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Chapter 1510: Central 1 finger evolution


When Xia Xia came to Baichuan, blood was all over Baichuan's body. Those sword glows did not disappear, but were nailed to Baichuan's body.


When Xia Tian's hand touched Jianmang.

Blood flowed.

His defense was instantly cut open by Jianmang.


Xia Tian endured the pain and pulled out a sword beam directly.

"No, there are hundreds of sword glows on his body, and with one sword glow, your hand will be boned. If it goes on like this, after a few uses, your hand will be cut off, and the newly born hand will not be able to hold it. The ruthless sword's edge!!!" Hong Feng hurriedly reminded.

Xia Tian glanced at his palm: "But if I don't do this, the power emanating from the hundreds of sword beams will completely kill Baichuan. Now the attack of the ruthless sword not only affects Baichuan's body, Even Baichuan's soul is about to be swallowed up, and it's still tightly bound. Even if I want to take away his soul, I can't do it, and beheaded by the ruthless sword, he doesn't even have a chance to be resurrected! !"

this attack.

It is a huge counterattack of the ruthless sword.



Xia Xia hurriedly pulled out the second ruthless sword, and the drawn sword light flew back to the direction of the ruthless sword.

"Stop it, Xia Xia, you can't save me!" Although Bai Chuan couldn't move, he could still speak.

He knows his physical condition.

What attacked him this time was not an ordinary Jianmang.

But the power above the ruthless sword.

It is equivalent to him being nailed here by a ruthless sword.

In this case, if Xia Xia wanted to pull out these sword awns, it would be like a head-on collision with the ruthless sword, which would not only fail to save him, but might make Xia Xia die here too.

"Don't talk nonsense!!" Xia Xia threw the Jiewang Dan directly into Baichuan's mouth.

Then he moved on.

When he pulled out the third sword glow.

His palm has almost been cut open.

"It's dead!!" Seeing Baichuan's situation, Xue Ming showed a slight smile on his face.

in his eyes.

Baichuan is also his enemy. Although the two of them have just cooperated, they are the seventh layer of Sword Intent here.

If Baichuan died.

Then he will be the only person here on the seventh level of Sword Intent.

In this way, everything here will be controlled by him.

His chances will be better too.

"It's just a pity that that kind of medicine pill, it seems that that kind of medicine pill should be made in summer!!" Xue Ming just saw the scene of Xia Xian feeding Baichuan to eat Jiewang Pill.

He is very jealous.

But no way.

I can only watch it myself.

"No, unless you find a strength that can compete with the ruthless sword, you can't hold it!!!" Hongfeng analyzed.

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He's not stopping Summer.

Instead, I want to make Xia realize the truth.

"The power to compete!!" Xia Xia looked at his fingers.

It was a finger of the central.

It contains endless power.


Xia Xia pointed his finger on Jianmang, and then picked it hard.


The sword glow of the ruthless sword was directly picked out by him.


When Baichuan saw this scene, he seemed to see the hope of life, and he didn't want to die, but the previous situation was too dangerous, he didn't want to drag Xia Xia down, but when he saw Xia Xia, he could actually take down Jianmang without injury. , that's different.

"Don't move, I can't go wrong!!!" Xia Xia is also very careful now.

Although successful.

But he had to be careful.

This is the main body of the ruthless sword.

Very powerful.

A little carelessness will cause secondary damage to Baichuan.

Now in this case.

Although there is a realm king Dan to heal Baichuan's life, the ruthless sword is not easy to mess with.


"Let go of it!!" Baichuan didn't talk nonsense. Since Xia Tian can give him hope for life, he also hopes that he can survive well.


Xia Tian's fingers constantly point on Jianmang.

Point out the sword beams one by one.

"Does your finger hurt?" Hongfeng asked.

"It doesn't hurt, and I found that Yang's finger is strengthening!!!" Xia Xia said.

"A real fetish can only show its true abilities when it encounters an existence that can rival it. We usually use Yang's one finger to deal with some ordinary characters, but we can't show the true power of Yang's one finger at all. , the real power of Yang's finger will be buried, but this time, the power of the ruthless sword seems to have excited Yang's finger!!" Hong Feng said very happily.

They worked so hard.

Central's finger.

Finally broke through.

"What's going on?" Xue Ming just thought that Baichuan was dead, but at this time he saw the situation on Baichuan's side, and Xia Tian actually took out all the sword lights on Baichuan's body.

that's it.

Take them out one by one.

"How did he do it? That's the real sword light of the Heartless Sword. It just pierced me, and it cost me half my life!!!"

Now he is more and more confused, how in the end this is done.

How much skill is there in has just begun.

He has no concept of summer.

Although the summer was favored by the Celestial Clan.

He was on the Celestial Clan's must-kill list, and the ranking was very high, but he always thought that this was just because the Celestial Clan gave Xia Xia such a high ranking for the sake of face.

But now I can see with my own eyes what summer is all about.

He was still very surprised.

Just faced the attack of the ruthless sword head-on.

Now even the sword glow of the ruthless sword can be taken out.


Summer sighed.

More than 100 sword beams have been taken out, nearly 50 of them have been taken out, and Baichuan will be safe soon.

"Don't worry, it will take a lot of your energy!!" Bai Chuan also endured the pain on his body.

After the sword light of the ruthless sword hits him, thousands of small thorns will appear on each sword light, and they will be completely pierced into his flesh and blood. Every time the sword light of the ruthless sword is drawn out in the summer, it belongs to let Baichuan suffer. The second injury, those thousands of small thorns will bring out all the flesh and blood of Baichuan.

The scene was very bloody.

But better than dying.

"Hold on, we're almost there." Xia Xia also knew the pain Baichuan was enduring, but he really couldn't do anything about those little thorns.

The longer the delay, the longer those small thorns will grow, and the greater the physical damage to Baichuan.



At this moment, the silent inner demon suddenly focused on Xia Xia. He had been looking for Xia Xia for a long time before, but there was no news of Xia Xia.

Because his spiritual power was taken away by Xia Xia.

That transparent crystal.

Now that I see the summer, it can be considered that the enemy has met.

"Not good!!!" Xia Xia saw Wuyin's inner demon staring at him, and he was also tight in his heart. Now, if Wuyin is staring at himself, then he can't help Baichuan pull out these sword lights. .

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