The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1525: 0 Chuan was killed

Meteor falls.

Caught Xiao Huoyu's attention.

"This big formation belongs to the big formation of the independent world, there is some trouble, I need to cooperate with me!!!" A voice came from outside.

This person is no one else.

It's a nightmare!

"What do you need me to do?" Summer asked.

"I'll give you a point, you use your strongest means to attack this point!!!" Nightmare shouted.

"Okay!!" Xia Xia was still very aware of Nightmare's ability.

That is the master of formation.

Any formation, Nightmare has a way. After this period of time, Nightmare's ability has improved again.


He is the one who appeared in the Ascension Pool with Xia Xia.

A ray of light appeared inside the formation.

"It's here!!" Xia Xia's eyes quickly locked on that point.

Central's finger!

Break everything!

Point out.

directly in the sky.



The whole world is like a piece of glass, shattering directly.

into a bubble.

Xia Xia didn't hesitate at all, rushed up quickly, and killed Xiao Huoyu directly.


Xiao Huoyu's attack hit Xia Xia, but was blocked by Hongfeng.

at the same time.

Xia Xia directly pulled out Xiao Huoyu's divine soul abruptly.

Fortunately, there is the flower of the sea of ​​knowledge.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for him to extract the soul of a normal person, a normal expert.

The body without the soul is frozen there.

"What?" Jin Hua was obviously very surprised. He didn't expect that his withered bone purgatory would be broken open, and Xia Tian could actually pull out Xiao Huoyu's soul directly.

But at the same time.

He also wanted to re-inject a soul into Xiao Huoyu's body.

"Big Brother!!" Everyone looked at Old George.


Old George sighed, his body flew up instantly, and flew directly in front of Xiao Huoyu.

one strike!

Pierced Xiao Huoyu's body.

He understands that at this time, he can only do it himself.

If he doesn't take action, a new soul is injected into Xiao Huoyu's body, then next, Xiao Huoyu's body will kill them, which will be a big trouble for them.

"Do you think this is the end? She is my latest work!!" Jin Hua scolded.

Bloody light.

Appeared from Xiao Huoyu's body.

Bloody cracks appeared on Xiao Huoyu's body.

"She's going to blow herself up, back off!!!" Nightmare shouted loudly.

Old George looked at Xiao Huoyu in front of him. Although Xiao Huoyu's spirit had been rescued by Xia Xia, it was Xiao Huoyu's body after all. He was about to destroy himself, so he could only watch.

Except for the silent heart demon and flower butterfly.

All the others backed away.

The two are also far apart.

"Run behind the formation!!" Nightmare reminded.


Xiao Huoyu's body was completely cracked.

The blood-colored light spread out.

"No, I can't stop my formation, please ask for more blessings!!" Nightmare took out a small ball, which directly wrapped him and the man beside him.


Hearing Nightmare's words, everyone also opened their Venerable Armor one after another.

They also understand.

Now is not the time for jokes.

If one is not careful, one could be seriously injured.

Being seriously injured at such a time is no different from being sent to death.


The power of the explosion hit.

The formations in front of them were shattered one by one.

Xia Xia originally wanted to bring everyone into everything, but it was too late.

Hongfeng protects the summer in the middle.

Boom! !

The explosion spreads.

Except for Nightmare, everyone else was swept away, and even the Soundless Inner Demon and Flower Butterfly in the distance were affected.

"It's terrifying!!" Xia Xia looked around. Just now, everything here was gone, and everything was destroyed. If Hongfeng hadn't protected him in the middle, he would have been seriously injured now.

Several other Venerables there.

Blood flowed from the corners of their mouths: "As expected of Jinhua, the power of the weapon he developed this time is actually aimed at Venerable."

"Your venerable armor is useless?" Xia Xia looked at everyone in confusion.

Although Xiao Huoyu's self-destruction power was terrifying just now, with the strength of these people, their Venerable Armor should still be able to block them, but now these people are all worthless.

"The self-destruction just now penetrated our venerable armor in an instant. Although the venerable armor is still functional, it has been greatly weakened. In order to avoid our venerable defense from being directly and meaninglessly broken, we all Put away the venerable armor and use other means to defend!!" Old George explained.

"So it is!!" Xia Xia also understood at this time.

This is the purpose of Jinhua's research on Xiaohuoyu.

This research is not only lethal, but also specifically aimed at experts at the venerable level. If his research can be successful, then his status in the Celestial Clan is definitely that of a scientific cultivator. first person.

Maybe there is a chance to become a priest in the future.

"It's unbelievable, this kind of destructive If it is released in the crowd, it will not be a problem to kill a million masters at once!!" Nightmare said with emotion.

Jin Hua shook her head when she saw this explosive force: "It's still a little short. If you're not too anxious, when she evolves into a complete body, the power of the explosion will definitely be different."

He was also a little regretful.


This has proven that his experiment was successful.

"This person can't be kept, it's too dangerous!!" Baichuan said with emotion.

a golden flower.

It can already be compared to an army of tens of billions.

If he could mass-produce Xiaohuoyu, it would be really terrifying.

Xia Xia's eyes also turned to Jinhua in front of him: "Jinhua, the next is a decisive battle!!!"

The six brothers of the Scarlet Seven Ghosts, Hei Xiaoying, and Baichuan, Nightmare and his friends stood behind Xia Xia.

They have made their point.

This is their choice.

They will stand behind Summer and support Summer.

"Decisive battle?" Jin Hua's eyes turned to Xia Tian in front of him: "Your performance really surprised me, but unfortunately you lost!!!"

Insert an app: a perfect reproduction of the old version of the book-chasing artifact, an app that can change the source--Mimi reading.

"Losing?" When Xia Xia heard these two words, he suddenly had a very bad feeling.

He felt it before.

where is wrong.


at this time.

Blood appears.

Bai Chuan glanced at his chest, and a sharp blade penetrated his chest and penetrated from behind him.

For a moment.

All the vitality in his body was destroyed.

"What!!" Although Xia Xia didn't look back, his perspective was three hundred and sixty degrees, and he saw the situation here for the first time.

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