The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1529: make a break

"Kill all of you, who else can stop me here?" Jinhua asked.

Although there are a lot of people here, he doesn't look down on those people at all. In his eyes, those people are just a mob, and they can't get into his eyes at all.

Really troublesome people.

These are the people in front of you.

"You're too naive, do you really think that when Wuyin is dead, that's what you can contend with?" Wuyin Heart Demon said coldly.

He is a silent demon.

So he knows better.

How strong was the silent sound back then.

"It seems that you are delaying time, but it is useless, even if you absorb all the power of the entire Blood River Valley, it is useless. For so many years, the reason why I have not opened the Blood River Valley is partly because I am preparing It's not enough. On the other hand, I have been diluting the blood energy in the Blood River Valley, so even if you absorb all the power in the Blood River Valley, your power limit is around the level of the 60th level of the Venerable. Although your means It can allow you to exert the strength of the 90th-level Venerable, but in the same way, when your means are useless, you can't even compare with a 50th-level Venerable!" Jin Hua knows too much. The strength of the voice heart demon.

these years.

He has always counted the Soundless Inner Demon into it.

"The realm is never the only one!" said the voiceless heart demon.

"That's right, you can still inherit Silent's powerful combat experience, but unfortunately, as long as you make one mistake, I can kill you!" Jin Hua's attack also hit the past.

The crowd hurriedly besieged!

Jinhua also saw the opportunity, taking advantage of the moment when the old sixth defense was slack.

Straight back to raid.


Old George has been guarding the sixth, and he also blocked Jinhua's attack in an instant. Although his body was washed away, the sixth also reacted.

Counterattack directly!

However, it was easily resolved by Jinhua.

"A group of rabble!" Jinhua also attacked the sixth one one after another. He had hidden his intentions before, but now, he doesn't hide it at all.

Constantly attack the sixth!

"Protect the sixth, he has to kill the sixth first!" Old George hurriedly shouted.


Xia Tian suddenly frowned, he still felt something was wrong, and he couldn't tell what was wrong.

"If Jinhua really wants to kill the sixth, he should be looking for opportunities instead of revealing his intentions so directly. In this case, it should be difficult to succeed. Of course, it may also be false and true, and false is true. The truth is false." What Hongfeng was worried about was that Jinhua deliberately made them think that she was going to attack the sixth, and then attacked others.

After all, Jinhua is a scheming person.

Although his strength has increased a lot now, what is truly terrifying about him is always his calculations.

Never underestimate the golden flower.


at this time.

The Spirit Blood Venerable, who was chasing after him, was instantly attacked by the golden flower.

However, Xia Xia had been prepared for a long time and blocked Jin Hua's surprise attack.

"Do you think that blocking each other's damage like this will be able to withstand my attack?" Jin Hua believes that although these people in front of him can temporarily resist him, their consumption will be very large.

After getting used to the ruthless sword, it will become stronger and stronger.

The opponent will become weaker and weaker.

So the final result will not change!

"Jinhua, our grievances should be settled!!" Spirit Blood Venerable rushed forward.

He is very brave.

over the years.

They cooperated with Jinhua and calculated each other, and today they were finally able to confront each other head-on.

Then today is their only chance to solve the golden flower.

Jinhua is a person who never leaves troubles in his actions, and will not let anyone know about his past, what he has done, and so on.

In his opinion.

Leaving anyone behind is trouble.

Those who know his past may know his weaknesses.

"If you die here, that is the most perfect ending. The people in the Hall of Fame are almost dead, and the secrets of the Scarlet Forest will be completely erased from Shenzhou!!" The ruthless sword in Jin Hua's hand swayed.

Jianmang repelled everyone.

"I understand. You killed the people in the Hall of Fame and the people in the Scarlet Forest to hide the secrets of the Scarlet Forest. The secrets of the Scarlet Forest should not be as simple as the Blood River Valley!!" Xia Xia's eyes died. She stared at the golden flower in front of her.

He wanted to see something from Jin Hua's micro-expression.

"You want to lie about me?" Jinhua obviously thought that Xia Xia was too funny.

He has been scheming for so many years.

How could it be calculated by others.

It will not give any trace of summer expression.

"Since you already think we are dead, why don't you dare to tell us? Could it be that your current strength won't last long, so you are worried that we will escape from here and leak the news?" Xia Xia asked again.

"Xiamen, put away your aggressive tactics, these are useless to me!" Jinhua seemed to see through Xia's thoughts.

He is a very shrewd man.

How can it be the fierce general method of mid-summer?


Xia Xia didn't use the aggressive method. UU read but wanted to see Jinhua's reaction, and now he has seen it.

"The secret of the Scarlet Forest should not be limited to the Blood River Valley!" said Hongfeng.


"Looks like you're trying to kill people!" Xia Xia let out several communication talismans.

"It's useless, Xia Xia, your messenger can't fly out!" Jin Hua scolded.

"In the summer, although the Blood River Valley is just an ordinary canyon on the surface, in fact, there is a voiceless ability shrouded here, and no communication talisman can be transmitted!!" The voiceless inner demon reminded.

"That is to say, other than killing him, we have nowhere to go, right!" Xia Xia asked.

"That's right, either we die or he dies, but it's not me who hit you. Judging from the current situation, we must die. If you want to live longer, you can choose to run away now, but he won the Scarlet Crown, no matter what. Wherever you fled, he can accurately locate your location." Soundless Heart Demon glanced at everyone in Xia Xia.

He told everyone the worst news.

The golden flower in front.

Not something they can contend with.

But whether they resisted, their results were the same.

"We've lived and run for so long, and now we don't want to run anymore." Old George looked at the golden flower in front of him: "Let's make a break here today!!"

It fell with the voice of old George.

Several of their brothers rushed up directly.

The corners of Jin Hua's mouth raised slightly: "Okay, old George, I will let you off today!!"


The blood-colored crown on his head shines brightly.

"No, back, everyone back!!" The voiceless inner demon shouted loudly.

But Old George and the others did not retreat.

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