The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1385: The father of grass fire god

At this time, the grass fire **** was watching the shocking scene around him with all his attention, and even he was already addicted to it.


The real summer has already killed the huge fairy beast.

Red Phoenix strikes!

Tianhan Sword!


Extinguishing Immortal Finger!

A series of attacks hit the giant fairy beast.

Boom! boom! boom!

The rays of light on the giant fairy beast scattered, and his defenses were being broken open layer by layer by Xia Xia.

The law of the sun.


Burn me! ! !

Xia Xia didn't talk nonsense, and launched her own attack directly.

The body of this huge fairy beast is a bear.

His fur defense is also very strong. As long as his fur defense is opened, coupled with several high-intensity attacks by himself, the opponent will first lose his sense of security, and the sudden attack in the summer will make the opponent lose his sense of security. This fairy beast will also panic.

"Is this what Mr. Xia is capable of?" Caohuo Shen looked at the figure in front of him in surprise.


The flame ignited instantly.

Directly started burning the fur of the giant bear.

Under normal circumstances, even if Xia Xia uses this attack method, it is impossible to hurt the giant bear, because he will use his own strength to fight the flames, but Xia Xia's attack this time is different. He is the first to attack the giant bear's body. , In this case, the giant bear will put all his thoughts on himself.

Can't defend against his own hair.

all of these.

All are in the calculation of summer.

Very clear.

"Success, actually succeeded!!" Caohuo Shen was even more surprised. In his opinion, the strength of such a venerable beast must be very terrifying, even if the law of the sun can ignite the opponent's hair, but Does the other party not resist?

He has no idea how Xia did it now.


At this time, the giant bear also wanted to instantly knock Xia Tian flying to relieve the pressure on himself.

This blow is very powerful, and its attack power is also extremely fierce. It seems that one blow can split the heavens and the earth.

The space was torn apart instantly.

The power is extremely powerful.

Xia Xia waved his right hand.

[Tianquan, rebound! ! 】

This move is something that no one can imagine. This giant bear is thinking of using his ultimate move to finish the summer and let himself save the battle.

But Tianquan's ability to rebound is very terrifying.

The stronger the attack he made, the stronger the rebound, and he never imagined that this attack force would come suddenly.

The body was instantly knocked out.

There is no defense at all.


A large mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

"I'm hurt!!!" Caohuo Shen sucked in a breath of cold air.

Such a big guy.

Summer actually injured the opponent in an instant.


The giant bear's body fell to the ground.

The aura of the emperor hit him at the same time.

Fear! ! !

The giant bear, who was originally majestic, now had fear on his face. Usually, his defenses were never broken, and his attacks could shatter everything, but now, just after the fight, this sudden appearance The person injured him, and when he saw the other party, he felt like he wanted to kneel down.

This feeling made his body start to tremble.

He was afraid.

He didn't want to die.

To be able to cultivate to today's realm, he doesn't know how much he has experienced? How much effort he has put in.

Under normal circumstances? He thought that no one could kill him.

But now.

Looking at the figure in front of him.

He was really scared.

He felt that if he didn't leave, he would definitely die here.

"I don't want to die." This was the first thought of the giant bear.

He's seriously injured now? Keep fighting? He doesn't know what's going to happen.


After he got up, he chose to run away.

[Heavenly Power? Repel! ! 】

Although Xia Xia won't kill this giant bear casually, he must leave a huge shadow in the heart of this giant bear, so that the next time he sees himself, he will turn his head and run away.


The other party was already cowardly.

As long as he receives another blow? The opponent's psychological defense line will be completely defeated.

Under normal circumstances? Even if he can't beat the summer.

The next time we meet, for the sake of face, he won't just run away.

But after this last blow, the next time he sees Xia Xia, he will be completely cowardly.

boom! boom! boom!

The body of the giant bear that was fleeing was constantly being knocked into the air? He wanted to resist this force, but as a result, his own body was shattered.

However, he also forcibly endured the severe pain on his body.

Turn around and run.

very fast.

"This is the end?" Caohuoshen was dumbfounded. For such a big guy, he joined the battle, and he had already lost the balance of the battle. As a result, Xia Xia shot and took down such a big guy in a few seconds: " Is this the strength of summer?"

All the time.

Summer is just living in a legend.

Although the rumored summer is very powerful outside, there are also many people who think that the strength of summer is all boasted by others.

But when he saw it with his own eyes today, he knew that the summer was more terrifying than the legend.

The summer standing in front of him at this time is unattainable.

"Anyway, the matter here has been settled, find a place to chat?" Xia Xia glanced at Caohuo Shen and said.

"Okay!!" Caohuo Shen has helped the third pass a lot now. Although he did it in the summer, in name, it was him who helped.

The next battle.

Just leave it to the third level.

Caohuo Shen bowed deeply to Xia Xia: "See Mr. Xia!!"

He really respects Summer very much.

I admire summer.

Especially after seeing the Xia Xia battle with his own eyes, he admires Xia Xia even more. In his eyes Xia Xia's strength is already unbelievable.

"This battle is almost over!!" Xia Xia said.

"It's only been a while since the war started!!" Although Kao Huo Shen believed Xia Xia's words, he didn't understand why.

after all.

The scale of this war is too great.

It doesn't mean that you can stop if you stop, and the people in the Scarlet Forest are very violent, once the war begins.

The people below are not so easy to control.

"Let the news fly for a while!!!" The corner of Xia Tian's mouth raised slightly.


Xia Xia's prestige is very terrifying. Although he killed not many people here, he made a lot of noise.

It won't be long.

The first district couldn't take it anymore.

"It seems that the first level was kicked on the iron plate this time!!!" said Caohuo Shen.

"I haven't said it yet, what is your purpose here!!" Xia Xia asked the God of Fire, looking at the grass.

Now that you are here.

Then he naturally had to ask the God of Grass Vulcan what he wanted to do.

"Come and avenge my father!!!" said the God of Fire.

"Your father? Is he really the third in the Hall of Fame?" Xia Xia said before, he felt that the surname of Caohuoshen was very similar to that of the person in the Hall of Fame, and Caohuoshen's own strength was not weak.

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