; 4th sister will have a role in the scene.

If you have any other characters you want to see, you can post more in the comment area, or privately chat with me on WeChat and QQ. If I see it, I will try to increase the speed of the characters' return.

thanks for your support.

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