The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1184: 13 potential

Seeing summer disappear in place.

Ding San originally wanted to chase him, but because of his previous blood escape, he could no longer pursue him again, and the other party teamed up to kill Ding Si. If he just chased after him like this, he would also be in danger. .

the opposing team.

There are now four of them.

And everyone's means are not simple.

He will have a long-term plan with several other brothers.

"Haha, we've done it." Thirteen said with a smile.

Obviously very happy.

"It's awesome, I didn't expect that you can really handle this guy. I played against him before, it's really hard to deal with, but now that he has caught everything, everything about him will be taken care of. Listen to me." Xia Luo Wanxiang went to examine a person.

The power is still very great.

that's it.

He has the speed bonus of Hongfeng.

Also constantly running.

Qu Xi went to interrogate Ding Si.

"This guy, there is a problem!!" Qu Xi interrogated for a long time, but there was no news at all.

"Don't waste your efforts, they should all be the top warriors of the Celestial Clan. Such a person has long put his own life and death aside, so he may have directly blocked his soul and consciousness when he expected an accident. , even directly destroying his own soul!!" Thirteen already understood what was going on.

I thought it was summer.

If you catch this top four, you can interrogate some useful information.

But now it seems.

He seems to have failed.

That is to say.

He still couldn't investigate clearly, the identity method the other party used to find him.

"This is troublesome!!" Xia Xia knew very well that if he didn't solve this problem, he would have to hide in the territory of the Immortal Beast Clan for the rest of his life, because as long as he went out.

The Celestial Clan can find him and kill him.

Then he doesn't care how much skill or how much means he has.

It is impossible to resist the pursuit of these experts from the Celestial Clan.

"You can try it next time. When you make a move, first lock his soul and keep him in the illusion, so there may be a chance." Qu Xi reminded.

"It's a blessing to be able to catch a master of this level, as you said, unless the other party is sitting there waiting for me to catch him." Xia Xia shook his head helplessly.

The method Qu Xi said definitely worked.

But the other side is the top master.

How could he be given this chance.

"They still have five such strong masters. It's impossible to win a head-to-head fight. The reason why this person can do it is because he hit your combo several times, and he is still being consumed and attacked by us. Next, Everyone else already knows the existence of the few of us, and it is impossible to make a sneak attack, and they should not have such a big consumption." Thirteen said with emotion.


"If we hit hard, the four of us can't compete with the five of them, so we can only delay the time. One day has passed. As long as I continue to fly for a day, they will not be able to catch up with me. When the time comes, the high priest and Zhu Zun will If the bet is lost, then we should be free." Xia Xia said.

"Will you really be free?" Thirteen asked.

He always feels.

It's not that simple.


Xia Xia can't tell right now, but since this top four is useless, he is welcome.

Killed the top four directly.

Condensing the power of the Great Realm King Pill.

He has already seen the condensation of the Great Realm King Dan.

People with strength above Venerable can condense the Great Realm King Pill.

However, those within level 30 can only condense one.

Those below level 60 can condense two.

Those within the ninth level can condense three.

This top four is a master of the fifty-level Venerable, who can condense two Great Realm King Pills.

Summer will not waste his power either.

"Thirteen, these two belong to you, just what you need now!!" Xia Xia threw the Great Realm King Pill to Thirteen.

The White Dragon King is already at level 50, and taking the Great Realm King Pill for the time being will not have much effect.

There is no more potential to tap.

Qu Xi's realm is still a half-step Venerable. Although it is already a sign of a Venerable, but to be precise, it is still not a Venerable. In this state, the Great Realm King Dan is useless to her.


The Great Realm King Pill is now the most suitable for Thirteen.


Thirteen is not polite.

"The Great Realm King Dan in front can tap a person's potential, and the general improvement effect is good." The White Dragon King is already an experienced person, so he is also reminding Thirteen now.

"What potential do I have? My master said before that I will never be able to cultivate to the third transformation of the quasi-venerable person in my life. I can see my potential. Although I am a venerable person now, I have no potential to be able to. Developed." Thirteen also understood that he was not a top genius, let alone someone with great potential.

Therefore, the Great Realm King Dan can tap the potential at the beginning.

But for him.

But it was of no use.

"Try it!!" Summer said.

He also knew that Thirteen did not have much potential, and almost half of his promotion to Venerable was the credit of the Realm King Dan.

Although this improvement is fast, it does not have much potential.

"Then I just want to see if I still have potential." Thirteen nodded at the entrance of the fairy beast.

The high priest glanced at the thing in his hand and frowned.

"What, something happened?" Pig Zun asked.

"You don't need to worry about it!" The high priest said coldly. There were six lifelines in his palm, representing the lives of his six subordinates.


One of the lifelines suddenly snapped.

That is to say.

One of his men died.

This shocked him very much.

He couldn't understand how his subordinates died. Did Xia Xia have the ability to kill his subordinates?

"There is still one day left, there is no news from your people, I see, they can't handle it." Zhu Zun said with great interest.

"One day is enough!!" The high priest thought, no matter what happened inside.

his people.

It will solve all of this perfectly.

He trusts his people a lot.

at this time.

The five people inside have also converged.

"You mean, the fourth child is dead!!" Ding Yi's expression turned cold, and they fought side by side for so many years.

The news I heard now is that one died.

How can he not be angry.

"I really can't sense the fourth child, I can't sense it at all." Ding Er said.

"Second child, his position!!!" Dingyi asked expressionlessly.

"He is getting farther and farther away from us now, and his speed has become much faster. It seems that his speed increase this time should be related to the wings mentioned by the third child, not the blood escape, so it will be troublesome, he only needs to run for a day. , we won't go at all!!" Ding Er shook his head.

"Aren't you ready to die? Do you really think this is a one-day battle?" Ding Yi asked.

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