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Chapter 1524: he came

Endless blood color directly covered it.

The ultimate hit of summer.

directly blocked.

"It seems that he has been preparing here for at least 100,000 years!!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

The power here.

It is definitely not something that can be gathered in a short time.

It was after years and months of accumulation that such a terrifying formation could be brewed. This formation had been hidden before, but this time the Blood River Valley opened, and he brought many people here, fresh blood and souls, ignited again. Great array.

This is the real method for Jinhua to open the great formation.

"Mr. Xia, we will help you guard here, you can do whatever you want to break the formation!!!" Spirit Blood Venerable is also very admirable for Xia now.

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Just started seeing summer.

He was still very upset.

Thinking that summer is a vain name, and is not qualified to rank so high.

But after some time in the summer.

He has completely served summer.

It's only possible in summer here.

"Okay!!" Xia Xia actually has no way to do it now, but he is the core of everyone, and any word he says will affect the overall momentum of the team.

He has to give everyone confidence.

Everyone's life and death are in his hands.

"If it is the origin of the earth, you can try it!!" Hongfeng reminded.

"No, the origin of the earth can not be exposed, try not to expose it as much as possible, and now the origin of the earth is still one avatar that has not been gathered. If it is in a complete state, it should be similar, but if it is not gathered, it should be impossible to break open a world. space!!" Xia Xia shook his head.

Now use Origin of Earth.

On the one hand, it will be exposed; on the other hand, it will hardly succeed.

Now that the power of this withered bone purgatory is constantly flowing, it is a little difficult to break through a point.

"There is a way!!" Summer said.


Hongfeng didn't understand what summer meant.

"A large formation of this level is difficult to break from the inside, so you can try an attack from the outside!!" Xia Xia's hands pulled hard.

The Law of the Stars! !

meteor! ! !

The meteor this time was not a meteor summoned by summer, but a meteor from the blood-colored group. He used the origin of earth to communicate with the meteor, and then used the powerful law of stars.

Directly pulled a whole star over.

"What's going on?" Jinhua saw a huge star falling from the sky.

Also frowning.

"Not bad!!!" The silent heart demon was still a little anxious when he saw that Xia Xia was sealed, but now seeing Xia Xia's ability, a smile appeared on his face.


Hua Butterfly snorted heavily, and then wanted to chop up the stars in the sky.

at this time.

His body suddenly freezes there.

"Your opponent is me!!" Hei Xiaoying said coldly.


The silent heart demon directly cut off Hua Butterfly's arm and wanted to grab the ruthless sword back.

But Hua Butterfly's broken arm turned into thousands of butterflies, and directly pulled the Ruthless Sword to his other hand.

The arm was reborn: "If you want to grab the ruthless sword, you are still far behind."


The star that no one stopped, just fell from the sky and smashed onto the skeleton purgatory.

The huge impact force seemed to smash the blood-colored sky open.

puff! puff!

The withered bones below also hit the attack.

Crush the stars.

The attacks of these withered bones are also very strong, and they are huge in number, and the attacks they launch are also very powerful.

"Not once, just twice!!!" Xia Xia never thought of getting this dead bone purgatory once.

Another meteor fell from the sky.

Endless force smashed down.


This time.

The falling meteor was split in two.


Two to four, four to eight.

The huge meteor turned into tens of millions of pieces.

Although the number has increased, the power is much smaller than before.

The power was directly spread out.

It's nothing.

"Who?" Xia Tian looked at the sky.

Jinhua is now supporting the Withered Bone Purgatory with strength, and it is impossible for him to cut the meteor.

And this time.

There is a figure there.

"Little Fire Jade!!!" Xia Tian saw the man in the sky clearly.

It was none other than Xiao Huoyu.

"Big brother, it's Xiao Huoyu!!!" Spirit Blood Venerable hurriedly shouted.

"What?" When Old George heard that it was Xiao Huoyu, he also hurriedly looked at the sky.


at the same time.

An attack came down, knocking him straight into the air.

"Big brother!!" The other people were also very anxious, but in the same way, the surrounding attacks were also being shot down continuously. For a while, they suddenly became passive because of their carelessness.

Small fire jade now.

The body was wrapped in blood-colored light.

She is no longer alone.

But a **** weapon.

"She is burning her own life. If it goes on like this, she won't live long!!" Hongfeng reminded.

He has been observing the little fire jade above.

"You must find a way to break through here quickly. Only by breaking through here can you find a way to save her, otherwise, the Flower of Consciousness alone will not be able to save her!!" It can keep Xiaohuoyu's but it can't keep Xiaohuoyu's vitality.

If it burns like this.

Xiao Huoyu is dead.

"Mr. Xia, please, save Xiao Huoyu!!!" Old George hurriedly shouted.

Although he knew this day would come, he was also very anxious to see Xiao Huoyu, who was as close as a daughter, become like this.


Summer nodded.

at the same time!

His eyes looked to the sky.

The origin of the earth was instantly drawn to the star cluster in the blood-colored cluster.

at the same time.

The Law of the Stars also erupted.


This time he pulled down ten stars at one time.


With a loud shout, Xia Xian exhausted all his strength.

"No, the weight and control of ten stars has reached a terrifying level. This is no longer one plus one equals two, but each one will bring you a double burden." Hongfeng shouted hurriedly.


Blood flowed from the corners of Xia's mouth.

Bruises on his face.

The endless power seems to want to devour everything.

"No, you will die!!" Hongfeng shouted again.

Xia Xia also understands that in this case, the pressure he has to bear is very scary.

But he has no choice. The summons one by one will only be broken by Xiao Huoyu one by one. Only by summoning a few more at a time, Xiao Huoyu can't stop it and have a chance to break through this dead bone purgatory.


at this time.

The Withered Bones Purgatory suddenly loosened.

"Summer, do you need help?" A business message came in from outside.

When he heard this voice, a smile appeared on Xian Xian's face, and at the same time he let go of his hand, and a meteor fell from the sky: "Since he is here, that one is enough."

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