The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1502: Relentless Sword Owner

After falling with the sound of summer.

The Venerable's body was directly destroyed and turned into fly ash, and Xia Xia used his own eyes to see that there was no blue light on that person's head, that is to say, he was not resurrected.

Normal people are under this light.

Certainly cannot see the specific situation.

But summer is different.

In summer, the eyes can accurately see blue light under any circumstances.

a venerable one.

It is impossible that the power of the bloodline is not enough to revive.

But he was not resurrected.

There is only one answer.

That is, the person killed by the ruthless sword cannot be resurrected even if it is not in an independent world.

"That's a bit out of place!!" Hong Feng said in surprise.

Even if Xia Xia wanted to kill a person who could be resurrected with the power of blood, he had to cooperate with his omnipotence to do it, but if he had a ruthless sword, it would be completely different.

Whoever kills that person doesn't even have the chance to be resurrected.

"Is this the power of Heaven and Earth Divine Armament?" The people around were all stunned, for those Loose Cultivators.

The Venerable is the pinnacle of combat power in Shenzhou, an existence that is almost invincible and immortal. Seeing that they just saw a Venerable with their own eyes, they were easily killed by the ruthless sword.


Summer is wide-eyed now.

If it was the summer when he first came to Shenzhou, and he had just learned how powerful His Holiness was, he would have seen such a scene.

It will also be very shocking.

But now, he has already seen the real big scene, and he has also seen the death of many Venerables.

So he wasn't too surprised.

"The ruthless sword, the ruthless sword!!!" The people at the scene were even more excited.


Everyone went to the Ruthless Sword like this. At the beginning, the team of loose repair and Baguan was in an orderly manner, but they were quickly controlled by their own greed. No matter what kind of reason they had before, all they saw now was Ruthless. sword.

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"The greed and desire of the people here have been magnified infinitely, and it has even been magnified to make them completely lose their calm!!" Old George and the others are now bystanders, so they can see it more clearly.

"You are all saying that this is a magic weapon, but in my opinion, this is a magic weapon, controlling the minds of others and amplifying the negative emotions of others, but no matter what weapon it is, as long as there is a master who can suppress it, it will be It doesn't matter, the rest depends on what its owner wants, but if it is controlled by it, then this person is destined to fall into the devil's way." Xia Xia looked at the fighting of these people in front of him.

The power spread here has become more and more.

The spread is also growing.

Every second, hundreds of people die, and the number of deaths is constantly expanding.

"Blood River Valley, the most tragic decisive battle is coming!! Old George looked at the battle in front of him.

"When Jinhua thought about it before, the final battle will take place, but now that things have developed to this stage, he wants to start the decisive battle in advance." Xia Xia can also understand that Jinhua is disrupting the situation and making the situation completely out of control. In this way, he can control the situation here again.

Golden Flower is a real trouble guy.

"Sword Ghost succeeded!!!" Old George shouted hurriedly.

Just now, the sword ghost suddenly grabbed the ruthless sword. The moment he grabbed the ruthless sword, all the attacks around him were instantly swallowed up by the ruthless sword. At the same time, with a wave of the ruthless sword in his hand, the people around him were directly wiped out.

All died.

Powerful attack.

enough to destroy everything.

"It's him!!" Xia Xia also looked at the past, the sword ghost at this time, holding the ruthless sword, standing proudly in the world.

Endless rays of light erupted from his body.

It turned into thousands of sword energy and penetrated the bodies of those around.

"I am the owner of the Ruthless Sword!!!" Sword Demon shouted loudly.

at the same time.

His voice also turned into sword energy, rushing to kill the Quartet.

"Damn, the ruthless sword should be mine!" Xue Ming shouted angrily, and his attack was also directly hit.

Powerful blow.

I want to destroy the blood name in front of me.

The blood name is a master of the seventh layer of Sword Intent, but when facing the attack of the ruthless sword, a crisis of death appeared in his heart. At this moment, he hurriedly retreated, not daring to be sloppy in the slightest, and his body instantly dodge.


He still underestimated the ability of the ruthless sword.

One-third of his body was instantly destroyed by the ruthless sword.

"What?" Xue Ming's face showed a look of horror.

Although he knew that the ruthless sword was powerful, it was too strong. He had already dodged immediately, but he still did not dodge. His defense was almost useless, he directly broke the defense, and he found that his body was short. Within time, he could not be spawned, and now he is like a monster.

The half-hearted monster.

"Why didn't he give birth?" Old George was taken aback.

"It's not that he doesn't want to, but the power on the ruthless sword is too powerful, and it has been destroying his body, and the powerful power makes him unable to give birth to his own body!!!" Xia Xia This is also It's so scary! ! "Old George doesn't know how to describe his mood now.

Today he saw what it means to be tough.


The ruthless sword just showed some power, and he was so shocked.

"The sword ghost killed the red eye!!" Xia Xia saw that the sword ghost's attack did not stop. When he obtained the ruthless sword, he was excited at first, but soon, he was completely overwhelmed by this powerful force. attracted.

The power to hold together.

Let him start to lose himself gradually.

"He's not going to be the devil, is he?" Old George asked.

"I don't know, he is completely intoxicated by this powerful power now, if he can control his desires, he can master this power, but if he can't control his desires, then he will become a ruthless sword The puppet!!!" Xia Xia understood that no one could help the Sword Demon now.

Only the Sword Demon can do it himself.

"What is Baichuan doing?" Old George reminded.


Xia Xia saw that Baichuan had already walked around from behind, apparently wanting to raid the Sword Ghost: "He wants to help the Sword Ghost control the Ruthless Sword!!!"

"He's in danger!!" Old George said hurriedly.

He had seen the strength of the ruthless sword with his own eyes. Although Baichuan's strength was very strong, it was impossible for him to compete with the strength of the ruthless sword.

Xia Tian also frowned, and he wanted to go up and help at this time.

"Xiamen, don't come here, it's our senior brother's business!!!" Baichuan already knew where Xia Tian was, and when he found out that Xia Xia was coming, he directly stopped him.

"You can't help him!!" Xia Xia said.

"I know, but I have to do something!!!"

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