The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1498: hexagonal crystal

Relentless Sword!

"It's not suitable for me!!" Xia Xia smiled and didn't care about the ruthless sword. Although the ruthless sword is really good, there are too many people staring at the ruthless sword. The enemy of man will have more troubles to face at that time. Now that he is injured, if he does not leave here, it will only cause panic and unity among others. In the end, it is him who is attacked.

And a treasure like the ruthless sword.

It will definitely change a person's character.

Xia Xia didn't want to one day become someone who couldn't even control himself.

This time he broke into Silent's body and took out a hexagonal crystal.

When I saw this hexagonal crystal in the summer, I felt it was not simple, so he also took out the crystal directly at that time.

"Summer, hand over the things, I won't embarrass you!!" the voiceless inner demon shouted.

Just started.

There are many people there.

He didn't say anything about things, but now there are almost no people here. He also directly killed a few people nearby, and at the same time began to let Xia Xia hand over things.

"Sure enough, it's for something!!" Xia Xia's eyes lit up, and he understood that if the other party came for something.

That thing must be very precious.


Summer feels like his body is frozen in place.

Unable to move.

"What's the matter? Is there any thread?" Xia Xia hurriedly checked.

"No, there is nothing, we are not tied, but controlled, and the body can't move for the time being!!!" Hongfeng said.


When the silent attack came.

The red phoenix appeared.

Directly blocked the silent attack: "Although you can't move, I can!!"

"It's interesting!!" The silent inner demon launched his own attack again.

Xia Xia's body can also move easily at this time. He took advantage of this opportunity to turn around and leave. He knew that the silent demon was very powerful. Although he could see through some of it, there were still many that he couldn't see through, and he felt , The voiceless inner demon is also getting stronger. When it was just unblocked, the silent inner demon was not as strong as it was imagined.

Although it can also release a wide range of attacks.

But for summer, the damage is not enough.

But now.

The damage he played, if Xia Xia was not careful, would be wiped out.

The origin of the earth!

Take your chance in the summer.

Use Origin of Earth to teleport away.

"Finally escaped!!" Summer was also relieved.

If he has been haunted by the silent inner demon, he cannot guarantee that he can always escape the attack of the silent inner demon.

"Look at what it is!!" Hong Feng reminded.

Xia Xia also took out the hexagonal crystal: "Old George, you are well-informed, do you know what this is?"

Old George and the others also began to look carefully.

In the end, they all shook their heads: "I don't know, I have never seen such a crystal clear and clear, and there is simply no impurities in it. Normally, no matter what kind of crystal, the highest purity is 99.99%. , but the purity of this crystal should be 100%!!!”

"Yeah, I can't see any impurities, but I have used a lot of methods, but I can't unlock the secrets in the crystal." No matter how Xia Tian looked, he couldn't understand what was going on with the crystal.

And he also tried to inject his own power into it, but it also failed.

If you want to extract the power inside, there is no power you can extract.

"Mr. Xia, do you still remember the power of the spirit that I told you before!!" The sixth man said suddenly.

"Remember, what Jinhua told you, the Soundless Heart Demon found me by the power of the spirit!!" Xia Xia remembered this.

The small book booth that book lovers used before has been hung up, and now they are basically using \\mi\\mi\\ to read \\app\\\\.

"Yes, will this crystal be the source of spiritual power?" the sixth asked.


Summer was stunned.

"Looks like I'm going to try it!!"

"How?" Old George asked.

"I went to the silent demon and deliberately hid near him to see if he could find me. If he could find me, it would prove that our conjecture was wrong, but if he couldn't find me, then It proves that our conjecture is correct!!!" Xia Xia also wanted to know what the so-called spiritual power actually meant.

that's it.

He went back the same way, and based on the traces, he found the voiceless inner demon.

This time.

The voiceless heart demon didn't find him, so he hid in a place about three kilometers away from the voiceless heart demon. As a result, the voiceless heart demon actually walked past him.

"It seems that our guess is correct, we have taken out the source of his power!!!" Hong Feng said with emotion.

Summer is also looking for a place again.

"Ling, what exactly is spirit? I have heard a lot of news about spirit recently. It seems to be the highest realm pursued by immortals. Even Haotian and the others are pursuing it, and Haotian seems to have no chance in this life. , Wuyin was a person with half a foot in the spirit, so this hexagonal crystal should be the result of his As long as I can study this thing thoroughly, then I may be able to Master a very terrifying power!!!" Xia Xia's eyes lit up.

for him.

The ruthless sword is not a good choice.

But if you can really master the power of the spirit, it will definitely be a very big gain.

"Leave it to me, I will study it slowly!!" Hongfeng reminded.

This is still the Blood River Valley, full of danger, and there is not so much time for summer. Instead of letting summer spend time on it, it is better to do other meaningful things.


"Alright, then let's go back and see the Ruthless Sword first, they should have already made their decision!!!" Xia Xia also turned back directly.

Fly in the direction of the ruthless sword.

At this time, where the ruthless sword is located.

These masters finally chose to go shopping, but this time many advanced swordsmen fled.

Ten ruthless swords, seven were damaged again.

There are now three handles left.

Xue Ming has one in his hand, this is the one he threw out just after Rob Xia; Zhenwu has one in his hand; and Sword Ghost has one in his hand. Because of the existence of Baichuan, everyone doesn't want to use Sword Ghost for the time being.

"How about it? Let's fight it, leaving the last ruthless sword, it must be true!!" Blood Name suggested.

"How to fight?" Zhenwu asked.

"Let's hit the ruthless sword together, and use our greatest strength to collide the three ruthless swords together. In the end, if there is no damage, it must be true. Who can grab the real ruthless sword at that time depends on his ability. Yes!!!" said the blood name.

it is good! !

Everyone nodded.

For a while, everyone's eyes were fixed on the body of the ruthless sword.


The real ruthless sword is about to appear.

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