The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1384: it's my turn

"Oh?" Xia Tian didn't feel like he had exposed anything.

"I wondered from the very beginning if I would be lucky enough to meet a real summer, but I couldn't figure it out, real summer, why help me this fake summer, but when I was little , My father told me that sometimes, the more impossible something feels, the more likely it will happen!!!" said Fake Summer.

"It seems that your father is an amazing person!!" Xia Xia didn't deny it, but didn't admit it either.

But he said so.

Xia Xia knew that he had guessed correctly: "Let me just say, who can use such a terrifying law of the sun, such terrifying control and change, and still emit the flame of the law of the sun!!"

Insert a sentence, it's really good, it's worth installing it, after all, you can read books in cache and read aloud offline!

He is a little excited now.

The reason why he faked summer.

It's because he also worships summer.

"Think about how to deal with this big guy in front of you first!!" Xia Xia reminded.

"Mr. Xia, this is not in a hurry, anyway, I didn't think about really helping this third level, just think about it." Fake summer has not yet come out of this excitement: "Mr. Xia, my name is Caohuo Shen! !"

"The surname is Cao, I saw that the third person in the Hall of Fame was also surnamed Cao!!!" Xia Xia said.

Grass Vulcan's body began to dodge.

Although his attack just hit the huge immortal beast in front of him, the defense of the immortal beast is also very terrifying. The damage just now has no effect on him.

"Are you afraid of death?" Xia Xia asked.

"Don't be afraid!!!" said Caohuo Shen.


He is afraid of death, but with Xia Xia here, he is not afraid. He believes that Xia Xia will never let him die.


He wanted to have some dignity in front of Summer.

"Okay, then let me rush to the place with the most people!!!" Xia Xia said.

"Okay!!" Caohuo Shen nodded.

"Aren't you going to ask me why?" Xia Tian asked.

"No need, what Mr. Xia asked me to do, I'll do it!!" said the God of Fire.

"Go, this guy is so big, his lethality and lethal range are too large, if he is here, he can let go of his hands and feet, but if he goes back to the first level and attacks anywhere, it is possible The person who will kill you in the first level will definitely not be so smooth when he moves his hand, and you can use his hand to kill many masters in the first level just by dodging his attack. It's gone." This method in summer is very practical, and it is also his most commonly used method.

Of course.

This move is very risky.

Because you enter the enemy camp alone, you may suffer siege and many unexpected attacks.


If there is summer, it will be completely different. Summer will be everything.


Grass Vulcan quickly rushed forward.

When rushing up, Xia Tian was taken aback: "You are the law of the Three Elements!!"


Caohuoshen asked inexplicably, "Senior, how did you know?"

This third law is his absolute trump card, he doesn't think he's exposed.

"You hide it well? But you forgot one thing? That the law itself has affinity. This is a forest area, and there are plants everywhere? When you get close to those plants, the plants instinctively get close to you? This proves that you The third law is either the Law of Wood or the Law of Mutation of Wood!!!" Xia Xia's power of observation is terrifying.

If the grass fire **** is only the law of the sun and the law of fire? When he is close to these plants? The plants will instinctively dodge and disgust.

But at this time, these plants and trees are kissing him.

Of course.

This is almost invisible to others.

But since summer can sense other people's emotions and breath? He can do it.

Now he can even sense all the laws and emotions of plants.

"That's fine!!" Grass Vulcan was obviously also very surprised: "Senior? My third law is the Mutation Law of the Wood Element, Green Grass!!"

"It seems? Your laws are all in your name!!" Xia Xia said.

"Yes, when I was born, it was the Law of Two Elements, the Law of Grass and Fire, my Law of the Sun, which was given to me by a senior behind me!!" said the God of Grass and Fire.

kindness! !

Xia Xia nodded slightly: "Okay, then I will tell you how to dodge, you can dodge as you please, don't hesitate, immediately!!!"

"Yes, Mr. Xia!!" said Caohuo Shen.


Grass Vulcan took the lead to reach the center of the team in the first level.

He was completely out of touch with those people in the third level.

But when those people in the third stage saw such a scene, they also felt that the God of Fire was very heroic, and their morale was even higher.


The huge immortal beast rushed to Caohuo God's side and slapped it.

Grass Vulcan dodged according to the position that Xia Xia said.

Then dodge twice.


When he dodged for the second time, the first-level experts around him just now were shot to death by the huge immortal beast. Those people didn't even have a chance to react.

"Damn, everyone, be careful, spread out!!!" These people in the first level are also very experienced in combat. When they saw such a scene, they also wanted to spread out for the first time.


In the summer, however, Caohuoshen kept chasing the scattered teams.

Boom! boom! boom!

After a few rounds, the huge immortal beast didn't hurt Caohuo Shen in the slightest. Instead, it was a master of the first level, and dozens of people were beheaded.


Caohuoshen found that Xia Xia's calculations were simply incomparable. Several times, he clearly felt that he didn't need to dodge, but after listening to Xia Xia's words, he still dodged. After he dodged, surprises suddenly appeared on both sides.

If he just relied on his own ability and then he would be dead.

"As expected of Mr. Xia!!" Caohuo Shen was completely stunned now.

"Where is this going!!" Xia Xia glanced around: "This is already the site of the first level."

"Mr. Xia, what do you want to do?" Caohuo Shen asked.

"It will open your eyes!!" Xia Tian said lightly.


Although Caohuoshen didn't understand what he was going to do in the summer, he understood that next, he must be able to see something very unforgettable.


He also looked intently in front of him.



He felt the ground as if shaking.

The surrounding grass and trees made a pleasant sound, and his wood mutation law also resonated at this moment.

"Ready!!" Xia Tian pointed his finger a little in front of him.

Ivy Ring.


The light flashed.

Countless green vines rose to the sky, and everything around was wiped out. At this moment, the huge fairy beast also suffered heavy damage.

Directly bound by the ivy ring.

at the same time.

The real summer rushed to the huge fairy beast: "It's my turn to play."

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