Xeon strike! !

It is also a desperate blow of the earth.

No matter how powerful it was before the summer, it can definitely kill the summer with this blow.

[Tianquan, rebound! ! 】

No nonsense in summer, just start using the ability to rebound.

This is a very scary ability.

Repel all damage! !

The earth never expected such a thing to happen.


The powerful impact exploded half of his head.

At the same time, Xia Tian's finger directly touched the soil: pull away! !

The source of the earth was pulled out by him abruptly.

The sixth source of soil has finally arrived.

Ye was also very excited at this time. He regained his original body again and slammed into the soil in front of him. The current soil has been injured like this. This is a wonderful opportunity for revenge.

He definitely didn't want to miss such a great opportunity.

Red Phoenix strikes!

Summer is also an auxiliary attack at the same time.

The attack power of this soil is very powerful.

But there is still a certain gap between him and normal human beings. Even if he does not encounter Xia Xia, but encounters other human masters, human masters can still defeat it.

Although his attack power is strong.

But its attack method is too single, and the attack speed is not fast enough.

Humans will never go head-to-head with its blow.

"How is that possible?" Tu was completely blinded by this series of actions in the summer.

He never thought that such a thing would happen, it was beaten like this, and the source of life-saving soil in the body was also taken away by Xia Xia.

"Soil, go to hell!!"

Ye's attack came at the same time.

He doesn't have much nonsense.

At this moment, what he thought was very simple, that is, to avenge his father and kill this ungrateful fellow.

"Don't even think about it!!" Tu also wanted to fight back.


The impact of the red phoenix has also arrived.

Hongfeng's attack instantly smashed into the half of Tu Po's head.


Eat the soil that hurts, fight back and collapse at the same time.

this attack.

Painfully it collapsed.

Ye also seized this opportunity.

hit the soil directly.


The other half of Tu Na's head was also shattered directly by the impact.


This time the night is considered to be a complete extermination of the soil.

"Father, I avenged you, I killed this ungrateful fellow!!!" Ye shouted loudly.

at the same time.

Five rays of light flew up.

Ice Flame! !

Ye also devoured four of them in an instant.

at the same time.

Its body began to undergo great changes.

Its body began to evolve again.

Soil said before that if Ye can collect all five Ice Flames, then it can be raised to the same strength as Soil.

That is to say.

This night evolution will have the same strength as the soil.

This is very powerful.

"The cultivation of these ice beasts is really special. As long as they swallow the flames of ice, their strength will skyrocket in an instant, so they don't need to practice at all!!!" Hongfeng felt that this world is really full of wonders.

Weird things happen.

It's really too long.

"Well, this is similar to the power of the source. As long as you have the power of the source, the whole person will improve rapidly!!" Xia Xia also understood that the improvement of these ice beasts is similar to the power of the source.

"Then why didn't he eat all the five ice flames?" Hongfeng asked in confusion.

Ye already has an ice flame in his body. If he continues to take five, it will be six, and his strength must be stronger.

"There should be an upper limit. I estimate that their upper limit is five. A normal ice beast can only take these at most. If it is more, it should be impossible to succeed." Xia Xia probably understood what happened. thing.


Hongfeng also thinks it is very reasonable.

at this time.

Ye's body is also constantly expanding, and then shrinking.

After seeing the death of the earth, the surrounding ice beasts did not do anything.

They don't seem to have that much loyalty here.

On the contrary, when watching the night, it is full of respect.

that's it.

Night's evolution is very fast.

It didn't take long.

The evolution is complete.

At this time, the night, the whole body is extremely dark, and it has become almost the same as before.

"Mr. Xia, I succeeded!!" Ye looked at Xia Xia.

"Can you still fail?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"Yes, the failure rate is 50%, and the success rate is also, but I succeeded, and I can really help you in the next road!!" Ye is very grateful to Xia Xia, if there is no Xia Xia.

It is impossible for him to succeed.


Summer nodded slightly.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's get ready to go!!" Xia Xia said.

"Yes!!" Ye said respectfully.


The two of them started flying forward.


The road ahead of them now.

is a slope.

their way forward.

Just up.

In front of them is the mountain.

It is also the place where the father of the seal night~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the fire master! !

ice crystals!

When he was on his way in the summer, he found ice crystals again: "Do you know these ice crystals?"

"I know, this is the ice realm used by the guardians of the iceberg area to monitor the outside. Ordinary ice beasts don't know about it, but my father was one of the octagons back then, and I knew it from him!!" Ye explained.

"Guardian?" Xia Xia said.

"Yes, we are rushing in their direction now. The guardians there are all human beings. I heard that they came here after meeting a certain human back then. It seems that they have to protect this place for how many years before leaving, and they It also controls the octagons here. My father was killed by a new human because he was out of control back then, and he cultivated a new octagon, which is soil!!" Ye explained.

"Well, let's go meet this guardian first, and see what his background is!!" Xia Xia started to walk up.


He found out.

Under the nearby ice cover, there are many ice beasts and humans, as well as some fairy beasts and fairy monsters.

"These ice packs..."

"They are the beings that are sealed here. In fact, there are two octagonal horns that humans can come over, namely the seventh horn and the eighth horn; the fifth and sixth horns belong to the immortal beast family; the third and fourth horns are immortals. The demon clan; they will all seal some races that they want to seal here, the stronger the strength, the higher the seal position!!" Ye explained.

That is to say.

This place is specially used to seal fairy beasts, fairy monsters and humans, as well as some ice beasts.

"What about the first and second corners?" Xia Xia asked very curiously.

The night just didn't say these two.

Ye glanced at the front: "That belongs to the fairy world!!"

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