The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1526: 1 Everything is at your fingertips

Just now everyone's attention was on the golden flower in front, and no one noticed behind them.

A person who has been standing behind Baichuan.

Sword ghost! !

Baichuan's brother.

"Senior Brother!!" Bai Chuan's face showed a painful expression.

The pain in the body is far less than the pain in the soul. For the sake of the Sword Ghost, he fought with everyone here, and walked here step by step. In the end, the Sword Ghost actually shot him.

"Junior Brother, you are my only relative in this world, and also my last bond. If I don't kill you, I can't be ruthless, and I can't control the ruthless sword!!!" Tears flowed from the corners of the sword ghost's eyes. .

"Is the ruthless sword really that important?" Baichuan's body gradually fell down.


The sword ghost drew back his sword: "You don't understand how I feel, I used to keep you behind me all the time, but now it's your turn to stand in front of me, I'm not happy, I even feel like I'm a waste , even for revenge, I have to rely on you to get revenge, and those people are looking down at me, all of this, I've had enough!!!"

He considers his life a failure.

Only by getting the ruthless sword can he change his failed life.

"Sword Ghost!!" Lao Liu instantly killed him.


The two attacks collided.

The sword ghost took a step back: "I have really sensed the power of the ruthless sword, that is the real power, that is called the real swordsman, it is the power of the sword god!!!"

His eyes were full of anticipation.

Summer stood there without speaking.

He felt something was wrong before.

Now he finally understands.

"When we rescued him from the ruthless sword before, we felt that there was a trace of a kind soul in his body. At that time, in fact, he had his own independent consciousness, but he deliberately Let your evil consciousness control your body!!" Hongfeng wanted Xia Xia to tell Baichuan the news.

But Xia Xia didn't tell Baichuan.

Because he didn't want Baichuan to know his brother's evil side.

He has always respected his brother very much.


In the summer, I want Baichuan to have the last trace of pure land in his heart.

"There is only one remnant of the soul left!!" Xia Xia looked at the Flower of Consciousness in the palm of his hand. If he hadn't left a Flower of Consciousness in Baichuan's soul ahead of time, then Baichuan would have completely disappeared. died.

But even so.

Baichuan is also almost dead.

I don't know how many years it will take to restore the remnant soul of Baichuan.

"Xia Xia, I said, you still lost, Baichuan is your good brother, right now you can't even protect your own brother, so what qualifications do you have to be my enemy?" Jinhua looked in front of her with disdain. summer.

He has not taken summer in his eyes since the beginning.

"I've always been curious why you always look confident, but now I finally understand, it turns out that you have a traitor beside me, in this case, all my actions are under your control!! "Xia Xia never dreamed that the sword ghost was actually a traitor.

"Traitor?" Jin Hua shook her head.

at this time.

Everyone saw it.

A world-destroying black lotus appeared on the sword ghost's forehead.

"It turns out that he is the fourth clone!!!" The Voiceless Heart Demon shouted loudly.

all the time.

Everyone only saw three clones.

One is the so-called body in front of them, the other is the butterfly, and the other is the little black warbler.

Now the black warbler has been resolved by summer.

Then there are two left, and their chances are even greater, but now, the last clone has actually appeared, and it is still a sword ghost.

"In the summer, his black lotus appeared, and my power was almost decomposed. If I continue to stay here, and I can't help you, then I will leave!!" Hei Xiaoying glanced at Xia Xia and said.

"Do you need me to help you separate the soul?" Xia Xia asked.

"No, after I find Tianlong, I will separate myself!!!" Hei Xiaoying's second spirit said.


Summer didn't say anything.

Baichuan died, his anger is still under control for the time being, he knows that he must not be angry casually, he must remain calm.

Now behind him, there are so many brothers.

If he loses his cool.

That's tantamount to kidding about the lives of these brothers.


Jian Gui came to Hua Butterfly, Hua Butterfly threw the ruthless sword in his hand to Jian Gui without hesitation, and when the ruthless sword fell into Jian Gui's hands, endless sword intent burst out instantly.

Substantial sword wind four.

Everyone backed away.

"Yes, that's the feeling, that's the feeling, this is the real ruthless sword!!!" Sword Demon's face showed an excited look.

He had been looking forward to it for so long, just waiting for this opportunity.

Now he holds the relentless sword.

The silent demon also rushed up for the first time: "Now is the only chance!!"

He is very clear.

Once the sword ghost and the ruthless sword are completely integrated, it will be impossible to defeat the sword ghost with the ruthless


A huge transparent ball flew towards the sword ghost.

This is the silent killer.


A sword!

The ruthless sword in the sword ghost's hand directly pierced the transparent ball.

Did not play any role.

Ha ha ha ha!

The sword ghost began to laugh wildly: "Junior brother, you died very well, did you see it? This is the power I have now!!!"

At this time, the momentum of his whole person.

A sea change has taken place.

Hua Butterfly walked behind the sword ghost and stabbed with a sword.


The body of the flower butterfly is divided into two: "What?"

According to the plan.

He should have directly killed the sword ghost when the sword ghost was most arrogant, but now, he was actually beheaded by the sword ghost.

"Don't think that I don't know what you want to do, relying on this black lotus, do you want to completely control me? Impossible!!!" The sword ghost has obviously taken the initiative now.

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And he had already guessed what Jin Hua wanted to do.


He strikes first!

at the same time.

His eyes turned to Jinhua: "Here, now I have the final say, not you!!"

He believes that he is the one who controls everything here, and he is the real king. No one can control him, including Jinhua. He has now entrusted Jinhua's control.

Golden Flower is no nonsense.

Instead, he lit the black lotus on his forehead: "Everything is in the plan!!"

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