The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1523: Bone Purgatory

"What?" Jin Hua never thought that the black little warbler he controlled would attack him.



The black lotus flower on Hei Xiaoying's forehead gradually disappeared: "Jinhua, do you really think you have control over me?"

That's right.

From the very beginning, when I saw Hei Xiaoying in summer, I had already communicated with Hei Xiaoying, because in the soul of Hei Xiaoying, there is a flower of summer knowledge of the sea, and this flower of knowledge of the sea protects Hei Xiaoying's spirit and her second spirit.

The world-destroying black lotus is powerful.

But in front of the Flower of Consciousness Sea.

Still worse.

"Jinhua, I said, the person who opposes me will either give in or die. If you give in now, I will give you one last chance!!!" The body of the flower is cut open.

Ha ha ha ha! ! !

Jin Hua suddenly started laughing.

"Not good!!" Although Xia Xia didn't understand what other means Jin Hua had at this time, since Jin Hua had already started laughing, it proved that he definitely had other means.


Without the slightest hesitation, he started directly.

But he suddenly found out.

I can't even cut myself! ! !


Xia Xia's reaction is very fast. If it was someone else, he would definitely try other methods, but Xia Xia can send and receive freely. He knows his strength and the sharpness of Tianhan Sword very well. If one blow is blocked, other attacks will be useless. of.

Combined with the current performance of Jinhua.

can be seen.

He definitely has other trump cards.


Blood-colored bones began to appear around the golden flower.

"Be careful, that's the soundless third-layer ability!!!" The soundless heart demon shouted loudly.

Summer and Black Warbler retreated at the same time.


A **** bone with a height of ten meters appeared.

This dead bone is different from the previous one.

rather fully formed.

Like an independent giant.

Looks majestic.

The world-destroying black lotus on the golden flower head is connected to the blood-colored bones, and the blood-colored bones suddenly turned black.

"In this state, his strength, defense and attack speed will be greatly improved, be careful!!!" the voiceless heart demon shouted.


Xia Tian nodded slightly and glanced at Hei Xiaoying next to him: "Can you control him?"


Hei Xiaoying also started directly.

I want to control the golden flower in front of me!


His power was directly knocked away by the black skeleton.

"No, his attack and defense are too strong, and he can sense my attack, and it's almost impossible for me to control his body!!!" Hei Xiaoying explained.

"Go help the silent demon!!" Xia Xia looked at the golden flower in front of her.

The current Hei Xiaoying can no longer help him here.

But it can help the voiceless demon.

Hei Xiaoying didn't talk nonsense, and ran directly to the voiceless heart demon: "The world-destroying black lotus has disappeared, I can't last long in this state!!!"

The source of her power for this ability was given by Silent.

Without the support of World Extinguishing Black Lotus.

This power will gradually be exhausted.


"You can leave when you're almost done!!" Xia Xia said.

"Where's the dragon that day?" Hei Xiaoying's second spirit asked.

"Take this, if you are lucky, you can meet it!!" Xia Tian threw a piece of jade to Hei Xiaoying.

Hei Xiaoying took the jade.

This is also a deal between her and Xia.


Hei Xiaoying's attack was also launched immediately.


The ruthless sword cuts Hei Xiaoying's attack directly. His sonic attack is very strong, but the ruthless sword has the ability to cut through everything.

So as long as he calculates the attack point of Hei Xiaoying.

Then he can cut through Hei Xiaoying's sneak attack! !

"Xiamen, I really didn't expect you to have such a skill. Unfortunately, in the face of absolute strength, all your means are not enough!!!" Jin Hua's hands slammed on the ground.

Bone Purgatory!

The scenery around in summer changes dramatically.

For a moment.

He fell directly into a purgatory of endless bones.

"It's not an illusion!!" Hongfeng reminded.


There were half-body skeletons one after another, the same size as the one killed in the previous summer, but the number is now countless, dozens, hundreds, nearly a thousand! ! !

These half-body skeletons attacked Summer together.

"I'm very curious, how many can you kill!!" Jin Hua's power was poured into this dead bone purgatory.

Xia Xia's eyes swept around: "It turns out that his previous attacks were all paving the way for this move. Now the Bone Purgatory I am in is a brand new world. If I can't break through, then It's just fighting against the dead bones of the whole world, how many dead bones are there?"

"I am afraid that the dead bones of the entire Blood River Valley can be mobilized, and as long as the dead bones that have been killed are not completely smashed, they can be condensed a second time!!" Hong Feng analyzed.

"Mr. Xia, it's time for us to come forward!!!" Old George reminded.

"That's right, without your help, it would be really difficult for me to fight against the power of the whole world!!" Xia Xia's body moved.

The six brothers of the Scarlet Seven Ghosts appeared directly beside him.

at the same time.

Sword Demon and Baichuan also appeared behind Xia Xia.


When Jin Hua saw these people, she also frowned: "Aren't they dead?"

Xia Tian glanced at Jinhua: "It always feels weird, but I can't tell!!"

"Summer, do you think that with a few more helpers, you can get out of the dead bone purgatory?" Jinhua asked.

"This is not a few helpers. The eight of them are all masters at the venerable level, and each of them is very powerful. With eight of them helping me, I don't have a chance!!!" Xia Tian directly said.

"Something's wrong!!" Hongfeng reminded.

"You also feel wrong!!!" Xia Xia felt it I can't tell, but I always feel that Jinhua's focus is wrong! ! " Hongfeng said.

"Forget it, ignore him first, find a way to break through here first, although the Soundless Heart Demon can stop Hua Butterfly for the time being, but it is impossible to solve Hua Butterfly, I have to break through and solve Jin Hua's body!! Xia Xia rushed out with the Tianhan Sword in hand.

"Cover for summer!!!" The other eight people also started to clean up those huge half-body skeletons around! !


Xia Xia raised the Tianhan Sword in his hand, and then his body turned into a frost giant.

"Break me!!!"

The cold glow of Tianhan Sword slashed directly to the sky.

At this moment, the sky seems to have turned blue.

"If you want to break through my withered bone purgatory, you are still far away!!!" onclick=\"hui\" (the best all-around master)

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