The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1504: doomed

Blood name! !


Baichuan frowned and looked at the blood name in front of him vigilantly. This was his brother's enemy. He didn't kill the blood name now, but he was already giving the blood name face, but the blood name dared to come to him to cooperate.

Insert an app: a perfect reproduction of the old version of the book-chasing artifact, an app that can change the source--Mimi reading.

Is this killing it?

"Is there something wrong with your brain, or do you think there is something wrong with my brain?" Baichuan asked very rudely.

The sword in his hand pointed to the blood name in front of him.

Although the current blood name is also the seventh layer of Sword Intent, the injuries on his body are very serious. It is very easy for Baichuan to kill him, but even if Baichuan kills him, he can still be resurrected.

"You definitely want to save your senior brother, I want the Ruthless Sword. If we both rush up alone, we'll be attacked by the Ruthless Sword's automatic attack, but if the two of us rush up separately, no matter who succeeds, just let the two of us rush up separately. If the sword ghost and the ruthless sword are separated, then we can achieve our goal!!!" Blood Name directly suggested.

"I asked you to grab the ruthless sword, and then you took the ruthless sword to kill my senior brother?" Baichuan thought it was very ridiculous.

"Those are things to come later, don't you want to save your senior brother now? If you save him now, he will have a trace of vitality. If you don't save him now, he will definitely be controlled by the ruthless sword and eventually die!!! "The blood name seems to have seized Baichuan's weakness.

He knew that Baichuan wanted to save his own brother.

Then I will definitely work with him.


Baichuan had no other chance.

"How can I trust you?" Baichuan asked.

"I can swear, and the two of us have a chance to sprint from different directions at the same time. If anyone is slower, there is no chance." Blood Name said.

"Okay!!" Baichuan finally gave in.

"Give me a pill of the kind you just took!!" Blood Name said.

This is really shameless.

Ask Baichuan directly for something.

He came to ask Baichuan to cooperate.

I can still say such shameless words now.

When Baichuan was attacked just now, he had been staring.

What surprised him the most was that after he saw Baichuan take a pill, Baichuan's body actually returned to normal, and he was able to regenerate his arms. If he could take such a heaven-defying pill, then His body can go back to normal.

If the injury is gone.

Then he has more chances.

"Do you want me to kill you now?" Baichuan asked.

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't want your pills to take advantage of you. I also have some treasures here, I can give them to you. You can see my current state. If we both rush up at the same time, the speed must be It's not equal, and my injury is very serious, and the strength of the two of us is not equal, then the ruthless sword will definitely attack you who is stronger!!" The blood name put on a look that I was for your own good.

That's right.

Relentless Sword can tell who is more threatening to him.

If the current Baichuan and the blood name attack together.

Ruthless Sword is 100% capable of attacking Baichuan.

Baichuan is also very clear about this.

But the Realm King Pill is very precious, and he doesn't have a few, and this thing was left to him by Xia Xia to save his life. Now let him hand it over to the blood name, which is equivalent to betraying Xia Xia.

"No, you can figure out how to deal with your injury, you don't need to think about the medicine pill!!" Baichuan refused.

Although he really wanted to save his brother.

But he can't betray summer either.

"Bai Chuan, this is our only chance, look at your senior brother, now he has completely turned into a murderer, it won't be long before his soul will be completely invaded by the devil in the ruthless sword, then your senior brother It will become a shell, which is no different from death, and even life is better than death!!!" Xue Ming also wanted to use Baichuan's weakness again to make Baichuan yield.

But this time.

Baichuan is very firm.

There is no intention of giving in.

This matter is his bottom line, Jie Wang Dan, given to him in Xia Xia, he can only use it for himself and the people closest to him, if it is his senior brother, he will give it, but even his senior brother, he will not Say where it came from.

"Baichuan, think about it, this is your only chance!!!" Seeing that Baichuan had really decided, Xue Ming started to panic.

Look at the relentless sword.

He was very anxious.

In his opinion, only he is qualified to use the ruthless sword.

rather than the sword ghost.

Once he got hold of the Wuqing Sword, he would become the strongest person in the world, the number one swordsman in China, and he could kill the sword ghost himself.

Step on China under your feet! !

"Blood name, I said, if you want to cooperate, you have to find a way yourself, if you can't think of a way, then I will not cooperate with a waste, if no matter what, I will be attacked, then I haiyo-u Why do I need to cooperate with you?" Baichuan said coldly.

If it was him before.

Definitely don't say that.

But now he is different.

Now he has been with the summer for a and also learned some summer negotiation skills.


He is starting to take the initiative.

At this time, the person who is anxious first is very passive, so he must restrain himself. Since the blood name comes to him, it proves that the blood name must be more anxious than him. In this case, as long as he becomes stable, it is time for the blood name to be anxious. .

"Baichuan, I can wait, but can you wait?" Blood Name asked.

"What can't you do?" Baichuan asked.

"You should see that the sword ghost is in danger now. If you wait a little longer, the possibility of his death will be greater." Blood Name said.

"Maybe my senior brother Jiren Tianxiang has control of the Ruthless Sword!!" Baichuan responded.

That's right.

Although it seems that the sword ghost is being controlled now, who can guess what the result will be.

What if the sword ghost could control the ruthless sword?

By then he will be dead.

He never had the chance to take revenge in his life, and he would be killed easily by the sword ghost.

He understands.

This was the closest he was to the Ruthless Sword.

Once missed.

There will be no chance.

The difference between heaven and **** is often just one thought.

He didn't want to miss such a good opportunity: "Bai Chuan, you and Xia Xia have a good relationship, right? I'll tell you a secret about Xia Xia. How about you give me the medicine pill?"


Baichuan frowned.

"You don't have to deny that your relationship with Xia Xia is actually known to everyone outside. Although I don't know why the Celestial Clan has not touched you, this news is absolutely accurate." Baichuan denied the opportunity.

"What secret?" Baichuan asked.

"It's definitely a piece of news that will surprise you, and it's also a piece of news that can make Xia Xia irreversible!!!"

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