The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1500: can be resurrected

at the same time.

Hundreds of attacks hit him.


The sword ghost appeared in front of Bai Guang, and his sword pierced Bai Guang's body: "The grievance between the two of us should also end!!!"

"Sword Ghost, don't!!!"

"Those brothers were waiting for you back then, go down and apologize to them!!" Sword Ghost didn't hesitate.

The long sword in his hand slashed, directly cutting off Bai Guang's body.

Bai Guang, who was already full of scars, was attacked by hundreds of people next to him, how could he still withstand the attack of the sword ghost? Because of the existence of Baichuan, the sword ghost has never been targeted by anyone here. Up to now, the situation of Sword Demon is almost always the best here.

Of course.

It's someone other than Lao Liu and Bai Chuan.


While everyone else was staring at the Ruthless Sword, the Sword Demon was staring at Blood Name and Bai Guang, and his goal was very clear.

Just now he wanted to raid Blood Name.

But the blood name was very vigilant and did not give him that chance.


He temporarily changed the target to white light.

At the moment when Bai Guang's Venerable's armor shattered, he directly attacked. In this case, Bai Guang couldn't react at all.

"Good timing, nice job!"

Even Old George had to praise the timing of the sword ghost's attack this time. It was really perfect. Such a blow was simply the right time and place.


Sword Demon seized the opportunity.

Completely kill the white light.

The ruthless sword was also thrown into the air again.

Seeing Bai Guang's death, the people around were also filled with emotion.

Once upon a time, these people were the top people in China. If there were no accidents, they would not die even in hundreds of thousands or millions of years, but now, as soon as Jian died, Bai Guang also died.

One of them is the first swordsman of the first party.

One is the first swordsman of the third party.

Both of them are the top and most invincible beings.

But now.

Both are dead.

"Next, it's you!!" Sword Demon's gaze turned to Blood Name.

at the same time.

The blood name also looked at the sword ghost.

Eye to eye!

Xue Ming suddenly became vigilant. When the sword ghost beheaded Bai Guang, he already felt the crisis.

It can be said.

The current swordsman.

Just a stinky plaster.

Everyone else wanted to grab the ruthless sword, but he was staring at him, which made him very troublesome. If he went to grab the ruthless sword wholeheartedly, the sword ghost would attack him. If he was distracted, his sword would The powerful strength of the seventh layer cannot be brought into play.

Now he is also very depressed.

"Damn, I should have solved you earlier if I knew it!!" Xue Ming now regrets not dealing with the sword ghost earlier.

Now he actually wants to solve the sword ghost first, and then go to grab the ruthless sword.

But there is another Baichuan next to it.

Baichuan has never made a move, just to protect the sword ghost. If he attacks the sword ghost rashly now, then Baichuan will never sit idly by, and if he kills the sword ghost, Baichuan will stare at him even more, making him even less likely to have a chance. :"I'm furious!"

He is getting really angry now.

The Sword Demon retreated directly.

Then disappeared into the crowd.

He just wanted to hide himself as much as possible so that Blood Name could not find him in a short time. In this case, Blood Name would have to be distracted to deal with him.

Once distracted.

He would miss the process of grabbing the Relentless Sword.

The sword ghost's intention is also very simple, I can't grab the ruthless sword, and you can't grab it either.

We are all unable to grab the ruthless sword case.

I have a chance to kill you.

"Sword Ghost is careless," Xia Xia said.

"What's the matter?" old George asked.

"Before the space here was closed and belonged to a separate world, so once the sword died, it would not be resurrected, but just after the blood curtain disappeared, this place returned to the world of Shenzhou, that is to say, although the sword ghost killed Bai Guang just now , but Bai Guang can be resurrected, if he just took the opportunity to seize Bai Guang's soul and seal Bai Guang, then he can have the opportunity to kill Bai Guang, but unfortunately he missed it!!" Xia Xia shook his head.

If it was him, there would definitely be a chance.

But it's too dangerous there.

Even if he rushed into the crowd, there would be danger.

Especially now that he is still injured.

Every day.

It hurt him badly.

Others can take the Jiewang Pill to recover, but he can't. The Jiewang Pill is condensed by him and has no effect on him.

"Yeah, how could I forget about this, then Bai Guang got a big deal this time!!" Old George also reacted.

"It's my fault, I just remembered it, if I reminded him earlier, that would be fine!!" Xia Xia wanted to remind the sword ghost now, but he couldn't do anything at all, because the sword ghost's spirit is in a state of self-sealing, this kind of In this state, it is to prevent others from searching and locking him.

He wants to use this method to deal with the blood name.

Can be the same.

If he doesn't let go of the soul, Xia Xia will not be able to communicate with him, even if Xia Xia informs Baichuan, it is useless.

Baichuan can't contact the sword ghost now.

"Even if he seized the opportunity at that he can't kill the blood name!!" Old George said with emotion.

"Yes, I can't kill it. From the moment when the blood curtain disappeared, as long as the people here have enough blood to be resurrected, in fact, death is nothing!!" Xia Xia said.

"The people here haven't reacted. If someone told them about this now, they would definitely not be afraid of death one by one." Old George shook his head.

Advertising, the novel app I've been using recently, [\\mi\\mi\\reading\\app\\\\] supports both Android and Apple phones!

"I can't hide it. Anyone who can be resurrected from death will have blue light on their heads. Now there is chaos here, and there is little blue light, so no one will notice. Very soon, a large number of masters will die here, and the blue light will not be hidden. The people who live here, once the people here find out that they can be resurrected, the next battle will be a hundred times more miserable than now!!" Xia Xia also understood how terrifying the people here would become once there were no worries.

And many high-level swordsmen here are first-party, second-party and third-party people, and their blood power is enough to resurrect.

Although wealth needs to consume a lot.

But they also don't care about this consumption.

"It seems that the next thing is the real shopping!!!"

at this time.

There were shouts in the distance.

"A large number of people are coming!!" Hong Feng reminded.

"It's the people from Baguan!" Xia Xian's brows furrowed. Before, the people from Baguan were led to the Scarlet Crown by Jinhua, but now, the people from Baguan have come here, so there must be a problem.


Ps: The manga of the same name of "The Need for Almighty" will be released on Tencent Animation on February 5th, and the animation is still in production, so stay tuned.

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