The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1527: The **** of fire has arrived

Endless suction appeared in the ruthless sword.

"What?" Sword Demon wanted to resist.

But his body didn't obey at all.

The black lotus on his forehead pulled him into the ruthless sword.

that's it.

The sword ghost, who had not been rampant for a long time, died like this.

Nor can it be said to be death.

Instead, he became the soul of the ruthless sword.

He likes the ruthless sword so much and wants to obtain the power of the ruthless sword. Now he has succeeded. He and the ruthless sword are completely integrated, and they will be separated in this life.


Old George sighed: "Humanity is always so greedy, when he betrayed the world, the world also betrayed him!!"

Xia Tian glanced at Baichuan in the sea of ​​​​knowledge: "Your revenge has been avenged!!!"


The body of the last golden flower appeared beside the ruthless sword. His right hand stretched out, and the ruthless sword fell on his hand. At this time, around his body, there were blood-colored withered bones ten feet high. When the ruthless sword was held in his hand , also expanded tenfold.

Turned into a blood-colored long sword! !

"From the very beginning, all of you are all pieces on my chessboard. Although you are very active in dancing, you will not be able to jump off this chessboard after all!!" Jinhua is already the one who controls everything here.

Although his three clones are no longer there.

But now he holds it in his hand.

But the ruthless sword with the soul of the sword.

A true ruthless sword.

The power is completely different from before.

There is also the blood-colored bone armor around his body, which gives people a feeling that they cannot be broken.

Whether it's an attack.

Still defensive.

Are the most invincible existence.

"The universe is uncertain, you and I are both dark horses!!!" The Tianhan sword in Xia Xia's hand pointed directly at the golden flower in front of him.

He is not dead yet.

Then there is no end.

Looking at these corpses on the ground, he now also feels the lack of his own strength. After coming to Shenzhou, his strength has been greatly improved, but in the same way, no matter how strong his strength is, he is still unable to match the peak of this world. power balance.

Silent power.

The power of the relentless sword.

It is the highest power in this world.

at this time!

The silent heart demon came to Xia Xia's side: "The situation is not good!!!"

"I can see it!!" Xia Xia is not a fool, he can see the situation here naturally.

"His current ruthless sword is very powerful. Once it is hit, the probability of death is too great!!!" The voiceless inner demon reminded.

"Is there nothing you can do about your dignified and silent inner demon?" Xia Xia asked.

"Have you seen the crown on his head? That is the Scarlet Crown. Wearing this crown, his withered bone armor will continue to flow. It is almost impossible for us to attack his body, but if we can remove the Scarlet Crown If we take it down, then our chances will be greatly increased, if you can give me the blood-colored crown, then I will face him, it will be seven or three, I will be seven, he will be three!!!" The silent heart demon looked towards summer.

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He wanted this blood-colored crown even more.

Although the ruthless sword is very useful.

But the ruthless sword is an external force to him.

The blood-colored crown is the treasure that can let him unblock the soundless power! !

"Scarlet Crown!!!" Xia Xia looked at the golden flower in front of him, and he also rushed up.

Rush up with summer.

All the others followed suit.

this time.

They can only have a chance if they work together.


A shooting star fell from the sky.

"It's this trick again!!!" When Jin Hua saw Meteor, there was a look of disdain on her face.

He raised the ruthless sword in his hand high.

Thousands of blood-colored sword lights shot up into the sky.

The huge meteor shattered instantly.

turned into scum.

A whole piece of gravel is gone.

Most of them even turned into smoke.


Just as the smoke and dust fell, Xia Xia's right hand grabbed: "The source of soil!!"

at this moment!

He can no longer keep his hands, and if he has any ability, he must use it.

When he was shooting just now, he naturally understood that if a meteor fell, it would be impossible to defeat Jinhua, who was holding a ruthless sword, but he also understood that a person as proud as Jinhua would definitely smash the meteor.

This makes it easier for him to use the power of the source of the earth.

"It's now!!"

Countless smoke and rubble all flew towards Jinhua.

A sudden rubble.

Jinhua didn't even have a chance to react, so she was wrapped up in layers.

boom! boom! boom!


Jin Hua's huge body was wrapped in circles like this, and everything that the entire star shattered was wrapped around him.

at the same time!

Everyone also launched their strongest blow.

They are almost all Venerables.

The hits are also star-shattering blows.

So many powerful attacks to attack a sealed golden flower, which is equivalent to attacking a living target.


Included Fest Crush.

Jin Hua's body was also completely hit by Successful? "Lingxue Zun's eyes lit up.


at this time.

A sword light flew out and directly cut off an arm of the Spirit Blood Venerable: "If you want to kill me, you are still far away!!"

Jin Hua's ten-zhang body flew directly out of it.

Although everyone's attack left him with damage, it is obviously not very harmful. The golden flower with the blood-colored crown, whether it is in terms of attack, strength, defense, or speed, has been greatly improved. increase in magnitude.

Spirit Blood Venerable took one of the realm king pills that Xia Xia gave him, and then quickly recovered a new arm.

"I'm here to attack!!!" The Soundless Heart Demon flew up for the first time.

It flew directly in front of Jinhua.

A ball hit Jin Hua's body.

I want to break through the armor of the golden flower.


at this time.

Jin Hua's left hand condensed his fist, and directly knocked the voiceless heart demon's body into the air.

"The current voiceless heart demon, the overall strength has reached the level of Venerable's fifty-level, but because of his various special abilities and combat experience, even if he encounters a master of Venerable's eighty-level, he still has the strength to fight. But now that he encounters Jinhua, he is so vulnerable, his abilities in all aspects are completely suppressed, and his methods are completely useless here!!" Hongfeng analyzed.

Summer is also the beginning of a quick analysis of the current state of Jinhua.

at this time.

A voice came into his sea of ​​consciousness: "Master, I brought Caohuo Shen, he said he has a way to kill Jinhua, but he needs time and opportunity, Jinhua must be undefended, fixed at the apogee status!!"

"Okay!!" Xia Xia nodded slightly when she heard Shen Wu's words.

Although this condition is harsh.

But they finally had a goal.

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