The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1170: crisis is coming

Summer has been arranged for everyone, just to give them hope of living.

Just when he killed Golden Feather and White Crane, he suddenly had a sense of crisis, which had also appeared before, and every time there was a very important crisis.

He will feel that way.


This feeling reappeared.

It also made him really worry that something went wrong.

this time.

He has been improved in all aspects. It should be the smoothest time, but it is also at this time that a strong sense of crisis appeared.

This is definitely not a good sign.

"I didn't expect that one day, I would actually be released early!!" Ying thought it was very funny. When he first came in, he was still very unconvinced. When he heard that Xia Xia promised her that he would be released, he would didn't care too much.


I got acquainted with Xia Xia, and I also had a certain feeling.


Before the appointed day, Xia Xia had already let him leave.

"What about the mother-in-law, you are different from them, most of them have been dead for too long, so there are not many things to deal with, but you died suddenly, there must be a lot of things to deal with, do what you should do now Come on!!" Summer reminded.

Ying also helped him a lot.

Although they were enemies before.

But now the grievances between them have been resolved.

Now that summer has promised to give these people hope.

Then he won't go back on his word.

"Okay, I do have some things to deal with, so let's meet again!!" Shadow bowed his hands to Xia Xia.


"Goodbye by fate!!" Xia Xia cupped her hands.

Watch these people go away.

"You won't let me go too, will you?" Thirteen asked.

"No, it's my honor to be able to fight side by side with you, even if I die in battle!!" Xia Xia smiled.

"This is my good brother." Thirteen said.

"What about me?" the White Dragon King asked.

"You, you have eaten so much of my Great Realm King Pill, and I'm sorry for not letting you work hard with me!!" Xia Xia joked.

"Haha, for so many years, I have never been so interesting. This is the Shenzhou I pursue." The White Dragon King said with emotion.


Summer nodded slightly.

"Although I don't know what dangers will come next, but with you here, I feel much more at ease." The reason why Xia Xia didn't use Emperor Jin Yu, there are shadows, and the earth spirit.

Partly because he had promised these freedoms before.

On the other hand, it is also because these people and Xia Xia have always been in a relationship of helping each other and taking what they need from each other, although their relationship with Xia Xia is getting better and better, and they want to hang out with Xia Xia.

But summer is not so selfish.

He is very clear.

A friend is a friend.

And a brother is a brother.

Only these few brothers can accompany him to go all out.

He will not be polite at all.

But his friend's life, he will not move casually.

"Any plans?" Thirteen asked.

He has fought side by side with Xia Xia for so many years, and he knows very well that Xia Xia is a calm person no matter what time he is.

"Three caves of the cunning rabbit!!" Xia Xia said.

"Okay, what about the supplies?" Thirteen went out this time, but went to sell the supplies and buy them. He was different from Qu Xi. His movements were faster and more convenient.

Of course.

He also understands that he cannot be exposed.

So he used more methods.

Everyone out there knows.

Thirteen and Xia Xia are good friends. If Thirteen suddenly appeared in the fourth party and bought a large amount of supplies, even a fool could guess that it must have something to do with Xia Xia.

How could an old Jianghu like Thirteen make such a mistake?

"Let's divide it equally, especially the combat materials. No matter what level you are in, this kind of combat materials is still very useful, and it can save lives at a critical moment." Xia Xian looked at the White Dragon King and reminded.

The current White Dragon King's strength has just improved, and it is the time when the spring breeze is proud.

These little powers are definitely not to be seen.

But when a person is most proud, it is also the time when that person is most prone to make mistakes.

In this situation.

"Don't worry, I understand!!" The White Dragon King also understood what summer meant, and put away all the supplies.

these resources.

can play a key role at a critical time.

"First of all, we must find a few hiding places, and find a few places where we can escape quickly. The three of us will find them separately first, and we can just be here." Xia Xia believes that his sense of crisis will never be clear. It appeared for no reason, since this sense of crisis appeared, then he had to find a way to deal with it.

Survival is the most important thing.


It is also very important to find a place to escape and a place to hide.


The three quickly separated.

They are splitting up looking for a hiding place.

"If we escape, will there be a chance?" Hongfeng asked.

"No chance, I don't even know whether the enemy came from the fairy beast, or from the monster clan, or from the human side." Xia Xia doesn't even know who the enemy is now~www. ~ When will the enemy appear.

He just has a gut feeling.

Feel the crisis coming.

"So, are you going to wait for the rabbit?" Hong Feng said.

"Yes, if the enemy arrives one day later, I will arrange more places to escape around. Even if these places are useless in the end, I don't care." Xia Xia has already made several preparations.

First hand is the place to escape.

The second hand is the formation, organs and traps.

These can make summer control the entire battlefield.

He can also be prepared for all changes in the situation.

He just wants to turn this place into his battlefield.

No matter who comes, in this main battlefield, he will not be so passive.

Rather than go out to find your opponent, you might as well wait here.

Summer trusts your feelings.

The enemy will surely come.

And the enemy coming this time is probably very powerful.

It might even kill him.


Just recently.

The three of them moved very quickly. The three of them found hundreds of hiding places, many of which were fake, and based on their survey, they produced a complete map nearby.

"This is the area. Our hiding place is on this jade slip." They also marked all the maps and hiding places they had drawn.

"The next step is to not know the formation and traps. We must fill the surrounding area, and we can arrange as many as we can. This area must be completely under our control. If you find any danger, don't hesitate. Run now!!" Xia Xia also understood that his feelings could not go wrong, so this time there must be a terrible crisis.


The crisis is approaching step by step! ! !

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