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Chapter 1503: Relentless Sword

Baichuan is a very persistent person.

Although he usually rarely talks, he has his own ideas. Once he decides something, it will not change, just like when he got along with Xia, Ming Xia is already a wanted person. But he dared to say in public that he and Xia were friends.

I don't care about my life at all.

It is precisely because of this.

Xia Tian felt that people like Baichuan were brothers.

Now that Baichuan has his own choice, he also wants to support Baichuan, but in the same way, he doesn't want to see anything happen to Baichuan.


Fly up in summer.


A sword beam slashed directly over. Xia Tian wanted to dodge, but his chest was very painful. The injury occurred again. At the same time, the attack of the ruthless sword was too fast. When he dodged, he also found that the space was dislocated. Such an attack, even if It was he who felt that he escaped, but in fact, he couldn't escape.

The law of the day!

The moment the ice appeared, the ruthless sword was instantly broken.

Hongfeng also appeared in a hurry, wrapping up the summer, trying to block the blow.

[Wuji, defense! ! ! 】

Xia Xia used Wuji to defend in an instant. He knew very well the lethality of the Ruthless Sword. If Hongfeng was allowed to resist, then Hongfeng would be seriously injured or even damaged. He didn't want such a thing to happen.

Powerful blow.

blocked by summer.

at the same time.

Summer also began to quickly disappear in place.

"Can't rush up!!" Xia Xia frowned. When he was about to rush up just now, the ruthless sword seemed to be out of the control of the sword ghost and directly attacked Xia Xia's side. This blow was different from the usual sword qi. It's a frontal attack.

He thought he had a good time to rush up.

And the angle is good.

It is impossible for the sword ghost to find him.

"Mr. Xia, it wasn't the sword ghost who discovered you just now, but the ruthless sword. If I guessed correctly, the ruthless sword can automatically identify who is stronger, and he will take the lead in attacking those who are strong and threaten him!! "Old George is an old river and lake, and through his analysis, he quickly found the problem.

at the very beginning.

The blood name was also attacked so quickly.

At that time, the blood name thought that his attack angle was very strong.

Should be able to raid the sword ghost.

But the ruthless sword responded immediately.

When Baichuan rushed up just now, the ruthless sword also locked on Baichuan, but because Xia Xia suddenly shot, the ruthless sword reversed its attack direction. It believed that Xia Xia was a greater threat than Baichuan, so it finally chose to attack Xia Xia.

"It should be like this." Xia Tian also reminded Baichuan for the first time.

Sneak attack is useless.

Because the ruthless sword will lock him.

Baichuan was also in trouble. When he rushed up just now, he really felt the crisis, but the moment Xia Xia rushed up, the crisis was eliminated. This proved that Xia Xia helped him resolve the crisis. If it weren't for Xia Xia, he would have The current situation is probably a little better than the blood name.

The current blood name.

Originally, he was injured, but he was attacked by the ruthless sword again, and he was also injured.


Someone next to him attacked him.

it's here.

As long as you are injured, someone will try to attack you.

"Fight!!" Bai Chuan glanced at the sword ghost in front of him, and he was also heartbroken, and rushed up directly.

He is very clear.

If this continues, his senior brother will definitely be controlled by the ruthless sword and become a soulless killing machine.

He didn't want to see his senior brother become like this.

Scenes of the past drifted by before his eyes.

From childhood to adulthood, it was his senior brother who was protecting him and taking care of him. If it wasn't for his senior brother, he would have died many times.

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In his life, there are three people he is most grateful for: his master, his senior brother, and Xia Xia.

There are two best brothers: Thirteen, Summer.

These people are all he can protect with his life.

The master is no longer there.

He can't watch his senior brother have an accident in front of him, otherwise he will never forgive himself for the rest of his life.


When he rushed up, he felt the crisis again.

"That's the feeling. This should be what Xia Xia said about being targeted by the ruthless sword. I will definitely be attacked by the ruthless sword. Defense and counterattack are useless, so dodge in advance!!" Baichuan was also the first time ready.

Dodge directly.


"Be careful!!" Xia Tian wanted to stop Baichuan.

But it was obviously too late. He saw through Baichuan's mind, but he also understood that Baichuan underestimated the ability of the Ruthless Sword.



Although Baichuan had dodged in advance.

But one of his arms was cut off abruptly.

Blood is flying!

Baichuan's body was also thrown directly out.

"What's the matter, I have already dodged!!" Baichuan did not hesitate, took out the Jie Wang Dan prepared for him by Xia Xia, and took it directly.

He has seen the tragic situation of the blood name just now. If he doesn't recover quickly, then what kind of changes will happen to him!

After taking the Realm King Pill, his injury quickly recovered, and at the same time, he also gave birth to his arm.

"What did he eat? How did he recover, and he gave birth to new limbs!!" Old George's eyes widened.

according to their analysis.

A man struck by a relentless sword.

The healing medicine should be useless.

Moreover, the wounded place will continue to be destroyed, and the special power will prevent the body from being reborn.

"Jie Wang Dan!!!" Xia Xia said.

"Jie Wang Dan? I seem to have heard of it in the Tianxian Temple!!" Old George was taken aback.


Summer nodded slightly.

"I can't remember it for the time being, but this kind of medicine pill is simply too miraculous. The ruthless sword is a divine weapon of heaven and earth. Normally, such a divine weapon has no nemesis and should be invincible. Jie Wangdan, directly weakened the power of the ruthless sword!!" Old George said with emotion.

The strength of the ruthless sword.

Not just its own sharpness.

Also the various properties on it.

What I know temporarily: It can kill people with bloodline resurrection and injured people and continue to hurt, and cannot be recovered.

But now.

One of the special abilities was controlled by the Jie Wang Dan.

What an insane thing this is.

Summer has no explanation.

At this time, he looked at Baichuan. Baichuan had suffered this loss and obviously did not dare to move forward rashly. Although he was worried about his brother's safety, if he rushed forward like this, he would not save his brother, but kill him.

"Damn, what should I do?" Baichuan's eyes were on the sword ghost.


At this moment, a figure fell beside him.

It is the blood name: "Baichuan, let's cooperate!!!"

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