The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1289: 1 special team

"Belonging to the fairy world?" Xia Xia didn't understand what this sentence meant.

"I don't know what it means, this is what my father told me back then!!" Ye explained.


Xia Tian glanced at the seals around him: "Ye, break these ice seals for me. Since I'm here this time, it doesn't matter what I can't see. All the seals I see will be broken!!"

"Okay!!" Ye also hated these seals very much, because its father was sealed.

Now hear the words of summer.

It also starts directly.

It's now.

It already has the same powerful strength as the previous soil.

His current impact.

It's also very scary!


Ground shatters.

call out! call out!

Figures flew out from the ice.

There are humans.

There are fairy beasts, fairy monsters, and ice beasts.


They all made happy noises when they were freed from this bondage.

"You are free!!" Summer shouted loudly.

"Thank you, my lord!!" Those human beings, immortal beasts and immortal demons all said respectfully.

"However, it is very far away from the outside. If you want to go out like this, you only need to fly for millions of years, but you can wait for me here. After I finish my business, I will use the teleportation array here to take you away! !" Summer reminded.

"Sir, we want to unblock other people with you." Creatures of all races also said.

They all know how painful it is to be sealed here.


They also understand that without summer, it is almost impossible for them to leave this iceberg area, this extremely cold place.

Below is the Octagonal King.

They are also very tough.

Xia Tian glanced at the creatures around him: "Okay, then follow me. Let's go up together. Wherever we go, if we see the sealed ones, we will rescue them directly!!!"

He glanced.

These sealed existences are very powerful.

The worst is the realm of the quasi-venerable third change.


Summer starts upwards.

He took this strange team with him.

Rush up.

China has never had such a team.

a human.

Actually moving forward with such a team.

"Okay, brother, then let's go save people together!!" Xia Xia also flew straight up.


Only Ye Ye was broken, and the speed would be much slower.


With so many helpers, the speed of breaking the seal is also much faster.


They rescued more and more creatures.

less than a day.

In the summer team, there are already more than 500 creatures of different races, and they are all very powerful, but some creatures have died and have been sealed here for too long.

consumed them.

See in summer.

There are a lot of ice crystals watching over them.

That is to say.

Everything he did now, the other party knew.

"We are provoking the opponent by doing this, but since the opponent has not fought back so far, it proves that the opponent must be confident about his own strength!!" Hongfeng said.

Only those who really have the ability can not be afraid of opponents.


The guardian they have to face.

Is a real capable person.

It will also be the biggest stumbling block for them to move forward.

that's it! !

Summer keeps going up.

seven days.

The number of coalition troops rescued by his team has reached more than 2,500 people.

The strongest one has the strength of the fifty-level Venerable.

"Huh?" As he was going up Xia Tian, ​​he suddenly felt something, and then his eyes looked down.

Ice beast.


A large number of ice beasts have already attacked.

"Looks like it's time to come!!" Hong Feng said with emotion.

that guardian.

It should be about to start closing.

At this time, he should also be ordering the ice beasts below to start charging.

"Everyone continues to go up, continue to save people, the one who rushed down the mountain, leave it to me and Ye!!" Xia Xia shouted loudly.


Although this coalition.

There are people of any race.

But they all listen to Summer.

No matter what summer says.

They will all be taken as orders.

"Give me all to die!!" Ye was not polite, and directly hit his powerful attack.

Under the mountain at this time.

Endless ice beasts are rushing fast.

And summer and night.

is blocked here.

Tianhan sword in his hand.

Summer is also a direct sweep.

The Law of Endless Days appeared.

The flames engulfed everything in front of him.

The power of the ivy ring here is very weak, so he did not use it.

that's it.

The army of ice beasts rushing up below was forcibly blocked by Xia Xia and Ye.


less than three days.

The ice beasts in all directions rushed up.

Their team is now in the summer.

Completely surrounded! !

"Sir, we are surrounded!!" The coalition forces looked at Xia Xia.

their team.

There are now three thousand people.

The strongest is an immortal beast of the 65th level of Venerable.


Xia Xia nodded slightly: "It doesn't matter, we form a battle formation, and then continue to move up. I will be the head of the battle formation, and Ye will be the tail. If you want to leave alive, you must work together and cooperate with each other to have a chance!!"

Hearing Xia's everyone nodded.

They were sealed for so long.

All want to live.

All want freedom.

Then we have to work together.


under summer's command.

Their team began to move steadily.

However, the rate of breakage has slowed down.

On the eleventh day, there were ten more people in their team.


Also found in summer.

The more you know the person sealed on it, the stronger your strength will be.

Their team is getting stronger and stronger now.

Although it consumes a lot.

But Xia Xia was not stingy, and took out the diluted drink of Jie Wang Dan for everyone, which made everyone's recovery very fast.

On the fifteenth day.

Their team has grown to 3,050 people.


They finally saw hope in the summer.

at this time.

ahead of them.

There is a human standing there.

this human.

The legendary guardian.

He is also a human who commands all the ice beasts to fight here. As long as he can be killed, the ice beasts below will naturally recede. Otherwise, no one will be able to withstand the continuous attack of ice beasts.

"What a weird combination, such a combination, the whole of China can't find a second one!!" The guardian looked at the team below.


Xia Tian took a step forward: "Stop talking nonsense, if we don't kill you, we will have no chance!!"

"Kill me?" The guardian smiled slightly: "Do you think you have that ability?"

"If you don't try it, how do you know if it will work!!" When Xia Xia's voice fell.

The night behind him was also the first to kill the guardian in front of him.

Destructive attacks at the same time! !

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