The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1171: summer must die

"Okay, then let's speed up!" Thirteen also understood that if Xia Xia was so nervous, he must have sensed a real crisis.

He and Xia Xia have been fighting together for so long, and Xia Xia's intuition is still very accurate.


In this situation.

He will definitely believe in summer.

The three kept arranging like this.

"The arrangement is almost done. If you arrange it again, it will arouse the suspicion of the other party. Too much will be counterproductive." The White Dragon King said.


"Almost there, the next step is to confirm whether our enemy is a human being, a fairy beast, or a monster clan, but I analyzed it, and I didn't provoke the nearby monster clan for the time being. But they can't deal with me so quickly, the rest are humans, but I came from such a hidden place, and came from the fifth party through such a big detour, if I was found so easily, this It’s a big problem.” Xia Xia believes that if there is someone who can find him in the human race, it should be the Celestial Clan.

And if the Celestial Clan masters any way to find him, this makes him have to guard against it.

Doesn't it mean that no matter where he goes in the future, others will know.

"This time we must first know who the enemy is and why they found us. This is the most important." Thirteen analyzed.

he thinks.

Being able to find them is the biggest problem.

Outside in summer, there should be no breath left.

And even if it is the tracking of breath.

Nor can it be traced that far.

Everyone else thinks summer is in the fifth party.

And now the summer is on the verge of the fourth.

Searching by breath is no different from finding a needle in a haystack.

"There must be a problem. Have you heard that the people of the Celestial Clan or other top powers have such abilities?" Xia Xia asked.

"I haven't heard of it, but didn't you send a communication talisman to Hook Soul? Could our crisis this time be brought about by Hook Soul, or in other words, the one who attacked us was simply Hook Soul!!" Thirteen guessed.

"I have to guard against it!!" Xia Xia also understood that at this time.

Anyone has to be his imaginary enemy.

this time.

Those who know his position are really only ecstasy.


Summer doesn't think it's a ghost.

Hook soul is the guardian of the gods.

There is no reason to deal with him.

Of course.

The ecstasy may also expose his news.

people outside.

It was impossible to believe it all.

People outside should be guarded against.

"Have you said when it will arrive?" Thirteen asked.

"It's also recently, he will come here as soon as possible, I have already discussed with him, ten freedom masks, five realm king pills!!" Xia Xia wanted ten masks for a simple reason, he was worried that he would Friends other brothers.

Then there will be a mask.

Don't worry about those issues.

"The price is fair. The original material of this kind of mask is very rare, and it is said that it is very troublesome to refine. It seems that the refining skills are only known to the people of the Celestial Clan and the Guardians, so it is worth the price." Thirteen nodded slightly.

"The most troublesome thing right now is Qu Xi. Although I have informed her not to come here recently, there may be danger here, but I am still worried that she will mess around." Xia Xia also understood that Qu Xi was different from before.

"Quxi? She is so afraid of death, will she come over after you tell him there is danger?" Thirteen asked.

"She is no longer the Quxi she was before. The current Quxi is very courageous, even bigger than you!!" Xia Tian smiled.

This is not the first time the three of them have teamed up.

Quxi before.

When encountering any danger, they are the ones who want to hide for the first time, but now Quxi is different.

Now Qu Xi sees his opponent and will go up and do his best.

"I understand, it's not that we have the courage, but that after following you, it became like this. Before, I wouldn't just fight with others casually." Thirteen was also a very docile person before. people.

If he can even chat to solve the misunderstanding, he will not even make a move.


He also gave the impression of being very docile.

But since knowing summer.

He started to become violent, and often even went on a killing spree.

No matter what kind of opponent he was, he dared to go up and fight the opponent desperately.

A look that is not afraid of the sky and the earth.

at this time!

fourth party.

edge area.

"Sir, his position is right in front of him. He hasn't moved for a long time. He might be training." said a man in a white robe.

"Remember, summer must die!!" said a man in the lead coldly.

"Sir, are you releasing the news in advance?" Another white-robed man asked.

"Since I made the shot myself, it is natural to release the news in advance and directly publicize it. I have already locked the position of Xia Xia, and now I set off for the fourth party, and I can kill Xia Xia within three days!!" The man headed said. Sir, we don't have three days! ! "The white-robed man said very confidently.

"Of course I know it won't take three days, but it's a time difference, so people outside will think I've just set off," said the man in the lead.

"Sir, if it's so high-profile, I'm afraid it will attract Tianlong!!!" the next man reminded.

"Isn't that right? The top ten people on the Celestial Clan's bounty list will grab two and let those little guys see what we old men can do!!" The man in the lead took off the white robe on his head.

A halo appeared over his head.

Celestial people! !

The people who came to hunt down Xia Xia this time were the people from the Celestial Clan.


These Celestial Clan people are different from ordinary Celestial Clan people.

Summer, who was waiting for the arrival of the enemy, suddenly raised his head: "Come!!"

He arranged a lot of reminder formations outside.

As long as someone came over, he would know immediately.

"How far is it from here?" Thirteen asked.

"Half a day's journey!!" Summer reminded.

"Do you know the number?" Thirteen asked.

"Seven!!" Summer said.

"If there are seven, they should not be the guards of the gods. If they do it, there is no need to dispatch so many people, just one is enough." Thirteen said.


"It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the ecstasy, but I still have to be careful. When they came over, my sense of crisis became stronger. Now I can't help but start to panic." Xia Xia also understood.


It's going to be a tough fight.

Of course.

When someone who can give him this feeling appears, it is no longer a question of fighting, but a question of whether they can escape.

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