The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1505: cut off

"What news?" Baichuan asked hurriedly.

For him, this matter is very important. If it really makes Xia Xia doomed, then this news must be very important.

"Where's the medicine pill?" Bloodname asked.

"You tell the news first, in case you lie to me!!" Baichuan didn't trust the blood name, and now the blood name suddenly said such a thing.

He couldn't agree either.

"Baichuan, this time, I don't need to lie to you, and I can swear that I will swear with my soul, my life and the ruthless sword!!!" Blood Name hurriedly said.

There was not much time left for him.

Baichuan threw out an elixir for the blood name! !


"Why did Baichuan hand over such a precious medicinal pill to Blood Name?" Old George asked in confusion.

In his opinion.

Such a precious elixir must not be given to anyone, especially not to an enemy such as a blood name.

"Could it be that Baichuan is a perfidious person?" Hongfeng shook his head. After he finished speaking, he felt unrealistic.


They all saw that Baichuan handed Jiewang Dan to Xue Ming.

"Being able to get Baichuan to take out the Jie Wangdan must be the **** name that caught Baichuan's weakness somewhere, don't make any guesses." Xia Xia is very confident in Baichuan. He absolutely does not believe that Baichuan is the kind of perfidious person. It's too far here, and he doesn't know what's happening over Baichuan.

But this trust.

will not disappear.

Blood Name also wanted to take the Jie Wang Pill as soon as possible.

"Wait, you talk first and then eat!!" Baichuan stopped the blood name. If the blood name can't say anything now, he will immediately attack the blood name, not only to **** back Wang Dan, but also to kill blood name.

"There is something called the power of the sky in Xia Xia. This kind of thing is the core secret of the Celestial Clan, and this kind of power is temporarily in the entire Shenzhou. Among the people I know, only Tianlong and Xia Xia have it. If If the Celestial Clan knows this news, the Celestial Clan's shot strength will increase tenfold!!" Blood Name reminded.


When he heard this, Baichuan frowned, although he didn't understand what the power of the sky was.

But when he heard this, he had an idea. If the blood name was killed, no one else in this world would know about it.

"Do you want to kill someone to kill someone? You don't have to. Since I traded this news with you, I will erase this news from my memory, and I won't even remember it in the future, and what you should be worried about is not I, but besides me, will anyone else discover this, after all, there are many capable people in Shenzhou!!!!" The blood name seemed to see through Baichuan's mind.


Baichuan nodded slightly and gave up the idea of ​​​​doing it. He immediately passed the news to Xia Xia.

"Looks like I've been thinking too much!!" When Hongfeng saw the news, she understood why Baichuan wanted to give the Blood Name Realm King Pill.

It turns out that the weakness of Baichuan is summer.

"The power of the sky?" Xia Tian was thoughtful.

After coming to Shenzhou, he learned about the powers: the power of immortals, the power of law, the power of venerable people, the power of spirit, and now there is another power of heaven.

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what are these?

"The only time Blood Name saw you make a move was when you were guiding the damage for Baichuan just now. Did you just use the power of the sky?" Old George asked.

Promise is the power of heaven?

Xia Xia has always wondered what ability his infinite power and heavenly power belong to.

But definitely the strongest.

Over the years, he has survived countless times, relying on these two trump cards.


If it is said that his Wuji and Tianquan are really the so-called power of the sky, then he may be able to find the source of his power and expand his two skills.


On Xue Ming's side, the body has basically recovered at this time, and the body has also been born. Feeling the power of his continuous recovery, Xue Ming's face is full of excitement: "It's so cool, Baichuan, what is this? What an elixir!!!"

Excitement was written all over his face.


He was really sweet.

At first, he thought that he could only restore the state of his body, so that his wound would not worsen, and it would be better to grow back.

But now.

Not only is everything restored.

And even his strength has recovered at least 50%.

It's too outrageous, isn't it?

If he could get more of this medicine on him, who would he be afraid of in the future?


If you ask Baichuan now, Baichuan will definitely not tell him, but after he gets the Ruthless Sword, Baichuan will not be able to tell him.

"Don't talk nonsense!!" Baichuan naturally wouldn't tell him where the medicine pill came from.

And also not angry.

"Then let's start preparing, both of us at the same time, neither of us can make mistakes, our goal is the sword ghost's arm, as long as the speed is fast enough, with the strength of our sword intent seventh layer, we can cut off his arm, As soon as the arm is broken, the Heartless Sword will naturally let go, and at that time, your senior brother will be able to return to normal." Bloodname reminded.

Baichuan also understood that this was the only way, so he did not refute The two stood in two different positions.

Ready to go.

"Can they succeed?" Old George looked at the situation over there.

"I don't know, it's too messy here!!" Xia Xia is not a god, he couldn't have predicted all this.

Now Blood Name and Baichuan are teaming up.

There are definitely opportunities.

But the other person is bound to be injured, or even killed.

Use this method to give one of them a chance and buy time.


The bodies of the two rushed up at the same time.

Although there were still many people attacking the Sword Demon, when Baichuan and Wuming rushed up, Wuqingjian obviously found them both immediately.

at last.

The ruthless sword locked the attack point on Xue Ming's body.

"It's a blood name!!!" Hong Feng said.

"It seems that Xue Ming still has a hole card, and this hole card was discovered by Wuqingjian, so Wuqingjian will judge that he is stronger than Baichuan, and it is him that Wuqingjian attacks, and then it's up to Baichuan! !!" Xia Xia had already seen what was going on.

Ruthless Sword's analytical capabilities are very powerful.

You can see it when you attack him.

If you just look at the realm.

He is much lower than Baichuan.

But at that time, the ruthless sword attacked him directly, without the slightest hesitation.


The ruthless sword attacks the blood name, which also proves that the judgment of the ruthless sword is that the blood name is stronger.

"good chance!!"

Seeing that Baichuan's attack was about to slash at the sword ghost's arm.

at this time.

The sword ghost's body stepped back, and the ruthless sword instantly appeared on the side of Baichuan. It slashed down, and slashed at the weakest part of the famous weapon in Baichuan's hand. Baichuan's body.

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