The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1509: Sword Demon's Choice

"The Golden Rule!!!" Old George shouted.

the same moment.

Countless golden rays of light flew in all directions.

The light flashed by.

As if there was no damage whatsoever.


At this moment, the attack that blood flew and disappeared from everyone's eyes actually caused harm to the people here.

"What's the matter?" Old George was taken aback for a moment.

"His attack power is not strong, but his accuracy is terrifying, and he uses an ability similar to blindfolding. In addition, his attack range is too large. This time, he has perfectly exploited people's hearts!!!" Xia Xia It is to find the horror of Silent, this is just Silent Heart Demon.

Not Silent himself.

A heartbreaker.

It was so scary.

How terrifying is Wu Yin himself?

"Have you noticed that he is getting younger!!!" Spirit Blood Venerable said suddenly.

His focus is different from others.

Everyone else is paying attention to the battle and the ability of the Soundless Inner Demon, but he is actually paying attention to the appearance of the Soundless Inner Demon.

"It seems to be true, his white hair and beard have shortened, and there are signs of turning black!!!" Old George said.

"Isn't this his real strength? So what is his real strength?" Xia Xia suddenly discovered that the voiceless demon they had been observing was still getting stronger. If you go down, the most dangerous thing here is not the ruthless sword, but the soundless demon.

"What I'm most curious about now is, what exactly does Jinhua want to do? He has brought so many people here, and he has also brought in the silent demon, and the ruthless sword has also erupted here!!!" Old George has not yet Forget the existence of this person Jinhua.


The most dangerous person here.

Always a golden flower.

The law of wood! !

The law of water! !

The Law of Fire!

One after another, the power of the law was used by the voiceless inner demon, and the power itself was not very great, but when it was used by him, the situation was completely different.

Full of lethality.

The teams that were still in front of them at the beginning began to avoid them one after another.

A channel appeared.

"The voiceless inner demon has already penetrated there. If there is no master to stop her, he can rush to the Wuqingjian without hindrance!!" Xia Xia has been observing the situation of the silent inner demon. He saw that other The team was shocked by the strength of the silent heart demon.

So the leaders of those teams also let their teams give way.

I don't want to waste time on the voiceless demon.

And they didn't know that this person was the voiceless demon.

"He has become younger, and the black in his hair is already obvious!!" Spirit Blood Venerable is still paying attention to this matter.

"Next, it's the voiceless demon against the sword ghost with the ruthless sword!!" Old George was looking forward to what would happen next.

After all, the voiceless demon is stronger.

Or is the sword ghost with the ruthless sword stronger?


Xue Ming also saw the situation here, and he hurriedly released his big move, forcing Lao Liu back, and then took the opportunity to leave.

Lao Liu didn't go after him either.

The fight between the two of them was originally meaningless.

His eyes are still staring at the ruthless sword.

that's it.

The silent heart demon killed all the way and rushed directly to the position of the ruthless sword. He did not hesitate at all, and rushed up directly, watching him rush up, Baichuan and Xue Ming did not hesitate, both of them were The top swordsmen here, how could they miss such an opportunity.

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When they rushed up.

The ruthless sword did not attack them, but chose to attack the silent demon.


After its analysis, the silent inner demon is the biggest threat.


The sword ghost's attack was instantly fired, directly stabbing the silent inner demon.

The silent heart demon's body moved.

He directly avoided the attack of the sword ghost's ruthless sword. This is the first person to escape the attack of the ruthless sword. Since the sword ghost obtained the ruthless sword, the attack from the ruthless sword can be used against the sky. to describe.

Including hundreds of rivers and blood names.

None of them could withstand the attack of the ruthless sword.

Although it was blocked in summer, Wuji was also used.

A silent demon.

But directly dodged.

However, the attack of the ruthless sword is also very fast, and the sword energy is quickly shot.


The silent heart demon clapped both hands, then separated, drawing ten in the air.

Countless sword qi disappeared instantly.

And he himself took the opportunity to kill the sword ghost.

Baichuan and Xue Ming began to choose to attack the sword ghost at the same time. Their target was the sword ghost's arm. As long as they cut off the arm and then knocked the sword ghost away, they could force the sword ghost and the ruthless sword to separate.

The position of the three fencing sword ghosts.

This time.

The top three people are about to block all the positions of the sword ghost.


When the three of them attacked the Sword Demon, the Sword Demon actually disappeared out of thin air.

"Disappeared?" Old George was taken aback.

"It's not disappearing, and it's a simple combination of people and swords!!" Xia Xia said.

"This kind of combination of man and sword, any ordinary swordsman can do it!!" Old George obviously did not expect that the sword ghost would actually use such an ability in such a

very simple.


"That's right, the unity of human and sword is a very simple ability, but it has many drawbacks. For example, after you combine human and sword, the attack and changes of the sword will be much less, and it is easy to be targeted, but now, is the ruthless sword afraid of being targeted? ?" Summer shook his head.

A sweep.

All three retreated.

At the same time, the sword ghost appeared again.

His counterattack once again gave the silent demon.

The soundless Inner Demon simply kicked a roundabout and kicked directly on the blade.

"Good opportunity!!" Seeing such an opportunity, Xue Ming instantly slashed towards the sword ghost's arm.


The sword ghost's arm was directly cut off by him.

Baichuan also knocked Sword Demon's body into the air at the same time.

The spirit of the sword ghost was forcibly pulled out of the ruthless sword.

"Success!!" Bai Chuan's face showed joy.

But at this moment, the sword ghost that was pulled out turned back and flew back to the direction of the ruthless sword.

"Senior brother, come back!!!" Baichuan hurriedly shouted.

But the sword ghost ignored him and flew towards the ruthless sword again: "Whoever blocks me will die!!"

Baichuan wanted to stop him.

But his broken arm turned into the sword glow of hundreds of ruthless swords in an instant.


The sword light stabbed Baichuan, and the powerful force knocked Baichuan flying, and finally hit the stone wall.

Baichuan's body.

In this way, it was nailed abruptly to the stone wall.

"Not good!!" Xia Xia rushed over in an instant. The sword light that the arm turned into just now was not an ordinary sword light, but a counterattack of a ruthless sword. Now Baichuan, his body was completely penetrated.

If you don't get help quickly.

Baichuan will die! !

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