The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1185: time up

When Ding Yi came in, he already understood.

They have no way out.

If they can't kill Xia Xia within two days, then there is only one way for them.

Dead end! !

But before they die, they also have to do something meaningful.

That is to kill summer.

"After following the boss for so many years, the boss doesn't need us now!!" Ding Er smiled.

"It's not that the boss doesn't need us anymore, it's just that we're not good enough. If we can get the summer done in two days, we can live. If we can't get it done, what else can we say." Ding Yi thought it was their own. question.

They are incapable of themselves.

No wonder others.

Hear the top one.

Several people nodded. They really had no way out. It was almost impossible to catch up in one day at the current speed in summer, but they did not believe that the speed in summer could last a lifetime.

Summer can run forever! !


It is no longer a one-day war, but a protracted one.

The summer that is rushing can also feel it.

"The speed they were chasing was different from before," Hongfeng said.

"It seems that they gave up. They think that at this speed, they can't catch up with me. This is not possible. Although the time is only two days, the more anxious they are, the more likely they are to make mistakes. If I give them a chance , then they will go crazy and want to seize this opportunity, this time, it is time for us to counterattack." Xia Xia knew very well that the time difference is very important to the battle.

If the other party does not see hope.

Then the other party will not shoot at them.

But if the other party sees hope.

That's different.

The other party will definitely find a way to seize this last chance.

"Then let's prepare?" Thirteen asked.

"Get ready, then I deliberately slow down, they will definitely find a way to catch up, and I will keep a distance from them," Xia Xia thought very simply now.


He was trying to figure out how these people found themselves.


Those who were chasing him, if given the chance, he would definitely kill them.


Summer is also starting to slow down at this time.

The distance between them is getting closer.


The following people started to accelerate.

It's faster than before.

"They have learned to be smart. This time, they are no longer catching up alone, but five people acting together." Hongfeng reminded.

These five people.

In any way.

Really the most troublesome opponent.

The opponents he usually encounters will be fooled step by step by calculating several times in the summer, but the enemy this time is unusually calm.

"It's okay, no matter how calm the enemy is, they will make mistakes at critical moments!!" Xia Xia glanced at Quxi and the others: "Run with me!!"

All four of them are on the bright side.

In this case.

No matter how smart those few people are, they won't think they have a problem.

that's it.

Chase half a day.

The distance between them is very close.

"Someone rushed up first." Hong Feng said.

"Keep a distance from him, he must be testing us on purpose, and the distance between the people behind him and him is not too far away. When the battle begins, the people behind can also rush over as soon as possible." Xia Xia was not in a hurry to attack The one to catch up.

In his opinion.

These people have already learned shrewdly.

He would never intentionally reveal flaws to him.

that's it.

Another hour passed.

The other party is obviously more anxious than before, but the speed has slowed down.

"They slowed down, do we slow down too?" Hongfeng asked.

"No, let's increase it a little bit. If we also slow down, then they will definitely guess that we are attracting them. At this time, a little acceleration can make them more anxious. After all, there is not much time left for them." Summer is very clear.

These people must have wanted to fix everything in two days.


They will definitely fight at the last minute.

By the time.

That's when they make mistakes.

Fighting is like that.

Both sides fight.

The last moment is the most important.

Now Xia is the one who grasps the opportunity, and he naturally wants to take advantage of this opportunity.

"Summer, when will we start?" Thirteen asked.

"They are very vigilant now and refuse to make mistakes. However, they are also pretending to be calm now. At the last moment, they will definitely rush out to do it. Then we can fight back." Xia Xia has already made all preparations.

The entrance of the fairy beast clan.

Time passed little by little.

"Time is running out, it seems that your people haven't succeeded yet." Zhu Zun looked at the high priest in front of him like this.

The high priest also looked cold.


He was also very dissatisfied with his subordinates.


There is not much time this time.

If he still can't finish the summer, then the following things will be very passive for him: "It's not over yet!!"

"Do you still think your people can succeed? If they could do it, they would have succeeded long ago, and they haven't succeeded yet, which proves that the human you are dealing with this time is more difficult to deal with than you imagined!!" Pig Zun said.

"Our Celestial Clansmen are the kings of Shenzhou. The entire Shenzhou is under the control of our Celestial Clansmen. What kind of thing is he!!" The high priest also said very rudely.

"Then let's wait and see, let me see, what is the status of your Celestial people in Shenzhou!!" Zhuzun Club loves it.


The high priest snorted heavily, and then he released a communication talisman.

He didn't want to lose face.

I don't want Pig Zun to look down on him.

If his people really can't win the summer in the end, doesn't it mean that their Celestial Clan people have no real ability.

The rule over China is nothing but the same.

This kind of thing is intolerable to him.

Ding Yi, who was chasing Xia Xia, was also thinking about it. He could see that Xia Xia was trying to lure them into taking the bait. As time passed, he was also very anxious.


at this time.

A communication talisman fell into Ding Yi's hand.

Looking at the communication talisman in his hand, Ding Yi felt like a mountain was pressing down on him. Although he had not opened the communication talisman, he could almost already guess what news was inside.

"Big brother!!" Ding Er looked at Ding Yi.

"We have no way out, let's go!!" Ding Yi opened the messenger.


The content inside is the same as he guessed.

Next, their time has come.

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