The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1499: 1st person to catch the ruthless sword

The world seems to be shrouded in blood. Among the three ruthless swords, all contain the strongest power. This is the last three ruthless swords, when these three ruthless swords collide together.

The blood covered everything.

A streak of light appeared in the sky.

Three ruthless swords, fused together.

merged into one ruthless sword.

The ruthless sword this time.

Brighter than ever.

It seems to cover up all the light in the Blood River Valley.

The sun and the moon dare not compete with it.

The powerful sword intent reappeared, and all the people on the scene were enveloped by the sword intent.

No one dared to move, they all knew that this sword intent seemed to be very gentle, but now, no matter who moved, it would be instantly destroyed by this powerful sword intent.

"Is this the real ruthless sword? It feels like all of our weapons have lost their brilliance in front of it, as if we have to surrender and bow down."

"It's not just the sword, even we have been disturbed, but now this sword intent is not harmful to us, only beneficial."

"Sword Intent enters the body, as long as we absorb it well, then we can use it for a lifetime!!!"

The people around were all very excited.

"With such a powerful sword intent, it seems that all these senior swordsmen will be promoted, and the most talented group of people will definitely be promoted to Venerable, and their strength will be further improved!!" Xia Xia understood that this time the real No leave appears, it will bring benefits to many people.

Especially these swordsmen.

The Sword Intent that entered their bodies, if they were allowed to comprehend by themselves, even if they were geniuses, they would not be able to comprehend it without a hundred thousand years.

but now.

The ruthless sword belongs to them and directly empowers them.

As long as they get to know each other slowly, then next.

Their strength will be greatly improved.

"This is the real treasure of heaven and earth. Once it appears, it will affect a group of people. If nothing else happens, in the next million years, Shenzhou will enter the era of swordsmen, and the overall number of swordsmen in Shenzhou will be higher than it is now. Ten times more, a hundred times more!!" Old George said with emotion.

This is the charm of a real magician.

Such a magician.

Powerful beyond imagination.

An era can be pushed forward.

"Next, it's up to the ruthless sword to choose!!" Xia Xia waved his right hand.

Old Six quietly appeared in the corner, but now Old Six has been disguised by him.


A powerful sword intent was also wrapped around Lao Liu's body.


Endless ripples are constantly rippling.


A powerful sword intent entered everyone's body.

"Hahaha, I broke through, I actually broke through to the third layer of Sword Intent!!"

"I also broke through, and I entered the fourth layer of Sword Intent."

"The fifth layer of Sword Intent, I have entered the fifth layer of Sword Intent. Starting today, I am also one of the top swordsmen!!"

There were all kinds of laughter and laughter from the people at the scene.

After this war and fighting with so many high-level swordsmen, they had a lot of insights, and even many people were on the verge of breaking through. At this time, the sword intent of the ruthless sword was absorbed by them, and they also broke through directly.


These people at the scene were also more interested in the ruthless sword.

Just the sword intent exuded can make so many of them break through. What if it is a real ruthless sword?

They are really unimaginable now.

If you can get the ruthless sword.

That's how terrifying they'll be.


for a while.

All the master swordsmen at the scene rushed towards the ruthless sword, including Lao Liu, who also rushed up. If the only swordsman at the scene did not charge, it would be Baichuan.

Of course.

Xia Xia did not rush up, but strictly speaking, Xia Xia can only be regarded as half a swordsman.

The scene was more chaotic than before.

Human nature is greedy.

Although they were all snatching the Ruthless Sword before, it was not the last moment, so when everyone snatched it, they didn't use all their strength, and even thought about protecting themselves first, the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole, but now it's different, now The ruthless sword is there.

This is the real ruthless sword.

As long as someone can grab the ruthless sword, that person's ability will skyrocket.

What is the master of the fifth, sixth and seventh layers of Sword Intent.

In front of him, it was nothing.

we can even say.

He can trample these people under his feet.

Let these people surrender to themselves.

Blood was flying.

"How brutal!!" Old George said with emotion.

"In an instant, tens of thousands of people died, which is even more terrifying than the tragic situation just now!!" Xia Xia shook his head.

"Who do you think has the best chance?" Old George asked.

"Have you forgotten Jinhua?" Xia Xia asked rhetorically.

"Yes, and him, is Hua Butterfly really him?" Old George asked rhetorically.

"It doesn't have to be, but it definitely has something to do with it!!" Xia Xia didn't play against Jinhua for a long time, but he really felt that Jinhua was very troublesome.

Of course.

It's not that the summer can't beat the golden flowers.

If the two of them go head-to-head, Xia Xia is absolutely confident to kill Jinhua, but now he has all the, but he can't fight it at all.

It was as if the strength of his entire body was hitting the cotton.

"We have known Jinhua for hundreds of thousands of years. For so many years, we have never seen his body, and he has always been controlled by him. In fact, I am also very curious about what this person looks like and what he is like. Alone!!" Old George shook his head.

They are a loser in front of Jinhua.

He has been under the control of the golden flower all his life.

In the end, if it wasn't for summer, he would have been almost killed by Jinhua.

"The blood name is not small!!" Xia Xia saw that the blood name at this time, the attack that broke out was very terrifying, and he was also the closest to the ruthless sword.

"After all, he is the seventh layer of Sword Intent. Although there are many wounds on his body now, the Sword Intent that he burst out in an instant can annihilate other people's Sword Intent!!!" Old George explained.

"As the saying goes, the first one to rush up, not only will he not be able to grab the Ruthless Sword, but he will also be targeted by everyone!!!" Xia Xia's voice just fell.

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Xue Ming's body was blown away by five powerful sword intents.

Five Sword Intent sixth-layer masters jointly launched an attack.

Still very strong.

"Damn!!" Bloodname wiped the blood from his mouth and rushed up again.

He is very fast.

One after another Jianmang began to strangle!

at this time.

Bai Guang's hand was on the ruthless sword: "The ruthless sword is mine!!"

The third-party first swordsman.

White light! !

His face was full of excitement, and at this moment, he felt like he had the whole world in his hands.

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